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Discussion 2 Innovation/Translation: Pedagogical Considerations for Conversion and Conversion-Plus

Discussion 2 Innovation/Translation: Pedagogical Considerations for Conversion and Conversion-Plus. Pedagogical Considerations for Conversion Dr. Kevin Baaske, Chair, Academic Senate. Requirements. GE minimum of 45 units Major minimum of 36 units Bachelor’s no more than 120 units

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Discussion 2 Innovation/Translation: Pedagogical Considerations for Conversion and Conversion-Plus

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  1. Discussion 2Innovation/Translation: Pedagogical Considerations for Conversion and Conversion-Plus

  2. Pedagogical Considerations for ConversionDr. Kevin Baaske, Chair, Academic Senate

  3. Requirements • GE minimum of 45 units • Major minimum of 36 units • Bachelor’s no more than 120 units • Lower Division GE articulation = 3 unit courses • Graduate programs minimum of 30 units

  4. C-ID Course Descriptions • 32 Disciplines – 378 courses • Common Numbering • Description, SLOs, Assignments • Nearly ready for CSULA Curriculum Review • Articulated with Community Colleges • Used in the STAR Act Transfer Degrees

  5. This Session An Opportunity for Creative Thinking about Curriculum and Programs

  6. Currently

  7. Conversion is an Opportunity

  8. Interdisciplinarity

  9. Integrated Interdisciplinarity

  10. Benefits • Students learn different perspectives and are better prepared for dynamic careers • Faculty can reach new audiences and gain new insights • Research says creative thinking improves

  11. Our Future?

  12. Consider Reaching Across SilosIntegrate courses from other disciplines Create new certificatesTalk with others!

  13. The Conversion ContinuumDavid ConnorsCatherine Haras

  14. A continuum

  15. Program OutcomesDescribe the knowledge, skills, and attitudes a student would demonstrate after completing the program.

  16. Curriculum MappingIdentifying in which course(s) the program’s outcomes are Introduced, Developed and Mastered.This allows you to see if there are any gaps, repetitions, or absences in the new curriculum.

  17. Examine Student Learning OutcomesThese should be measureable and observable.

  18. A Poorly Constructed SLOStudents will learn how to develop an argument.(From a university in the South.)

  19. A Better Constructed SLOStudents will identify an issue, develop an arguable thesis about the issue, locate relevant supporting evidence, analyze the evidence, and draw a well-supported conclusion.

  20. A Poorly Constructed SLOOur program provides students with opportunities to learn about contemporary problems in the field.(From a university in the Midwest.)

  21. A Better Constructed SLOStudents will evaluate the challenges associated with solving a contemporary biological problem, the importance of finding a solution for the problem, and the validity of the scientific evidence currently used in pursuit of solutions for the problem.

  22. Programmatic Assessment An opportunity to build in assessment that is sustainable and provides feedback that leads to program improvement.

  23. Other considerations Accreditation issues, CTC requirementsInterdisciplinary programsArticulation issues- with community colleges, other 4-year institutions TMC programsOpportunities for writing and the development of writing skillsPedagogy considerations – high impact practices

  24. Contact me: David.Connors@calstatela.edu

  25. A continuum

  26. High Impact Practices can inform both.

  27. Service Learning Writing-Intensive courses Internships First-year Seminars

  28. Undergraduate research Learning communities Collaborative assignments

  29. Flipped classrooms Blended Learning Student-centered activity

  30. Center for Effective Teaching and Learning Consultation with faculty on course and syllabus design and curriculum mapping Retreat materials on best practice

  31. CETL Funding Course Redesign Institute/Academy Online Teaching and Learning Institute Faculty Learning Community on 101 Reducing Bottlenecks Initiative

  32. It’s always a good time to think about learning. Contact us: cetl@calstatela.edu

  33. Course Redesign: Considerations for Faculty who want to Begin AgainDenise Herz, Professor and Director, School of Criminal Justice and Criminalistics

  34. Our Students’ Technology Use and Expectations: Considerations for Course RedesignBeverly Bondad-Brown, Ph.D.Associate Director for Educational Technology CETL

  35. ECAR Survey Educause Center for Analysis and Research (ECAR) Annual Survey of Undergraduates • Online survey given Spring 2013 • N= 2014 (from sample of 6150) • Freshman through Juniors only • All off HHS, 50% sample of other colleges

  36. Platforms/OS Tablet 30% Desktop 52% Printer 80% Smartphone 81% Laptop 88% 51% 26% 8% 23% 71% 44% 59% 89%

  37. Device Ownership

  38. How many internet-capable devices do you own?

  39. Which forms of communication do you wish your instructors used less…or more?

  40. Which resources/tools do you wish your instructors used less…or more?

  41. What type of learning environment do you tend to learn most?

  42. I skip classes when materials from course lectures are available online

  43. Most instructors effectively use technology to support your academic success

  44. Conclusions • CSULA students are not on the other side of “digital divide” • They expect much more communication from instructors via Moodle and email • They still value face-to-face learning and prefer blended environments that leverage f2f and online content together

  45. Discussion 2Innovation/Translation: Pedagogical Considerations for Conversion and Conversion-PlusQuestions?

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