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Using XPSDrv Print Drivers To Extend Windows Print Functionality. Feng Yuan Technical Lead – Development Digital Documents Platform and Solutions. Agenda. Filter Pipeline Extensibility Extensibility Scenarios Advanced Color Configuration Notifications Sample Filter Walkthroughs.
Using XPSDrv Print Drivers To Extend Windows Print Functionality Feng YuanTechnical Lead – DevelopmentDigital Documents Platform and Solutions
Agenda • Filter Pipeline Extensibility • Extensibility Scenarios • Advanced Color • Configuration • Notifications • Sample Filter Walkthroughs Assumes familiarity with XPSDrv architecture and interfaces
Filter Pipeline Extensibility • The filter pipeline is designed for modular and extensible IHV/ISV implementations • Primary extensibility points • Generic filters • Configuration DLL • New DrvDocumentEvents events • PrintTicket control • Filter service publishing • Notification • Custom Inter Filter Communicators (IFC)
Windows Photo Gallery prints Windows Media Photo image to XPSDrv print driver for 8-color inkjet photo printer Scenario: Advanced Color
Scenario: Advanced Color • XPS Documents support high dynamic range, wide gamut vector and image content • Using system services, filters can process rich color data to best match printed output to user intent and device capabilities • Windows Color System (WCS) – Enables extensive color conversion • Windows Imaging Components (WIC) – Image format support for Windows Media Photo and other XPS image formats • PrintTicket – Supports an array of color processing keywords to enable consistent and unambiguous color control between app and device
Scenario: Advanced Color Data Flow • Windows Photo Gallery allows user selection of print settings • MXDW driver encapsulates Windows Media Photo image and print settings (as PrintTicket) in XPS Document • Filter process XPS file, decoding/transforming image, saving image to JPG format
Color Filter: Main Method HRESULT CColorFilter::StartOperation(void) { HRESULT hr =SetupColorTransform(L“wsRGB.cdmp"); CComPtr<IUnknown> pUnk; while (SUCCEEDED(hr = m_pProvider->GetXpsPart(&pUnk))) { CComPtr<IXpsDocument> pXD; CComPtr<IFixedPage> pFP; if (SUCCEEDED(pUnk.QueryInterface(&pXD))) { hr = m_pConsumer->SendXpsDocument(pXD); } else if ... else if (SUCCEEDED(pUnk.QueryInterface(&pFP))) { hr = ProcessFixedPage(pFP); hr = m_pConsumer->SendFixedPage(pFP); } } m_pConsumer->CloseSender(); m_pPrintPipeManager->FilterFinished(); DeleteColorTransform(m_hColorTrans); return hr; }
Color Filter: Setup Transformation HPROFILE OpenColorProfile(const WCHAR * pszProfileName) { PROFILE profile = {PROFILE_FILENAME, (PVOID) pszProfileName, (DWORD) (wcslen(pszProfileName) * sizeof(WCHAR)) }; returnWcsOpenColorProfile(&profile, NULL, NULL, PROFILE_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, OPEN_EXISTING, 0); } HRESULT SetupColorTransform(const WCHAR * pszDestProfileName) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;HPROFILE hProfile[2]; hProfile[0] = OpenColorProfile(L"wscRGB.cdmp"); hProfile[1] = OpenColorProfile(pszDestProfileName); DWORD intents = INTENT_ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC; m_hColorTrans =CreateMultiProfileTransform(hProfile, 2, &intents, 1, WCS_ALWAYS | BEST_MODE, INDEX_DONT_CARE); CloseColorProfile(hProfile[0]); CloseColorProfile(hProfile[1]); return hr; }
Color Filter: Page Processing HRESULT CColorFilter::ProcessFixedPage(IFixedPage* pFP) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr<IPrintWriteStream> pWriter; if (SUCCEEDED(hr = pFP->GetWriteStream(&pWriter))) { CComPtr<IPrintReadStream> pReader; if (SUCCEEDED(hr = pFP->GetStream(&pReader))) { CXmlFilter filter(pWriter, pReader);// XML filter while (filter.GetToken()) if (wcscmp(filter.m_token, L"ImageSource") == 0) { filter.GetToken(); // = filter.GetToken(); // URI for ImageSource ConvertImage(filter.m_token, filter.m_tokenlen, COUNTOF(filter.m_token), pFP); } } } pWriter->Close(); } return hr; }
Color Filter: Transform Image HRESULT ConvertWriteImage(pStream, imageUri, pFixedPage) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr<IUnknown> pRead; CComPtr<IPartImage> pImagePart; CComPtr<IPrintReadStream> pImageStream; if (SUCCEEDED(hr =pFixedPage->GetPagePart(imageUri, &pRead)) && SUCCEEDED(hr = pRead.QueryInterface(&pImagePart)) && SUCCEEDED(hr =pImagePart->GetStream(&pImageStream))) { CImage src;CImage dst; CPrintStream2IStream readStream(pImageStream, NULL); hr=src.Load(& readStream, m_pImagingFactory); hr=dst.Create(src.m_Width,src.m_Height,BM_BGRTRIPLETS); TranslateBitmapBits(m_hColorTrans, src.m_pBuffer, src.m_icmFormat, src.m_Width, src.m_Height, src.m_Stride, dst.m_pBuffer, dst.m_icmFormat, dst.m_Stride, NULL, NULL); CPrintStream2IStream writeStream(NULL, pStream); hr =dst.Save(& writeStream, m_pImagingFactory); } return hr; }
During printing, XPSDrv configuration module optimizes PrintTicket settings and provides additional services to XPSDrv filters Scenario: Configuration
Scenario: Configuration • The XPSDrv architecture supports the ability to customize the configuration data and offer additional configuration services • DrvDocumentEvents – Using new document events, XPSDrv configuration modules can pre-process PrintTicket setting sent by Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) applications • Filter Services – The configuration module can publish helper services for use at print time by filters
Scenario: Configuration • Example Data Flow • User prints from a WPF application • DocumentEvents are intercepted by the configuration module and PrintTickets are added or modified • When filters are processing the XPS file, the filter queries a configuration service to assist in constraint resolution
Configuration Module DOCEVENT_FILTER * p = (DOCEVENT_FILTER*) pvOut; switch (iEsc){ caseDOCUMENTEVENT_XPS_QUERYFILTER: if (p->cElementsAllocated >= 7) { p->aDocEventCall[0] = DOCUMENTEVENT_XPS_ADDFIXEDDOCUMENTSEQUENCEPRINTTICKETPRE; p->aDocEventCall[1] = DOCUMENTEVENT_XPS_ADDFIXEDDOCUMENTSEQUENCEPRINTTICKETPOST; ... p->cElementsReturned = 7; }else { p->cElementsNeeded = 7;} break; caseDOCUMENTEVENT_XPS_ADDFIXEDDOCUMENTSEQUENCEPRINTTICKETPRE: *((PrintPropertiesCollection **) pvOut) = ReplacePT((PrintPropertiesCollection *) pvIn); break; caseDOCUMENTEVENT_XPS_ADDFIXEDDOCUMENTSEQUENCEPRINTTICKETPOST: DeleteCollection(*((PrintPropertiesCollection **) pvIn)); break; }
Configuration Filter HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE StartOperation(VOID) { HRESULT hr; CComPtr<IPartPrintTicket> pPrintTicket; while (SUCCEEDED(hr = m_pProvider->GetXpsPart(&pUnk)) { CComPtr<IXpsDocument> pXD; CComPtr<IFixedDocumentSequence> pFDS; if (SUCCEEDED(pUnk.QueryInterface(&pXD))) { hr = m_pConsumer->SendXpsDocument(pXD); } else if (SUCCEEDED(pUnk.QueryInterface(&pFDS))) { if (pPrintTicket == NULL) { pFDS->GetPrintTicket(& pPrintTicket); } hr = m_pConsumer->SendFixedDocumentSequence(pFDS); } ... } AddPage(pPrintTicket); ... return hr; }
Configuration Filter HRESULT CConfigurationFilter::AddPage(IPartPrintTicket * pPrintTicket) { CComPtr<IFixedPage> pNewPage; CComPtr<IPrintWriteStream> pNewPageMarkupStream; CComPtr<IPartFont> pNewFont; CComPtr<IPrintWriteStream> pNewFontStream; m_pConsumer->GetNewEmptyPart(L"newpage.xaml", IID_IFixedPage, reinterpret_cast<void **>(&pNewPage), &pNewPageMarkupStream); m_pConsumer->GetNewEmptyPart(L"new.ttf", IID_IPartFont, reinterpret_cast<void **>(&pNewFont), &pNewFontStream); AddFontToPage(L"new.ttf", pNewFont, pNewFontStream, pNewPage); CComPtr<IPrintReadStream> ptStream; pPrintTicket->GetStream(& ptStream); AddTextToPage(pNewPageMarkupStream, ptStream, m_pCoreHelper,"new.ttf"); return S_OK; }
Configuration Filter HRESULT AddTextToPage(IPrintWriteStream *pPageMarkupStream, IPrintReadStream * ptStream, IPrintCoreHelperUni * pPrintHelper, const char * pFont) { CXpsWriter writer(pPageMarkupStream); writer.Write("<FixedPage Width=\"816\" Height=\"1056\" xmlns=" "\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/xps/2005/06\" xml:lang=\"en-US\">"); { CPrintTicketSaxHandler sax(writer, pFont, black); CComPtr<ISAXXMLReader> pSaxRdr; pSaxRdr.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SAXXMLReader60); pSaxRdr->putContentHandler(& sax); pfp::PrintReadStreamToSeqStream reader(ptStream); pSaxRdr->parse(CComVariant(& reader)); } { CComPtr<IStream> pStream; pPrintHelper->CreateDefaultGDLSnapshot(0, & pStream); CGDLSaxHandler sax(writer, pFont, black); CComPtr<ISAXXMLReader> pSaxRdr; pSaxRdr.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SAXXMLReader60); pSaxRdr->putContentHandler(& sax); pSaxRdr->parse(CComVariant(pStream); } return writer.Write("</FixedPage>"); }
While processing a print job, a filter sends async notifications to a custom status monitor Scenario: Notifications
Scenario: Notifications • The hierarchy of XPS Documents and the modular nature of XPSDrv filters facilitate incremental process that can be communicated using system services • Async Notification – The Windows Vista spooler includes an async notificationengine for communication and UI messages • XPS IFC – The structured nature of theXPS Document and the XPS Inter-filter Communicator identify key steps in document processing
Scenario: Notifications • Example Data Flow • As an XPS Document is rendered in filters, rendering progress is communicated through notification events dispatched by the filter
Notification Filter STDMETHODIMPXpsFilter::InitializeFilter( __in IInterFilterCommunicator *pIfc, __in IPrintPipelinePropertyBag *pIPropertyBag, __in IPrintPipelineManagerControl *pIPipelineControl ) { ... VARIANT var; VariantInit(&var); pIPropertyBag->GetProperty(XPS_FP_PROGRESS_REPORT, &var); Tools::SmartPtr<IUnknown> pUnk = V_UNKNOWN(&var); VariantClear(&var); pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IPrintPipelineProgressReport, reinterpret_cast<void **>(&m_pProgressReport)); ... }
Notification Filter HRESULTXpsFilter::ProcessFixedDoc(__in void *pVoid) { Tools::SmartPtr<IFixedDocument> pIFixedDocument; pIFixedDocument.Attach(static_cast<IFixedDocument *>(pVoid)); HRESULT hRes = m_pXpsConsumer->SendFixedDocument(pIFixedDocument); if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) { m_pProgressReport->ReportProgress(XpsJob_FixedDocumentAdded); } return hRes; } HRESULTXpsFilter::ProcessFixedPage(__in void *pVoid) { Tools::SmartPtr<IFixedPage> pIFixedPage; pIFixedPage.Attach(static_cast<IFixedPage *>(pVoid)); HRESULT hRes = m_pXpsConsumer->SendFixedPage(pIFixedPage); if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) { m_pProgressReport->ReportProgress(XpsJob_FixedPageAdded); } return hRes; }
Call To Action • Test for compatibility now! • Test the GDI Print Path, XPS Print Pathand compatibility paths • Report problems immediately • Plan for XPSDrv support • Host-based printers • Pass-through XPSDrv drivers for XPS-capable devices (direct consumption) • Start implementation now • Aim for Windows Vista launch availability
Call To Action • Understand your company logo goals and review new logo requirements • Basic and Premium • At WinHEC • Practice driver dev and testing skills in XPS Printing hands on labs • Ask the Experts at lunch today • Visit the Microsoft Pavilion to see XPS demos • Read XPSDrv Print Drivers and the Windows Color System on http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/device/print/default.mspx • Attend related sessions • PRI050 Inside Printer Installation on Windows Vista • PRI039 Using the Windows Color System in Device Drivers • PRI077 Print Driver and XPSDrv Testing in Windows Vista • PRI019 Developing XPSDrv Print Drivers • PRI115 Windows Media Photo: A New Format for End-to-End Digital Imaging
Additional Resources • Technical advice • WDK and SDK • Online • XPS Portal http://www.microsoft.com/xps, links to relevant blogs, white papers, specs • WHDC Printing documents http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/device/print/default.mspx • WHDC Color documentshttp://www.microsoft.com/whdc/device/display/color/default.mspx • Windows Digital Documents Platform Team Newsletter https://profile.microsoft.com/RegSysProfileCenter/subscriptionwizard.aspx?wizid=77d9786e-9500-40a4-ba20-a4c7504d83ca&lcid=1033 XPSinfo @ microsoft.com Prninfo @ microsoft.com mscolor @ microsoft.com
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