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P R I S M. P ersonally. R elevant. I nformation about. S creening. M ammography. Barbara K. Rimer, PI Co-Investigators. Michael Bowling Laura Linnan Isaac Lipkus Celette Sugg Skinner. Specific Aims.

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  1. PRISM Personally Relevant Information about Screening Mammography Barbara K. Rimer, PI Co-Investigators Michael Bowling Laura Linnan Isaac Lipkus Celette Sugg Skinner

  2. Specific Aims • Increase the proportion of women having annual mammograms as recommended by most medical organizations; • Examine the impact of alternative delivery channels (mail vs. automated phone reminders) and enhanced messages to facilitate maintenance of mammography; • Assess the incremental benefit of a consequences elaboration component added to barriers-specific telephone counseling in encouraging women to regain adherence; and • Identify the M.I.N.C. for annual mammography and maintenance.

  3. Knowledge, risk, severity, susceptibility, benefits, efficacy/perceived control Intention Step 1: Theoretical Models for Enhanced Reminders Not manipulated Cue to Action Enhanced reminders Desire for mammography Frequency of screening Key: Key: Health Belief Model Model of Goal-Directed Behavior MAMMOGRAPHY Theory of Planned Behavior Elaboration Likelihood Model

  4. Elaboration of positive/negative consequences and barriers Changes in mediating variables e.g., decisional balance, amount of elaboration, barriers to mammography, anticipatory pos./neg. emotions of (not) getting a mammogram Prior screening experiences Intention Behavioral Control, norms Step 2: Theoretical Models for Priming Letters and Counseling Calls Not manipulated Manipulated Priming Letter/Counseling Call Key: Desire for mammography Health Belief Model Theory of Planned Behavior Model of Goal-Directed Behavior Elaboration Likelihood Model MAMMOGRAPHY

  5. Major Outcome Measures • Adherence measured in any year • Long-term maintenance measuring successive yearly mammograms over intervention period of 4 years

  6. Cross-cutting Activities • Identify standard measures to assess independent and dependent variables; and • Where possible, conduct cross-project pilot projects to examine intervention/theory questions. • Agree to open source standards for interventions. • Agree to adopt Evidence-Based Behavioral Medicine recommendations from Davidson et al., 2003.

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