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Improving Marine Recreational Fisheries Data

Improving Marine Recreational Fisheries Data. John Boreman, Ph.D. Office of Science and Technology National Marine Fisheries Service. Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee June 2007. Our Goal. Improve the collection, analysis, and use of recreational data. SO WHAT’S THE ISSUE?

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Improving Marine Recreational Fisheries Data

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  1. Improving Marine Recreational Fisheries Data John Boreman, Ph.D. Office of Science and Technology National Marine Fisheries Service Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee June 2007

  2. Our Goal Improve the collection, analysis, and use of recreational data SO WHAT’S THE ISSUE? Scientists, managers, and anglers lack confidence in the data and how it’s used in management.

  3. Timeline • April 2006: NRC Study released • Sept 2006: National Workshop on Information Priorities • Nov 2006: Regional constituent calls • Jan 2007: Magnuson-Stevens Reauthorization Act • Ongoing: Data mining and analyses

  4. Better Data is a Priority • The Magnuson-Stevens Reauthorization Act called for more accurate and precise fishing information. • New angler registry • Improve the Marine Recreational Fishery Statistics Survey (MRFSS)

  5. What’s Been Happening • Plan for upgrading data collection system released in January ’07 • Leadership and Work Groups being established • Assigning priorities • Involving partners and constituents

  6. Executive Steering Committee Fishery Management Councils • Kitty Simonds (WPFMC) • Miguel Rolon (CFMC) Interstate Commissions • Vince O’Shea (ASMFC) • Larry Simpson (GSMFC) • Randy Fisher (PSMFC) Federal Advisory Committee • Bob Fletcher (MAFAC) NOAA Fisheries • Doug Mecum (NMFS – AKRO) • Nancy Thompson (NMFS – NEFSC) • John Boreman (NMFS – ST, Chair) • Tom Gleason (NMFS – MB, Executive Secretary)

  7. Executive Steering Committee Operations Team Communications and Education Group Registry Group • Direct Public Involvement • MAFAC • Councils/Commissions • Website • Feedback Sessions

  8. Fishery Management Councils Paul Dalzell (WPFMC) Graciela García-Moliner (CFMC) Jason Didden (MAFMC) Interstate Commissions Dave Donaldson (GSMFC) Russ Porter (PSMFC) Megan Caldwell (ASMFC) Dick Brame (ASMFC/CCA) States Richard Cody (FL) Bob Clark (AK) Mike Armstrong (MA) Mark Fisher (TX) Federal Advisory Committee Rob Kramer (IGFA) NOAA Fisheries Gary Shepherd (NMFS – NEFSC) Guillermo Diaz (NMFS – SEFSC) Cindy Thomson (NMFS – SWFSC) Ron Salz (NMFS – ST) Rob Andrews (NMFS – ST, interim chair) Operations Team Membership

  9. Operations Team Progress • Regional and national priorities • Work Plan AGGRESSIVE SCHEDULE We’re aiming to have proposed design needs done by June 2008 so we can meet MSRA’s January 2009 deadline.

  10. Working Groups • Analysis • Design • Data Management and Standards • For-Hire • Highly Migratory Species OTHER GROUPS Other groups may be created as needs arise. Specifically, the angler registry will have its own work group.

  11. Analysis Work Group Address assumptions and potential sources of bias in current programs Priorities: • Evaluate whether estimation procedures match sample design • Develop studies to determine extent to which existing assumptions affect estimates • Non-coastal resident fishing • Private-access fishing • Night fishing • Tournament fishing • Develop studies to assess non-response error and measurement error

  12. Design Work Group Develop and test new data collection methodologies Priorities: • Develop methodologies for more efficient and representative collection of fishing effort data • Registry-based surveys • Dual-frame surveys • Panel surveys • Develop methodologies to provide better estimates of discarded catch • Develop methodologies to provide more detailed effort and biological data • Develop techniques for small-medium area estimation

  13. Data Management and Standards Work Group Ensure comparability and compatibility of data among regional programs Priorities: • Establish and document data standards • Establish and document field (interviewing) protocols • Compile metadata for current programs • Evaluate procedures for updating access-point sampling frames

  14. For-Hire Workgroup Focus on charter, guide, and head boat issues Priorities: • Will have elements of Design, Analysis, and Data Management Work Groups • Document existing for-hire data collection programs • Assess benefits and limitations of individual for-hire data collection programs • Address gaps in coverage of for-hire catch and effort sampling frames and assess potential bias • Design studies to integrate existing for-hire logbook and sampling programs • Develop for-hire methodology for Caribbean

  15. HMS Workgroup Focus on expanding data collection programs for highly migratory species Priorities: • Will have elements of Design, Analysis, and Data Management Work Groups • Review and evaluate current HMS data collection programs • Expand HMS data collection as required by management

  16. Building Public Confidence Final program needs the support of anglers, managers, and scientists. Involving anglers early and often • Website • Representation on Operations Team and working groups • MAFAC role • Council Advisory Panels • Regional listening and feedback sessions • Other ideas?

  17. Why Register Anglers? The Road to Better Data • A universe of saltwater anglers • More efficient surveys IN OTHER WORDS Instead of surveying everyone, we’d only call people who fish.

  18. National Registry Sec. 401(g) states: • Federal registry program required in each of the 8 FMC regions by January 2009 (no fees before January 2011) • Covers individuals fishing in the EEZ, for anadromous fish, or for Continental Shelf fishery resources beyond the EEZ • If appropriate, the registration (including ownership, operator, and vessel ID) of vessels used in such fishing • Exempts states with programs that already collect needed information

  19. Fishing Counts What Info Would Be Collected? • State of registration • Angler name • Date of birth • Mailing address of permanent residence • County of permanent residence • Phone number • Category of registration (if applicable) • Effective dates of registration IN OTHER WORDS Just enough info to contact an angler.

  20. We Need Your Help • How will the registry program work? • One registration fits all? • Electronic or paper application? • How will exemptions to state licenses be handled? • License requirements need to be changed? • Registry only for exempted categories? • Data Management • Distributed system (ACCSP, PacFin, RecFin, etc.) or national system? • Angler Support

  21. Please Stay Involved Visit us on the web at: http://www.st.nmfs.noaa.gov/

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