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The Finnish-Swedish Youth Association movement

The Finnish-Swedish Youth Association Movement provides cultural and other activities for young people in Finland. With nearly 50,000 members, the associations offer hobby activities, such as theater and dance, and actively engage with local communities and youth organizations.

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The Finnish-Swedish Youth Association movement

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  1. The Finnish-Swedish Youth Association movement Finlands Svenska Ungdomsförbund FSU rf

  2. Welcome to the finnish-swedishyouth association movement! The finnish-swedish youth associations are nonpolitical organizations that provide cultural and other activities for young people. There are nearly 270 finnish-swedish local youth associations in Finland, with almost 50,000 individual members. Nearly 70 % of the members are under the age of 29 and over 30% under the age of 16. The youth associations maintain over 230 association houses. Each one of these houses serve as a versatile center of local hobby activities. The most popular activities are theatre and dance. The associations are also active in developing their local communities and in contacts with youth organizations in the other countries.                        Finlands Svenska Ungdomsförbund FSU rf

  3. Young at heart! • The objective of the youth association movement is to increase the prosperous of the youth. We develop hobby and club activities, create possibilities for voluntary and meaningful activities and offer the youth a way to influence in matters that concern themself. • In addition to the ordinary hobbies we offer new and exciting activities and possibilities to develop the own district togehter with other organizations. • the strength of the youth associations lies in the collaboration between different age groups. The vigorous movement needs both the gathered experience as well as the creative side of the youth. • The 120 year old finnish-swedish youth association movement and its 50,000 members is a sign that there is a need for us. Finlands Svenska Ungdomsförbund FSU rf

  4. Uf-movement • The activity starts by the individual in the youth association. • The district associations of Nyland (7) and Österbotten (8) supports the activities of the youth associations. There is 7 emplyees on this level. • The Uf movement has got 4 regional associations; The Finnish- Swedish Youth Association of the Nylands, Österbottens and Åbolands regions (Nylands Svenska Ungdomsförbund NSU, Svenska Österbottens Ungdomsförbund SÖU, Åbolands Ungdomsförbund ÅUF) and the Finnish-Swedish Youth Association of the self- governmnet of Åland (Ålands Ungdomsförbund ÅLUF). • The Uf movement has got one associated member, The youth Association of the Finnish-Swedish in Sweden (Finlandssvenskarnas Riksförbund i Sverige, FRIS). • All 4 regional associations and FRIS are members of the national organization, Finnish-Swedish Youth Association (Finlands Svenska Ungdomsförbund FSU). Finlands Svenska Ungdomsförbund FSU rf

  5. Finlands Svenska Ungdomsförbund FSU rf

  6. Activities! • In the district associations of Nyland (7) and Österbotten (8): • 170 cultural events with nearly 26500 participantseachyear • 20 educational happenings eachyear • Communication: • The EBUF-nyttmagazine, districtbulletines, the homepages: www.vnur.org, www.suf.fi, www.knuf.fi, www.ebuf.org, www.buf.fi, www.onuf.fi, www.lurens.fi,www.raseborg.org, www.tryckeriteatern.org,www.femteringen.fi Finlands Svenska Ungdomsförbund FSU rf

  7. Activities! • In the regional associations (4): • 25 educational happenings each year • 1130 events • 6 000 participants • 23 emplyees • Communication : • The UF and ÖP magazines, regional bulletines, homepages www.nsu.fi, www.sou.fi, www.auf.fi, www.ungdom.ax, www.öp.fi Finlands Svenska Ungdomsförbund FSU rf

  8. Activities! • In the Finnish-Swedish Youth Association (Finlands Svenska Ungdomsförbund): • 8 educational happenings each year • 30 events • 2 000 participants • 6 employes • Communication : The UF magazine and the homepages www.ungdomsforeningar.fi, www.teater.fi and www.dansbanan.fi Finlands Svenska Ungdomsförbund FSU rf

  9. Ungdomsföreningar.fi • Examples of events the UF movement organizes: • Melodi Grand Prix – music composition competition for kids • VAUDE! – a musical for and by the youth • Atlantis – a theatre encounter for children • Scenkraft – a theatre encounter for adults • Nyländsk Afton – an evening with cultural performances • Raseborgs sommarteater - musical • Finns sommarteater - musical • Lurens sommarteater - musical • Den gyllene peruken – a theatre education • Voice – a competition for vocalists • Swing it – a cultural event • Samman – a theatre project for kids • Lilla vokalisttävlingen – a competition for young vocalists • ...and much more! FSU NSU SÖU ÅUF Å(l)UF Finlands Svenska Ungdomsförbund FSU rf

  10. Ungdomsföreningar.fi Finlands Svenska Ungdomsförbund FSU rf Nylandsgatan 17 B 27 00120 Helsingfors FINLAND Phone: 09-7515 5100 Telefax: 09-648 230 E-mail: fsu@fsu.fi, teater@fsu.fi www.ungdomsföreningar.fi Finlands Svenska Ungdomsförbund FSU rf

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