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Adam Smith and The Wealth of Nations

A sub-primer on Ecological Economics: Adam Smith’s “Invisible Hand”, Market Failures, Ecosystem Services, and The Monetization of the Human Ecological Footprint. Don’t get me wrong about Adam Smith. I believe modern Neo-Classical Economists have mis-interpreted him .

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Adam Smith and The Wealth of Nations

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A sub-primer on Ecological Economics:Adam Smith’s “Invisible Hand”, Market Failures, Ecosystem Services, and The Monetization of the Human Ecological Footprint

  2. Don’t get me wrong about Adam Smith.I believe modern Neo-Classical Economists have mis-interpreted him

  3. Adam Smith andThe Wealth of Nations

  4. Space as a Market Failure…

  5. Classic Market Failures

  6. Ecosystems and Market Failure

  7. The Earth from Space at Night:Explorations of the Human-Environment-Sustainability Problematic using Nighttime Satellite imagery

  8. Outline

  9. Where in the Universe could you take this photograph from?

  10. Example of Cloud Screening over Italy

  11. Nighttime Satellite ImageryGeo-location, Time Series Analysis, Spectral information, and Spatial Patterns allow for the differentiation ofCity Lights, Gas Flares, Squid Fishing, and Forest Fires

  12. Estimation of urban populations globallyHow Good are the ‘known’ numbers and who cares?When did the world population reach 6 billion?

  13. Proof of Concept with U.S. Data

  14. Using these Methods across the Globe:What was the total global population was in 1996?6.3 Billion rather than 5.9 Billion

  15. Disaggregate or ‘Intra-Urban’ estimates of Population Density

  16. Does Light Intensity within an urban area correlate with Population Density?

  17. What’s Going on in 1 km2?(this lesson on ‘scale’ informs the Space Station Photography movie later)

  18. Graphical Representation of the Model

  19. What do the Errors look like?

  20. Do Low Light Levels Map ‘Exurban Areas’?Metro Denver Area with inset of Highway 285 Commuter Shed South West of Denver

  21. Suburban and …

  22. Suburban and Exurban Homes

  23. Day & Night images of ‘Exurbia’

  24. Making Disaggregate (a.k.a. finer spatial resolution)Maps of Economic Activity

  25. Scatterplot of Night Light Energy & PPP of GDP for 208 nations

  26. Global map of Economic Activity as measured by Nighttime Satellite Image Proxy

  27. Coastal Wetlands and Storm Protection:A spatially explicit estimate of ecosystem service value

  28. Ecosystem Services as ‘Public Goods’

  29. Valuation of Ecosystem Services:Putting a dollar value on a ‘non-market’ service

  30. ‘Geography’ or ‘Why Space Matters?’:Spatially Explicit Valuation of Ecosystem Services

  31. The Data Story for Valuation of Storm Protection from Coastal Wetlands…

  32. The Damage Table (N = 34 Hurricanes)

  33. The Storm Tracks (N = ~100)

  34. Buffer Existing Storms to 100 km (50 km per side) and Match to Damage Table (N=34)

  35. Fleshing out the Table: 1) Population in Swath

  36. Fleshing out the Table: 2) GDP in Swath

  37. Fleshing out the table: 3) Wetlands in Swath

  38. ln (TDi /GDPi)= a + b1 ln(gi) + b2 ln(wi) + uiTDi = total damages from storm i (in constant 2004 $US);GDPi = Gross Domestic Product in the swath of storm i (in constant 2004 $US). The swath was considered to be 100 km wide by 100 km inland.gi = maximum wind speed of storm i (in m/sec)wi = area of herbaceous wetlands in the storm swath (in ha). ui = error

  39. The Aggregate Conclusion

  40. Mapping Impervious Surface Area with Nighttime Satellite Imagery

  41. We have paved over 110,000 square miles(Ohio is about 116,000 square miles)

  42. Paving the Planet: Mapping and Monetizing Human Impact on the Earth

  43. Approach and Assumptions

  44. Global Estimates of ISA have been developed using simple OLS models derived from DMSP nighttime imagery and LandScan Population Density

  45. These Models are applied Globally

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