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Governance of Education in the United States

Explore the federal, state, and local governance of education, historical acts, executive involvement, and current legislative branches' roles. Understand the distinct roles played in school funding, oversight, and policymaking.

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Governance of Education in the United States

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  1. Governance of Education Chapter 9

  2. Channel Setting Instructions for ResponseCard RF1. Press and release the "GO" button.2. While the light is flashing red and green, enter the 2 digit channel code (ie. channel 1 = 01, channel 21 = 21). Channel is 413. After the second digit is entered, Press and release the "GO" button.4. Press and release the "1/A" button. The light should flash yellow to confirm.

  3. Federal, State, and Local • Schools in the United States should be funded, monitored, and evaluated by the federal government. • Rank your response on the following scale:

  4. 195 113 What is your opinion? • Strongly Agree • Agree • Somewhat Agree • Neutral • Somewhat Disagree • Disagree • Strongly Disagree

  5. 195 1 By now I know that because of the___ amendment, the State controls education • The first • The fourth • The tenth • The fourteenth

  6. Federal Government Involvement • Granting land and money for schools and states • Distributing surplus goods (such as food for school lunch programs) • Establishing educational agencies (Dept. of Education) • Criteria to receive federal dollars (Title IX) • Moral suasian…promotion of ideas and goals

  7. The Executive Branch • Kennedy, Johnson…War on Poverty, ESEA of 1965 (nine titles) • Assistance to local educational agencies for low-income families, school libraries, textbooks, guidance counseling, testing services, educational research and training, handicapped children, bilingual programs, implementing prohibitions against sex discrimination

  8. The Executive Branch • Nixon…not focused on poverty, reduced federal involvement in education • Carter…first president endorsed by NEA, establish the Department of Education, increased federal involvement • Reagan…vowed to eliminate the Dept. of Education, A Nation At Risk (1983), pushed increased state involvement, reduced federal funding

  9. The Executive Branch • Bush I…wanted to have major impact on educational policies and procedures, reduced federal governance and returned it to the states • Clinton…Goals 2000: Educate America Act, Call to Action for American Education (to ensure “the best education in the world”) • Bush II…NCLB (2001) doing what works “based on scientific research”, test all students in grades 3 through 8 and 10 and 12

  10. The Department of Education • Historically in Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare (now called Health and Human Services) (1953) • Three major areas of service: Research, Publication, Dissemination of information on education

  11. The Legislative Branch • History of Ordinances: 1785 Land Ordinance in the Northwest Territory, one section of land reserved for schools out of 36 in a township • 1787 the Northwest Ordinance: “religion, morality, and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged.”…considered the charter of public schools

  12. The Legislative Branch • Land-Grant Colleges: Morrill Act of 1862, Hatch Act of 1887, Second Morrill Act of 1890 • 1862…30,000 acres (to be sold) to establish a college concerned with practical subjects • Hatch Act of 1887…funded practical research • 1890…further funding to land-grant colleges • 1917 Smith Hughes Act provided monies for vocational education, home economics, and agricultural subjects

  13. State Governance of Education • 1647 Old Deluder Satan Act…towns of 50 or more households to hire a teacher, towns of 100 or more to set up a school • Jefferson’s plan (1779) “A Bill for the More General Diffusion of Knowledge” set up a state school system…not passed, but the idea continued to grow • Mann (1837) Secretary of the State Board of Education of Massachusetts…common schools

  14. State Boards and Chief State School Officers • Most states have boards that set curriculum, determine qualifications, establish standards, system for reporting data, supervisory and consultative services, advise the governor and legislature, accept and distribute monies • Most states appoint a CSSO as the executive officer, the point person for educational programs

  15. The State Department of Education • Accredits schools • Certifies teachers • Apportions funds • Oversees student transportation and safety • Monitors state regulations • Conducts research and evaluation • Monitors federal funded programs

  16. Local Governance of Education • Local School Districts • Local Board of Education: select the superintendent, establish policies and procedures for schools, adopt the budget, hire and fire teachers, oversee students’ rights and responsibilities, establish and develop community relations, establish intergovernmental relations with state and federal governments, appraise the work of teacher and schools

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