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Industrial Temperature Measurement

Industrial Temperature Measurement. Presented By:- Mr. Pravin Balakisan Biyani Engineer (Operations- C & I) Indiabulls Power Ltd., Amravati. Temperature Measurement Scales. Relative Scales Fahrenheit (°F) Celsius (°C) Absolute Scales Rankine (°R) Kelvin (K).

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Industrial Temperature Measurement

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  1. Industrial Temperature Measurement Presented By:- Mr. PravinBalakisanBiyani Engineer (Operations- C & I) Indiabulls Power Ltd., Amravati

  2. Temperature Measurement Scales • Relative Scales • Fahrenheit (°F) • Celsius (°C) • Absolute Scales • Rankine (°R) • Kelvin (K) Conversions of various Scales (°F) = 9/5*(°C) +32 (°C) = 5/9*[(°F) –32] (°F) = (°R) – 459.67 (°C) = (K) – 273.15

  3. Types of various temperature sensors • Thermocouples • Thermistors • Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) • Pyrometers • Expansion of materials ( Bimetallic Devices ) • Filled thermal Systems ( According to Scientific Apparatus Makers Association(SAMA) these are classified as liquid expansion, Mercury Expansion, vapor pressure, gas pressure)

  4. Thermocouple When two dissimilar metals are joined together to form a junction, an emfis produced which is proportional to the temperature being sensed. Seebeck Effect: The generation of current in a circuit comprisingoftwo wires ofdissimilarmetals in the presence oftemperature difference

  5. Thermocouples Advantages Disadvantages • Simple, Rugged • High temperature operation • Low cost • No resistance lead wire problems • Point temperature sensing • Fastest response to temperature changes • Least stable, least repeatable • Low sensitivity to small temperature changes • Extension wire must be of the same thermocouple type • Wire may pick up radiated electrical noise if not shielded • Lowest accuracy

  6. Typical Industrial Thermocouple Assembly

  7. Thermocouple Types • Base Metal Thermocouple: Base metal thermocouple types are composed of common, inexpensive metals such as nickel, iron and copper. The thermocouple types E, J, K, N and T are • among this group and are the most commonly used type of thermocouple. Each leg of these different thermocouples is composed of a special alloy, which is usually referred to by their common names. • Noble Metal Thermocouple (Type R, S, B): Noble metal thermocouples are manufactured with wire that is made with precious or “noble” metals like Platinum and Rhodium. Noble metal thermocouples are for use in oxidizing or inert applications and must be used with a ceramic protection tube surrounding the thermocouple element. These sensors are usually fragile and must not be used in applications that are reducing or in applications that contain metallic vapours. • Refractory Metal Thermocouple ( Type C, D, G): Refractory metal thermocouples are manufactured with wire that is made from the exotic metals tungsten and Rhenium. These metals are expensive, difficult to manufacture and wire made with these metals are very brittle. These thermocouples are intended to be used in vacuum furnaces at extremely high temperatures and must never be used in the presence of oxygen at temperatures above 500°F

  8. Chromel = Nickel-chromium Alumel = Nickel-aluminum Constantan = Copper-nickel

  9. Thermowells: Protecting tubes or wells are supplied to protect the thermocouple from the harmful atmospheres, corrosive fluids or mechanical damages; to support the thermocouple or to permit thermocouple entry in the pressurized system.

  10. Cold Junction Compensation The temperature of the thermocouple’s reference junction must be known to get an accurate absolute-temperature reading. • When thermocouples were first used, this was done by keeping the reference junction in an ice bath(0°C). • This method was used to exhaustively characterize the various thermocouple types, thus almost all thermocouple tables use 0°C as the reference temperature. • But keeping the reference junction of the thermocouple in an ice bath is not practical for most measurement systems. • Instead most systems use a technique called reference-junction compensation,(also known as cold-junction compensation). • The reference junction temperature is measured with another temperature sensitive device—typically an IC, thermistor, diode, or RTD • The thermocouple voltage reading is then compensated to reflect the reference junction temperature.

  11. Thermistors • Thermistor, a word formed by combining thermal with resistor, is a temperature-sensitive resistor fabricated from semiconducting materials. • The resistance of thermistors decreases proportionally with increases in temperature. • The operating range can be -200°C to + 1000°C

  12. The thermistors can be in the shape of a rod, bead or disc. • Manufactured from oxides of nickel, manganese, iron, cobalt, magnesium, titanium and other metals.

  13. Thermistors Advantages: • Small sizes and fast response • Low cost • Suitability for narrow spans Disadvantages: • More susceptible to permanent de-calibration at high temperatures. • Use is limited to a few hundred degrees Celsius. • Respond quickly to temperature changes, thus, especially susceptible to self-heating errors. • Very fragile

  14. Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) • RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector) is a temperaturesensitive resistor. • It is a positive temperature coefficient device, which means that the resistance increases with temperature. • The resistive property of the metal is called its resistivity. The industry standard is the platinum wire RTD (Pt100) whose base resistance is exactly 100.00 ohms at 0.0 °C.

  15. Platinum Wire RTDs (PRTs) PRTs have established themselves as the de-facto industry standard for temperature measurement, and for many reasons: • linear temperature sensors • Resistance vs temperature characteristics are stable and reproducible • linear positive temperature coefficient (-200 to 800 °C) • very accurate and suitable for use as a secondary standard

  16. Various RTD configurations • 2-Wire System • Two wire RTDs are used when the length of lead wire to the conditioning circuitry is small and does not introduce an additional resistance large enough to be measured by the bridge circuit. Depending on lead length and wire size the error may be negligible or profound. • 3-Wire System • To compensate for errors introduced by the length of the lead wire industrial sensors commonly use this three-wire connection system. For this system to be effective, all the leads should be very near the same length and of the same gauge. • Any error introduced by the lead wire resistance is effectively cancelled in the bridge circuit and the only resistance change will be from the RTD. • 4-Wire System • This system provides precision measurements. By switching the pairs of leads and averaging, you arrive at a value from which the lead resistance, thermal emf's in the leads and resistance changes in the leads due to ambient variation has been eliminated.

  17. Expansion Thermometers • Bimetallic Thermometer(Expansion of solids) Effect of unequal expansion of a bimetallic strip • Different metals have difference coefficient. • Configured as spiral or helix for compactness • - Can be used with a pointer to make an inexpensive compact rugged thermometer.

  18. Bimetallic Thermometer

  19. Spiral Type Bourdon Tube • Filled Thermal Systems (Filled System Thermometer, Filled Bulb Thermometer) • Similar operation as the liquid in glass • Bulb • Capillary tube • Pressure element • Scale

  20. Filled Thermal System Classes • Class l (A,B) – Liquid filled • Class ll(A,B,C,D) –Vapour filled • Class lll(A,B) – Gas filled • Class V (A,B) – Mercury Filled • Temperature Range Response • Class l: -125 F to + 600 F Slowest • Class ll: -40 to 32 or 32 to 600 F Fastest • Class lll: -450 F to +1400 F Fast • Class V: -40 F to +1200 F Fast

  21. Thanks

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