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About This Lesson. BackgroundBusiness Objects training (108, 5i) covers the toolUsers also need to know how data is structured in the Data Warehouse and how it can be accessedCoveredBusiness Objects UniversesSample reportsData modelsQ
2. About This Lesson Background
Business Objects training (108, 5i) covers the tool
Users also need to know how data is structured in the Data Warehouse and how it can be accessed
Business Objects Universes
Sample reports
Data models
Not Covered
Using the Business Objects tools
InfoView, WebIntelligence, Business Objects 5i
Operational processes and using Banner
UI-Integrate published reports and letters
3. Agenda Accessing the Data
Data Warehouse Environment
EDW Model Walkthrough
Business Objects Universes
Data Groupings
4. Accessing the Data Business Objects Universes
WebIntelligence and 5i access data through Universes
Provides a layer of business logic over the database
Graphic representation of database tables and columns using business names; includes object definitions
Drag and drop objects onto reports
Business Objects tools are supported by Decision Support
Direct Access
Connect using other tools (e.g. SAS/PC, Crystal Reports)
Direct access to database tables (via security views)
Can be more complex to use
Other tools are not supported by Decision Support
Requesting Access
Users will request access through USCs
Decision Support does not decide who gets access
5. Data Warehouse Environment Data Marts
Designed for particular use
Subset of data
Combines data in simpler structure
Apply business rules
Fast and easy to use
Slice and dice counts
6. EDW Model Walkthrough
7. EDW Model Walkthrough EDW Model Overview
General Person
History tracking: effective date, current info indicator
Aid application
Needs analysis
Applicant Status (RORSTAT): contribution, need
Budget Components
Financial aid funds and awards
Fund and balance info
Awards and Awards by term
Disbursement schedule
Loan application and processing
Loan application, loan disbursement, prom note
Loan certification
Lender data
Direct loan account statement
8. EDW Model Walkthrough EDW Model Overview
Satisfactory Academic Progress
User defined fields
Banner: 1 record per person (per yr), 200+ columns
EDW: 1 record per person per UDF (per yr), 10 columns
Student employment
Financial Aid holds
Only contains Financial Aid holds, not other types
General Student
Effective term based, not a record for every term
Multiple ‘active’ records, depends on point in time
History tracking: effective date, current info indicator
Student Registered Hours
Financial Aid Enrollment
9. EDW Model Walkthrough Year-based vs. Term-based records
Aid application
Needs analysis
Funds and awards
Disbursement (has term attribute)
User Defined Fields
Financial Aid holds
Student Employment
Loan info
Financial Aid Enrollment and Student Registered Hours
General Person
10. EDW Model Walkthrough General Student record
Effective term based (not a record for every term)
Effective Term in record is starting term for range of terms
Effective Date may be misleading
Current Info Indicator needed to identify active record for the term range
Implications for queries
Duplicate rows possible
Conditions are essential for accurate results
Business rules must be built into query or report
Term and Year need to be specified
General Student records
Need business rules to match appropriate General Student record to Financial Aid records
For term info: max (eff term <= aid term)
For year info: max (eff term <= ROBINST eff term)
EDW vs. data mart
EDW must be flexible to support many different type of reporting
Business rules to map student to FA built into Awards data mart
11. EDW Model Walkthrough Timing Examples
Student History
Awards by Year
Which General Student record to use?
12. EDW Model Walkthrough Timing Examples
Student History
Awards by Year
Which General Student record to use?
For 0203: Max (Eff Term <= Fall 02) = Fall 02, so Major used will be FIN
13. EDW Model Walkthrough Timing Examples
Student History
Awards by Year
Which General Student record to use?
For 0203: Max (Eff Term <= Fall 02) = Fall 02, so Major used will be FIN
For 0304: Max (Eff Term <= Fall 03) = Fall 02, so Major used will be FIN
14. EDW Model Walkthrough Timing Examples
Student History
Awards by Year
Which General Student record to use?
For 0203: Max (Eff Term <= Fall 02) = Fall 02, so Major used will be FIN
For 0304: Max (Eff Term <= Fall 03) = Fall 02, so Major used will be FIN
For 0405: Max (Eff Term <= Fall 04) = Fall 04, so Major used will be ECON
15. Business Objects Universes EDW – Financial Aid Office Ad hoc
Detailed ad hoc reporting/analysis of all Financial Aid data in EDW
Accessible to Financial Aid Offices and IR only
Maps EDW structure: high flexibility = highly complexity
Does not resolve association of General Student to Financial Aid records for a year or term
Only current records for General Student (per term range)
Basic General Person and General Student
Aid application and needs analysis
Financial aid funds and awards (including disbursement)
Loan application and processing
Satisfactory Academic Progress
User defined fields
Student employment
Financial Aid holds
Not included:
Change history of General Student record
Mapping of Budget Components to Budget Groups
16. Business Objects Universes Things to know
Click the “+” on code objects to get descriptions
Count objects
Count (*): counts all records in query (e.g. # of awards)
Headcount: distinct person count (EDW_PERS_ID)
Fund Code ‘list of values’ (LOV)
For Conditions on Fund Code, selecting LOV prompts for Fund Source to narrow list
Avoiding duplicate rows
Issue when combining data with different time basis
Report parameter: “Avoid duplicate rows aggregation”
Can hide rows you want (e.g. multiple award rows)
Can hide rows you don’t want
What time object to use?
Applicant year code
Student Effective term
17. Business Objects Universes How to get the “max (term <= target term)”?
‘Max term’ and ‘<= target term’ can be used independently
To combine, have to use workaround
Add Condition on Student Effective Term
Use “In list” operator
Use “Calculation” operand
Select an Object: Student Effective Term
Select a Function: Maximum
Define the Level of Calculation: Globally
Synchronize your Calculation: For each value of one or more objects (use EDW_PERS_ID, not UIN)
Set the Number of Values to Compare: All values
Modify report SQL
Add line to final Where clause:
and edw.t_student_hist.term_cd_eff <= ‘<term>’
Check the “Do not generate SQL before running” checkbox
18. Data Groupings Fund Type
Discretional Tuition Waiver, Discretionary Fee Waiver, Fee Waiver, Grant, Loan, Scholarship, Statutory Fee Waiver, Statutory Tuition Waiver, Tuition Waiver, Work
Fund Source
Federal, State, Institutional, Departmental, Other
Student Type
Student Type Group: Beginning, Transfer, Readmit
Citizenship Type Group: Domestic, International
Racial Ethnic
Racial Ethnic Group: Minority, Other
Racial Ethnic Reporting Group: Group A, Group B
Student Level
Level Group: Credit, Non-credit
Level Credit Group: Degree, Non-degree
Level Degree Group: Undergrad, Graduate-Professional
Graduate/Professional Group: Graduate, Professional
19. Data Groupings Residency
In-State Indicator: Y/N
In-State Tuition Indicator? Y/N
Residency Group: being reviewed
Report Examples
20. Metadata Logical Data Model
High-level business view of the data
Shows the actual tables and views with business names
Useful for determining what data is available.
Physical Data Model
Actual representation of physical tables and views in database
Actual physical table names are used
Key reference when writing queries directly against the database
Data Dictionary
Definitions for all of the tables in the Warehouse
Includes column names and descriptions, table keys, valid values
Useful for finding out more about specific table or column
Source-to-Target Mappings
Show each table and column in EDW and indicate the table and column in the source system
Show source in the EDW for data mart tables and columns
Uses physical table and column
Useful for tracking data back to the source
21. Metadata Usage Notes
Background about the environment and general info
Refresh rates
Table joins
Change history tracking
How deleted data is handled
Use of indexes in the EDW
Data access summary
Data groupings
22. Contacts AITS Help Desk:
Chicago: (312) 996-4806
Urbana: (217) 333-3102
Springfield: (217) 333-3102
DS Website:
23. Q&A Questions?