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Chapter Eleven . Toward a Tobacco-Free Society. Tobacco Use in American Society. Over the past 4 decades, the proportion of cigarette smoking among adults in the United States has dropped 30% Almost every state now restricts smoking in public places
Chapter Eleven Toward a Tobacco-Free Society
Tobacco Use in American Society • Over the past 4 decades, the proportion of cigarette smoking among adults in the United States has dropped 30% • Almost every state now restricts smoking in public places • The U. S. Surgeon General has proposed that America become completely smoke-free
Why People Use Tobacco • Nicotine Addiction • Modulator of everyday emotions • Loss of Control • 3 of 4 smokers find they cannot quit, which is more difficult for smokeless users • Build up of Tolerance • Same effects build up over time, needing more cigarette to maintain the same original effects, which create dependence • Social and Psychological Factors • Habits are formed via ‘secondary reinforcers’ which keep the user dependent upon tobacco • Genetic Factors • CYP2A6 enzyme can create more activity for tobacco use
A parent or sibling uses tobacco Peers use tobacco The child comes from a blue collar family The family is headed by a single parent The child comes from a low income home The child performs poorly in school The child drops out of school The child has positive attitudes about tobacco use Who Uses Tobacco? Research shows that children are vulnerable to smoking based upon the following
Other Demographic Factors Influencing Tobacco Use • Gender • Age groups • Region of the country • Education level • Ethnicity
The Source of Physiologically Active Compounds • Particulate phase (small particle compounds) • nicotine • water • tar (phenol, cresol, benzo pyrene, DDT) Many of these chemicals are considered carcinogens
Sources of Physiologically Active Compounds, cont’d • Gaseous phase (gas compounds) • carbon monoxide (CO) • carbon dioxide, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, isopyrene, acetone, etc. Many of these chemicals are considered carcinogens
Acute Effects of Smoking • The effects of nicotine is dependent upon the smoker’s tolerance and previous consumption level • Once the cerebral cortex has been stimulated, arousal of nicotine allows norepinephrine, dopamine, acetylcholine, serotonin release • CNS is depressed within the brain which stimulates areas within the heart, lungs, blood flow
Relationship Between Cigarette Smoking and the Following Conditions • Cardiovascular Disease and Carbon Monoxide • Impairment of oxygen transport • Cardiovascular Disease and Nicotine • Myocardial infarction risk • Sudden cardiac death risk • Development of Angina Pectoralis • Increase of Platelet Adhesiveness
Relationship Between Cigarette Smoking and the Following Conditions, cont. • Cancers • Lung • Mouth • Throat * Evidence suggests that after one year without smoking, the risk of lung cancer decreases substantially
What are COLD’s? • Chronic Bronchitis (inflammation/infection of air passageways) • Pulmonary Emphysema (destruction of the alveoli) • Cilia destruction (hair-like projections which assist mucus movement) Chronic Obstructive Lung Disorders
Lung disease Cancer risk Heart disease Peripheral Vascular disease Skin changes Orthopedic problems Rheumatologic problems Male Infertility Depression Neurological disorders Endocrine system problems GI tract diseases Immune system Oral Health Complications in OB/GYN Selected Health Concerns from Cigarette Smoking
Other Forms of Tobacco Products • Smokeless Tobacco • Cigars and Pipes • Clove Cigarettes and Bidis
Second-hand Smoke • Mainstream (smoke exhaled by smoker) • Sidestream (smoke from the burning product) • Environmental smoke (diluted smoke in the air) 85% of the smoke in a room comes from sidestream smoke
ETS Effects • Up to 70% of nonsmokers subjected to Environmental Smoke develop some form of irritation or health ailment • It also causes 3000 lung cancer deaths annually • 60,000 deaths from heart disease is associated with ETS • Infants are 23 times more likely to die from SIDS when exposed to ETS • Children and infants becomes vulnerable to respiratory disorders and reduced lung function
Smoking and Pregnancy • Infertility • Problem pregnancies • Low birth weight • Premature labor/delivery • Miscarriage risk doubles
Benefits of Quitting • Taste returns back to normal • The concept of “smell” improves • Breathing becomes easier • Decrease risk of heart and lung disease • More energy and alertness
Options for Quitting • Strategies involving the benefits of behavioral and pharmacological interventions such as: • “Cold Turkey” method • Non-tobacco sources of nicotine products e.g. suckers, gums, straws, sprays, drops, etc. • Smoking cessation programs • Support groups • Regular exercise program
Chapter Eleven Toward a Tobacco-Free Society