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TeleManagement Forum

TeleManagement Forum. The Driving Force Behind the New Generation of Operations Systems Software and Processes. Jim Warner President & CEO TM Forum. TM Forum The Voice of the OSS Industry. Founded 1988 - the first forum 380 members in 38 countries

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TeleManagement Forum

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  1. TeleManagement Forum The Driving Force Behind the New Generation of Operations Systems Software and Processes Jim Warner President & CEO TM Forum

  2. TM Forum The Voice of the OSS Industry • Founded 1988 - the first forum • 380 members in 38 countries • Focused on Operations & Business Support Systems (OSS/BSS) for the full value chain • Service providers, software and hardware suppliers, systems integrators • Provides a collaborative environment for addressing business and technical issues • Provides an on-line knowledgebase

  3. What does TM Forum do? • Technical Teams (member resourced - staff managed) • Develop specifications based on business requirements that are promoted to industry as management “standards” • Also produce executive guides, industry maps & conformance programs in support of technical specifications • Prove out technical work via live, interoperable demos 2x per year • Liaise with formal standards bodies & other fora • Marketing Group (staff) • Promotes awareness of work • Produces TeleManagement World conferences held 2x per year in US and Europe • Knowledge Services Group (staff) • Makes information and technical outputs available to industry via subscription website (tmfcentral.com)

  4. Examples of Work Areas • New Generation Operations Systems and Software (NGOSS) • Business Process Modeling and Automation • Flow-Through Service Ordering and Provisioning • QoS/SLA Management • Web-Based Customer Care (E-Care) • Billing • Next Generation Network Management Framework • Multi-Technology Network Management • IP Network and Service Management • DSL Management • Managing Mobile Networks and Services

  5. How Does TM Forum Work? • Approach varies depending on the problem space: • Known areas – Objective is to select and endorse work of others • Emerging areas – Objective is to test and evaluate potential approaches and then make recommendations • New areas – Objective is to identify and explore new, challenging approaches

  6. Business View • Analyze the Business • Discover Process Automation Opportunity Implementability Realize the Solution Systems View • Locate Systems Capabilities to Support Automation A Structured Approach to Providing Solutions Solution Space Knowledge Base • eTOM • Business Application Contracts • RFP Boilerplate • Code • Contract Interfaces • Architecture Docs • Contract Spec • System Reqs Feedback Linkage Industry Feedback

  7. CRM & Billing • TeleManagement World • Conference • Expo • Catalyst Demo Lab Service Creation & Provisioning NGN Management Framework Key Interface Definitions Common Information Model TMFCentral.com • News • Research • Product Information • Technical Solutions NGOSS Systems Architecture NGOSS Business Processes How It All Fits Together Core Technical Program Information Dissemination Outputs & Deliverables • Executive Guides & Maps • Procurement Advice • Tech Specs • Demos & Implementations • Reference Code • Conformance Criteria

  8. Relationship with ITU-T • Currently classed as an A4 group • Exhibitor at Telecom 91, 95, 99 • Long track record of providing input to ITU-T and using their outputs • Strong relations with SG4 • Change control a major issue issue to be addressed • Can appear to be out of step with each other

  9. Relationship to Other Groups • Orthogonal relationship to almost every other group • Every group has a management “team” focused on their unique needs • TMF interested in creating a management specific alignment activity to synchronize work

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