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What are the third party integration plugins for revive ad server?

Here, let me list out the five important plugins which are very important while we do the integration in the revive ad server. Let’s get started:

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What are the third party integration plugins for revive ad server?

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  1. Third party integration plugins for revive ad server https://www.reviveadservermod.com/

  2. Here, let me list out the five important plugins which are very important while we do the integration in the revive ad server. Let’s get started: SSP Plugin (OpenRTB API) This plugin for revive ad server is specifically used to display the ads from ad exchange. With the standard IAB format, it supports the mobile, display and video ads. https://www.reviveadservermod.com/

  3. https://www.reviveadservermod.com/

  4. Supply Side Platform: Let’s have a quick look on what is SSP? SSP can be expanded as Supply Side Platform which is used by many publishers to create a advertising space. The supply side platform is offered by many companies since it has been related to inventory management services. SSP allows the users to access programmatic selling in ad exchange and it also provides optimization in ad revenue and ad selling costs. By using the SSP in ad inventory, the publisher can able to sell the impressions at a highest bid rate and can access a wide range of advertisers in the network

  5. What are the benefits of OpenRTB? • The plugin offers cost effective bidding for the buyers. • The publisher can get the highest CPM rate with the help of this plugin. • If the system already has OpenRTB setup, it can be easily integrated with SSP or DSP plugin. • The ad formats which are supported by this plugin are video, display and mobile ads. https://www.reviveadservermod.com/

  6. https://www.reviveadservermod.com/

  7. What are the characteristics of this plugin? • This plugin connects multiple RTB buyers into the network; • This plugin distinguishes the request and response of ad server and RTB buyers; • Since the plugin in fully object oriented, it can support display, video and mobile ads; • The plugin follows RTB bidding methodologies with first or second bid auction; • The plugin synchronizes ad server and RTB buyers with win notification; • The plugin follows OpenRTB and IAB standards; the version followed by the plugin is 2.1 and 2.2. https://www.reviveadservermod.com/

  8. Smaato SSP integration plugin: • It is an integrated mobile advertising platform for advertisers and publishers. • When this plugin got installed, it will send the request to the server and this request has requirements for the advertisement. • A sample ad request may contain a requirement for the ad category, bid amount, ad specifications, targeting features and other ad requirements. • The server will analyse the request and send a appropriate response to Smaato. https://www.reviveadservermod.com/

  9. The plugin sends the response in 300ms and all the received responses will undergo Smaato bidding process. • In this bidding process, Smaato verifies the advertisement and selects the ad with the highest bid rate for advertising. • When the advertiser ad got placed on a website, the plugin sends a bid win notice to revive ad server or it sends a bid loss report. • All bid win and loss notices will be stored in the statistical report. To enable the bidding process, the system should possess an SSP plugin. https://www.reviveadservermod.com/

  10. Axonix integration: • This plugin is a mobile advertising platform for the advertisers and publishers. • The Axonix sends the ad request to the server and the particular request has ad criteria like bid amount, targeting options, ad specifications, ad categories and other requirements. • When the request got received by the server, the plugin sends relevant ad response to Axonix. • All the received responses of Axonix will be handled by the RTB bidding process. https://www.reviveadservermod.com/

  11. The response with highest bid rate will be selected for the bidding process of Axonix and publishes the advertisement in applications and in mobile websites. • If the advertisement is published on the internet, the server either receives bid win notice or bid loss status. • To get on to the Axonix integration plugin the revive ad server must possess a DSP plugin. https://www.reviveadservermod.com/

  12. What are the characteristic features of Axonix plugin? • Statistical report: • The clicks and the impressions of advertisements are stored in the reports. • The bid win amount, status of ad responses, number of ad requests are stored in the separate report. • The reports are maintained individually for revive ad server and for the plugin. https://www.reviveadservermod.com/

  13. Targeting options: • There are some useful targeting options are also available in Axonix integration plugins; they are as follows: • Age targeting; • Gender targeting; • OS targeting; • Mobile device targeting; • Domain targeting; • And Geo targeting. https://www.reviveadservermod.com/

  14. Benefits: • This plugin can advertise the ads of internal mobile advertisers to global mobile websites and applications. • It facilitates the advertiser to earn more revenue out of their advertisement. https://www.reviveadservermod.com/

  15. DSP plugin for revive ad server: • It is used to purchase mobile, online video and display advertisements from worldwide publisher websites. • The plugin connects the advertisers with the ad exchange platform where the publisher sells the ad inventories. • It benefits the users by providing ad placement and automated ad pricing. • The benefits of DSP are the price of the inventory which is selected automatically and the ad placement will occur without the manual interference. https://www.reviveadservermod.com/

  16. DSP provides a separate platform for overall ad management operations which provides account management features for various ad agencies that grants the wide access to numerous ad inventories of the publisher available in the ad exchange. • The DSP plugin allows the users to choose the desired ad inventory and targets the customers using the available targeting options.

  17. The ad inventories are purchased using real time bidding process for the better ad placement, accurate pricing and ad optimization. • This plugin will select the inventory which is based on the ad requirement and provides the access to the broad range of ad exchanges. • This plugin provides the real time bidding and the automated trading for the ad campaigns; • This feature can meet all the requirements in campaign management process; • This plugin may offer efficient ad tracking and inventory bidding for the users. • The ads which are selected in the bidding process will be placed in real time on publisher’s websites. https://www.reviveadservermod.com/

  18. Click tracking of third party ad tag by using macro plugin: • It is used to track the clicks of third party ad tags in the revive ad server with the support of macro. • In the third party ad tag, macro enables the process of click tracking and the revive ad server would replace the macro click with the revive click URL for tracking the clicks in the third party server and in revive. https://www.reviveadservermod.com/

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