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Devotion. “Among all forms of Sadhana, bhakti or devotion to the Lord is the easiest and the holiest. Bhakti is derived from the root “bhaj”, with the suffix “ti”. It means “seva” or service. It denotes a feeling of friendship coupled with awe”.
Devotion “Among all forms of Sadhana, bhakti or devotion to the Lord is the easiest and the holiest. Bhakti is derived from the root “bhaj”, with the suffix “ti”. It means “seva” or service. It denotes a feeling of friendship coupled with awe”. “Worship the divine through seva (bhaja sevayam). Devotion calls for utilizing the mind speech and body to worship the Lord. It represents total love”.
New Officers Orientation Mini Retreat Devotion Wing Presentation Jeff Lucas Regional Devotion Coordinator
Meaning of Devotion Devotion should also be the unified expression of love for God, action in the service of God and total surrender to the will of God. Devotion, worship and awareness of the self together demonstrate the oneness of the divine
Purpose of Devotional Practices Nine ways of Devotion Swami says, You are God. Understand this truth in the first instance. Everyone is divine. You have to worship Him till you understand and experience this unity. (You) should firmly believe “I am God”
Devotion and Society • We cannot realize the Divine if we are self-centered. • Value of Community Prayers- A service for the welfare of the World “ We must try to rise to higher stages from natural devotion through para bhakti. Perform your bhajans, perform your pujas, but when you enter society, recognize society as a form of God, and thereby acquire good qualities in society.”
Duty, Discipline, Devotion • “Duty, discipline and devotion, all three are absolutely essential for everyone in our organization.” • “You may have devotion, you may discharge the duty entrusted to you. But, unless you are saturated in discipline, the other two are useless.” • Guidelines - necessary until the members realize the spiritual unity of all. • “Devotion has to be guided and controlled by discipline and duty.”
Devotion Coordinator Role- What is it? • To help any devotee or person who attends a Center meeting experience their faith • In the process- being as inclusive and expansive as possible • Giving each a role to play • Major facilitator role in Sai Center
Devotion Coordinator Responsibilities Include: • Being well versed in Swami’s teachings regarding devotion and the devotional components of the Center program, including bhajans (devotional singing) and study circle. • Read any of Swami’s discourses or writings. • Make a sincere study and self-inquiry around His teachings. Strive to apply what you learn. 2. Striving to create and maintain a disciplined, reverent and quiet atmosphere at devotional meetings
Devotion Coordinator Responsibilities Include: • Striving to create and maintain a disciplined, reverent and quiet atmosphere at devotional meetings “Bhagavan desires from all of you only discipline. Hence, when the discourse is over or when the bhajans end, you should go out in silence. As a rule, observe restraint in speech everywhere. You should realize that the voice of the divine is heard in the depths of silence.”
Discipline • Be an example- speak softly and sweetly • Treat all with respect • Talk only when necessary • Encourage devotees to observe silence • Observe time boundaries; encourage punctuality
Altar • Creating an Altar for the devotional program, including its setup and removal in cases where the Altar must be set up and taken down after each Center meeting • Simplicity the guiding word • Only a picture of Swami, and perhaps of Shirdi Sai Baba, plus a candle and flowers is sufficient. • Sarvadharma symbol may be displayed
Coordinating – Devotional Singing • Establishing and maintaining a regular program of bhajan practice, led by devotees who are musically competent (instrumentally and vocally), to foster a high quality of devotional singing in the Center devotional meeting itself.
Devotional Singing • Bhajans “visiting card” for many new devotees • Bhajans- Foundation of Sai Center- very important • Promotes Namasmarana (Baba) • Do Practice at least monthly; and more often if possibe
Baba on Devotional Singing • “Bhajans (devotional songs) charge the atmosphere with divine adoration; that is why I insist on group singing of the Names of the Lord.” • “Bhajans are highly sacred. Bhajan singing makes the heart sacred. What is important is that it should come from the heart. Bhajan is not just rhythm, tune, and beat. You should sing God’s name with love. You will see the manifestation of Divinity with your physical eyes when you sing His glory with all love.”
Devotional Singing • Singing from such DEVOTEES will certainly liberate the individual and transform the community and the world
Group Devotional Singing In order to realize the potency and efficacy of the Lord’s Name: • Purity of thought, word and deed • Name that is uttered by the tongue is meditated upon by the mind. • What is uttered and dwelt upon should be hailed by clapping the hands. • Thus - Unity of mind, speech and action – purifies the heart and nourishes the feeling of devotion.
Group Devotional Singing Group / Community bhajans should: • Be fully absorbed in the devotional process and the ecstasy of that experience • Be vibrant and soulful • Combine feeling (bhava), melody (raga) and rhythm (tala) “What delight can be experienced when all sing in chorus, with the same feeling, in the same tune and to the same timing! When there is such unity the divine can be experienced.”
Baba on Bhava (Feeling) • “Bhava is the quintessence of bhajan singing. The heart of the Lord is like soft butter. The warmth of bhakti and devotion expressed through bhava will melt this soft butter. It is the cry of the devotee with deep yearning for the Lord, which makes the Lord rush to the rescue of His devotees. This is the effect of Bhava.
More Aspects of Bhajans • Feeling should come across in bhajan: Like talking to a friend • To develop bhava, dwell on Swami, His Glory, and what He has done for you • Encourage devotees to know 20 bhajans well- choose common bhajans of simple or medium complexity • Avoid difficult bhajans • Voice exercises
Devotional Singing - Coordination • Coordinating musicians, bhajan singers and bhajans, including English devotional songs, to create a more uplifting devotional program • “Let the different faiths exist and let the glory of God be sung in all languages and tunes.” • How do we implement this beautiful message from Swami?
Devotional Singing • Singing in Sai Centers a great honor • Sai devotional singing “greatest music in the world”- combines music and mantra • Bhajan singing a service • All bhajans should be rendered perfectly • Song list should be inclusive and expansive • Should look like a check mark • 75% of bhajan selection of songs • With average singers you can make bhajan very good • Keep regular singers 60% of the time
English Devotional Singing • Songs should be sung in English as much as possible • Unless one understands the meaning, one cannot develop bhava • In Centers where none of the songs are being sung in English at present, training should be provided to the singers so at least one or two could be sung, to start with • Unison Bhajans
Universaility of Baba’s Teachings • “I have not come on any mission of publicity for any sect or creed or cause; nor have I come to collect followers for any doctrine. I have come to tell you of this universal unitary faith, this path of Love.” • “There is only one religion, the religion of Love”
“Universalizing” Devotional Singing • Making efforts to “universalize” the devotional program such that it is welcoming to people of all religious backgrounds and languages • Sai Centers, as “Public Face” of Swami, need to represent Him authentically and credibly
Examples of “Universalizing” • Include bhajan selections and prayers from various spiritual traditions • Where universally accepted chants/prayers are part of the program, the meaning of such chants in English should accompany the actual chants • Minimize the use of rituals • No Particular Prayer is Required
Universalizing our Programs • Sai Centers have great flexibility in determining the content of their devotional programs. • Center members can discuss amongst themselves in membership meetings the content of a universal devotional program reflecting Baba’s teachings • Examples: North/West Suburban Chicago Centers, Northwest Region of U.S.A.
Study Circle • Maintaining a regular Study Circle that is conducted in accordance with the Guidelines for Sathya Sai Study Circles in America • Ensuring that the Coordinator for Study Circle should be prepared in advance • In small centers the Devotion Coordinator may play the role • In large centers where Study Circle Coordinator is selected as an extended Officer, he / she will take the full responsibility to coordinate Study Circle • As Study Circle comes under Devotion wing, Study Circle Coordinator should work closely with the Devotion Coordinator in planning and conducting the Study circles
Study Circle • Sadhana 75% Self Inquiry (Baba) • If you are earnest, study circle will take off and become a transformative force in your Center. • Groups are powerful • Important to our Spiritual Practices • Emphasis on study and application of Baba’s Teachings • we can move the “vehicle” of our spiritual life quickly down the road
Sadhana of Love • “Pure Love is like a well-paved, one-way road with no speed bumps…You can rush along it to God at whatever speed you want.” (Baba)
Study Circle Guidelines • Encourage all to participate as presenters • Present about Swami’s teachings while including your personal experience of practicing them • Raise relevant questions about Baba’s teachings around the issue of practice
Guiding Principles of Study Circle • Principle of compassionate leadership on the part of the facilitator • The principle of equal opportunity for participants to express themselves • The principle of non-argumentative exchange of views • The principle of opportunity for everyone to be a presenter
Books / Audio / Video • Overseeing the sale or loan of books, videos, DVDs and photos that are purchased from the Sathya Sai Book Center of America (Tustin) • In small Centers, Devotion Coordinator may be directly involved in lending or sale of books and other related material • Library Coordinator- extended officer role • Need to be at Center regularly to play this role; actively follow-up with devotees as needed, etc. • Make announcements as appropriate at Center Meetings
Newcomer orientation • Establishing and maintaining a program of newcomer orientation • Jody Cleary and Ted Henry’s “welcoming sadhana” hand-out approved by Baba. • DVD- “Who is Sai Baba?” • Newcomer packet could include appropriate information on Baba • Be Friendly, Be Smart, Be creative!
Regional Involvement • Being available to provide support to regional officers regarding conferences, retreats, projects and reports, and other matters as requested, as well as actively participating in regional conferences, retreats, etc.
Plans for Devotion Wing • National Program being developed around the theme of “Unity, Purity, Divinity” • Developing more universal devotional programs • Working to release the English devotional songs recording • More English Bhajan songs for region; song sheet of English spirituals/folk songs for community service • Mini-public/Open House meetings with any speakers who express Swami’s message
To Conclude • “My Life is My Message; Expansion is My Life”
To conclude “Seen through the eyes of love… the world is one vast kin.” “This is a great chance. Be confident that you will be liberated. Know that you are saved.”