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Beer Basics Yeast October 2007

This comprehensive guide covers yeast types, attributes, fermentation stages, and more for brewing high-quality beer. Learn about ale and lager yeast, bacteria, wild yeast, and yeast by-products. Explore yeast characteristics like flocculation, attenuation, and temperature variations in brewing. Discover essential information on yeast pitching rates, propagation, storage, and wort aeration techniques. Enhance your brewing knowledge with insights into mutant yeast, esters, fusel alcohols, and fermentation stages.

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Beer Basics Yeast October 2007

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  1. Beer BasicsYeastOctober 2007

  2. Today’s Topics • Introduction • Yeast Types • Ale Yeast • Lager Yeast • Bacteria • Lactobacillus Delbrückii • Brettanomyces • Bruxellensis • Lambicus • Wild Yeast • Yeast Attributes • Flocculation • Attenuation • Temperature • Yeast By-Products • Esters • Fusel Alcohols • Ketones • Diacetyl • 2,3-Pentanedione • Fatty Acids • Sulfur Compounds • Fermentation Stages • Lag Phase • Growth Phase • Low Kräusen • High Kräusen • Late Kräusen • Miscellaneous Yeast Topics • Yeast Pitching Rates • Yeast Propagation • Yeast Storage • Wort Aeration

  3. Introduction • As brewers we take malt and perform a mash to convert starches to sugars and dextrins; however, it is yeast that is responsible for converting sugars into alcohol and CO2. So, without yeast we would only have cloying sweet wort and no beer.

  4. Yeast Types Ale Yeast • Scientific name is Saccharomyces Cerevisiae • Typically ferments at higher temperatures, normally between 55 – 75 °F • Usually is a top fermenter • Cannot completely ferment Raffinose • Higher fermentation temperatures usually produce more esters

  5. Yeast Types Lager Yeast • Scientific name is SaccharomycesCarlsbergensis • Typically ferments at lower temperatures, normally between 46 – 56 °F; however, some ferment at the low end of ale yeast, i.e. California Common yeast ferments in the range 55 – 60 °F. • Usually is a bottom fermenter • Ferments Raffinose • Cooler fermentation temperatures usually lead to cleaner beers, i.e. less esters and less fusel alcohols

  6. Bacteria Lactobacillus Delbrückii • Can be used to lower mash pH without imparting unpleasant flavors • Metabolizes glucose and produces only lactic acid • Active between 86 - 131 °F, most active between 107 - 111°F and the optimum pH is 5.6 to 5.8 • Used in sour ales like Berliner Weisse

  7. Bacteria BrettanomycesBruxellensis • Used in Lambics and Berliner Weisse to provide an earthy aroma and acidic finish BrettanomycesLambicus • Used in Lambics to produce horsey or old ale flavors. Can take a year or longer for the bacteria to impart this flavor

  8. Bacteria Wild Yeast • Saccharomyces diastaticus is a superattenuator that metabolises sugars and dextrins. Imparts unpleasant medicinal flavors to beer • Pediococcus damnosus is a gram-positive bacteria that produces lactic acid and diacetyl. Used to make Lambics.

  9. Bacteria Mutant Yeast Mutant yeast are caused by: • Poor yeast storage conditions, i.e. high storage temperatures and extended storage times • Insufficient yeast nutrients • Contaminated yeast strains Mutant yeast change the original yeast characteristics, such as, the ability to flocculate, the ability to ferment certain sugars like maltotriose and respiratory deficient mutants may create elevated levels of diacetyl and fusel alcohols.

  10. Yeast Attributes Flocculation • Flocculation means yeast cells clumpingtogether during fermentation. Flocculation is a yeast specific characteristic. Some yeast clump together quickly while others do not flocculate. • Top fermenting yeast that flocculate are typically carried to the surface by CO2 gas. Bottom fermenting yeast tend to flocculate after CO2 levels have diminished and they sink to the bottom. • Yeast mutation can change the flocculation trait of pure yeast strains.

  11. Yeast Attributes Attenuation • Attenuation is the ability of yeast to metabolize wort sugars • Apparent attenuation is measured by the drop in specific gravity as yeast converts sugar into ethanol and CO2, without correction for alcohol. Real attenuation corrects for alcohol. For normal strength brews, apparent attenuation is approximately 1.2 times the real attenuation • All things being equal, lager yeast ferment more completely than ale yeast. Yeast appropriate for brewing can metabolize single and double sugars but the amount of fermentation of triple sugars depends on the yeast strain. • Yeast mutation can change the attenuation characteristic of pure yeast strains

  12. Yeast Attributes Temperature • Ale Yeast usually ferments at a higher temperature compared to lager yeast. • There are variations between different yeast strains. For example, Dusseldorf alts typically are fermented around 60-65 °F which is on the cool side of ale yeast fermentation temperatures. • On the other hand, California Commons are typically fermented around 55-60°F which is on the warm side of lager yeast fermentation temperatures.

  13. Yeast By-Products Esters • Chemically, esters are formed when an alcohol combines with an organic acid • They typically impart a fruity aroma and flavor to beer. • There are many esters associated with beer fermentation. Two common esters associated with brewing are Ethyl acetate, and Isoamyl acetate. Ethyl acetate produces a fruity character and can be detected at 33 ppm, while Isoamyl acetate is responsible for the banana characteristic in German Wheat Beers. It can be detected at 3 ppm.

  14. Yeast By-Products Esters • Ester formation is positively correlated to wort gravity, yeast growth, and fermentation temperature. That is, higher gravity worts, rapid yeast growth, and higher fermentation temperatures increase ester production. • Ester formation is reduced by high yeast pitching rates because the yeast will not grow as fast. Also, wort with insufficient oxygen levels favor ester formation.

  15. Yeast By-Products Fusel Alcohols • These alcohols have a more complex molecular structure than ethyl alcohol. • They provide an initial sweetness followed by a harsh after taste. • Formed by the metabolism of amino acids, so over modification during malting or mashing can lead to higher fusel alcohol levels. • They increase with fermentation temperature, level of amino acids, and wort gravity. • Wild yeast can produce very high levels of fusel alcohols

  16. Yeast By-Products Fusel Alcohols • Some yeast strains produce phenolic alcohols that typically have a medicinal flavor; however, the clove like character of German Wheat beers is produced from the phenolic 4-vinyl-guaiacol • Wild yeast can produce phenolic alcohols with very unpleaseant flavors

  17. Yeast By-Products Ketones The two important ketones in brewing are diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione. In the literature, these two ketones are classified together as the vicinal diketone level in beer.

  18. Ketones Diacetyl • has a very low flavor threshold, .10 mg/L (ppm) • In fresh beer, low levels of diacetyl may impart a caramel flavor, however, over time it will take on a butter or butterscotch characteristic • Early in a normal fermentation, during the aerobic stage, yeast will produce diacetyl. Later in the anaerobic fermentation stage, yeast reduce diacetyl to levels below the flavor threshold.

  19. Ketones Diacetyl • Gram-positive lactic acid bacteria can produce large amounts of diacetyl • Mutant yeast cells can lose their ability to reduce diacetyl, leading to elevated levels of diacetyl • Wort that does not contain sufficient levels of the amino acid valine can lead to higher levels of diacetyl. Fortunately, most all-malt worts contain an over abundance of amino acids.

  20. Ketones Diacetyl • Higher temperatures early in the fermentation lead to higher levels of diacetyl and higher temperatures later in the fermentation lead to a greater reduction in diacetyl. • For lager yeast that typically ferment at lower temperatures, some brewers perform a diacetyl rest during the latter fermenatation stage called the late krausen phase. To perform a diacetyl rest, slowly raise the fermentation temperature to around 60°F and hold this temperature for two days and then slowly lower the temperature back to the original fermentation temperature. Here slowly means no more that 5 °F per day, otherwise you may shock the yeast.

  21. Ketones 2,3-pentanedione • Has a flavor threshold of 1 mg/L (ppm) • Produces a flavor similar to honey • Found in some Belgium ales where honey flavors are appropriate for the style • Wort that does not contain sufficient levels of the amino acid leucine can lead to higher levels of 2,3-pentanedione. Fortunately, most all-malt worts contain an over abundance of amino acids.

  22. Fatty Acids • Tend to add a soapy flavor to beer • They are produced when yeast break down amino acids • They are suppressed by lower fermentation temperatures • Usually the yeast will convert fatty acids to aldehydes then into alcohols

  23. Sulfur Compounds • Hydrogen sulfide production during fermentation can lead to flavors reminiscent of rotten eggs; however, during normal fermentation, hydrogen sulfide is reduced during the fermentation process. The flavor threshold for hydrogen sulfide is 10-35 ppm. • Gram-negative bacteria, like Escherichia coli can produce large amounts of sulfer compounds • For ales, higher fermentation temperatures tend to suppress sulfur compounds

  24. Fermentation Stages A normal fermentation proceeds in stages: lag phase, growth phase, low kräusen, high Kräusen, and late kräusen. The stages may overlap and the timing and duration of each stage depends on the type of yeast, specifically, whether you have an ale or lager yeast.

  25. Lag Phase • During this stage of fermentation the yeast become acquainted with their environment and they access the level of oxygen, amino acids and sugars. • In this phase the yeast produce enzymes that allow amino acids and sugars to permeate the yeast cell wall. • The yeast compile food reserves and store the fuel in the form of glycogen, a carbohydrate.

  26. Growth Phase • During the growth phase yeast begin to grow through cell budding • Oxygen dissolved in the wort is used by the yeast to generate sterols. High levels of sterols are required for yeast cell walls to become permeable. • Poor yeast growth is usually caused by low amino acid levels, or low levels of dissolved oxygen in the wort. • If an appropriate level of healthy yeast are pitched then signs of fermentation (i.e. CO2 formation) should begin within 8 hours of pitching ale yeast and 18 hours for lager yeast

  27. Low Kräusen Phase • At this point, the yeast have depleted all the oxygen dissolved in the wort. Consequently, from this point forward the process is anaerobic. • Yeast metabolism of amino acids and sugars are in full force. • Fusel alcohols and diacetyl may be produced during this phase. At this stage, lower fermentation temperatures will inhibit the production of fusel alcohols and diacetyl.

  28. High Kräusen Phase • For ales, most of the sugars have been metabolized by this phase. However, lager yeast will metabolize most sugars during the high kräusen phase. • During fermentation pyruvic acid is converted to acetaldehyde, which in turn, is reduced to ethyl alcohol. • Normally, primary fermentation lasts 3-5 days for ale yeast and 6-8 days for lager yeast

  29. Late Kräusen Phase • Lager yeast begin to metabolize some of the fermentation by-products that were produced during the low kräusen phase. In particular, diacetyl levels can be reduced by performing a diacetyl rest. • Most simple sugars have been converted after primary fermentation. During secondary fermentation, yeast slowly convert the more complex triple sugars. • Secondary fermentation typically last about 1-3 days for ale yeast, but may last up to a month for lagers.

  30. Yeast Pitching Rates • According to George Fix, the appropriate level of yeast to pitch for ales is 750,000 yeast cells per milliliter of wort for each degree Plato of wort. • Mathematically, Ale pitching rate = 750,000*(mL of Wort)*(°Plato ofWort) • The pitching rate for lagers is twice the amount shown for ales.

  31. Yeast Pitching Rates Example – How much yeast should you pitch to make 10 gallons of your favorite lager if the original gravity is 1.048? The answer is: • =1,500,000*37,853*12 • =681,354,000,000 • or, around 700 billion yeast cells.

  32. Yeast Propagation Typically liquid yeast packs do not have enough yeast cells to carryout an effective fermentation. As an alternative to pitching multiple packs of liquid yeast, you may consider making a yeast starter.

  33. Yeast Propagation To make a 2000mL yeast starter you need the following items: • 2000mL Erlenmeyer Flask • Light Dry Malt Extract (DME) • Yeast Nutrient Pack • Liquid Yeast (smack pack) • Foil • Sponge • Stir Plate (optional)

  34. Yeast Propagation Yeast Starter To make a 2000mL yeast starter, • Add around 7 ounces of DME and a pinch or two of yeast nutrient to the Erlenmeyer flask, and fill the flask to the 2000mL level with “good” brewing water. • Place the flask on the stove and boil for 15 minutes (watch out for a boil over).

  35. Yeast Propagation Yeast Starter (Con’t) 3. Remove the flask from the stove and place aluminum foil over the top of the flask and cool it to around 75 °F. 4. Aerate the starter by shaking or adding oxygen directly.

  36. Yeast Propagation Yeast Starter (Con’t) 5. Add the liquid yeast, now around room temperature, to the starter and place a sponge just inside the top of the flask. The sponge will allow CO2 out and O2 in. 6. Place the flask onto a stir plate for about 18 hours at room temperature and then pitch the entire contents of the flask into the wort to begin fermentation.

  37. Yeast Storage • According to George and Laurie Fix, the safest way to store yeast is to freeze yeast cultures at temperatures below -40 °F. • At temperatures between 32-34 °F, yeast can be stored for two weeks in liquid form with a wort cover and for 72 hours with a water or beer cover.

  38. Wort Aeration • It is very important to add oxygen to the wort just prior to pitching yeast because the yeast require oxygen in the first phase of fermentation to build up metabolic energy. • Aeration can be achieved by adding oxygen directly or by adding air. In each case, aerating stones are used to assist in dissolving oxygen into the wort. • Normal gravity worts (12 °P or less) require 4-5 ppm of oxygen, while wort with 15 °P requires 8-10 ppm of oxygen. • The level of dissolved oxygen in wort goes down as temperature and gravity units go up.

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