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Future Neutrino Physics Mitch Soderberg Fermilab Institutional Review June 6-9, 2011. Outline. P hysics of future neutrino experiments. NuMI Neutrino Beam Experiments NO n A MINOS+ MINER n A Booster Neutrino Beam Experiments MiniBooNE MicroBooNE LBNE
Future Neutrino PhysicsMitch SoderbergFermilab Institutional ReviewJune 6-9, 2011
Outline Physics of future neutrino experiments. NuMI Neutrino Beam Experiments • NOnA • MINOS+ • MINERnA Booster Neutrino Beam Experiments • MiniBooNE • MicroBooNE LBNE Neutrino Possibilities with Project X Conclusion Fermilab Institutional Review, June 6-9, 2011
Long Baseline Neutrino Physics 𝜃13 Discovery Evolution arXiv:1005.3146 MINOS Neutrino/Antineutrino Results Fermilab Institutional Review, June 6-9, 2011 Neutrino oscillation physics is entering an exciting period, with several experiments under construction, or on the horizon, that have discovery potential. • What is 𝜃13? • Is there CP violation with neutrinos? • What is the mass hierarchy? NOvA, T2K, and reactor experiments could measure 𝜃13 in the coming years. MINOS reports interesting 2𝜎 neutrino/antineutrino discrepancy.
Short Baseline Neutrino Physics Neutrino Cross-Sections MiniBooNE sees hint of LSND-like oscillation in antineutrino mode. • Sterile Neutrinos? • Lorentz/CPT violation? • New interactions? Measurements of neutrino cross-sections in the few-GeV region are extremely relevant for oscillation physics, and can probe interesting nuclear effects (e.g. - short-range correlations). Short-Baseline Workshop held at Fermilab in May to discuss this physics. Fermilab Institutional Review, June 6-9, 2011
Goal for Proton Source Throughput Tevatron ends LBNE NOvA MINERvA MINOS? MINERvA MINOS MiniBooNE Mu2e g-2 MicroBooNE Timeline for Fermilab Neutrino Experiments in Coming Decade Fermilab Institutional Review, June 6-9, 2011
NOvA NOvA is a next generation experiment on the FermilabNuMI neutrino beam to search for nm- neandnm- neoscillations _ _ Of next generation experiments, NOvA uniquely provides information on the neutrino mass hierarchy, dCP, and possible differences in neutrino and antineutrino disappearance rates. • Far detector laboratory near completion at Ash River MN 810 km from FNAL. • First detector planes to be installed at end of this year. • Operating a prototype on surface at FNAL in NuMI and Booster neutrino beams • Upgrade to 700 kW NuMI beam intensity during shutdown in 2012. • First data starting in early 2013 • Far detector completed by end of 2013. NuMInm CCQE event in NOvA prototype Beneficial occupancy of Ash River lab 4/11 Fermilab Institutional Review, June 6-9, 2011
NOvA NuMI spill gate (10 usec) BNB spill gate (1.6 usec) Beam direction NOvA has been operating a prototype near detector on the surface in the NuMI and Booster neutrino beams since December 2010. Already recorded 1001 NuMI events and 189 Booster events. Fermilab Institutional Review, June 6-9, 2011
_ NOvA ne and ne appearance NOvA is designed to have large mass, low Z, and fine segmentation to separate neCC events from NC events Fermilab Institutional Review, June 6-9, 2011
_ NOvA nm and nm Disappearance nmcharged-current interactions have a very clear signature in NOvA (see below) and are reconstructed with 4% energy resolution allowing for precise measurements of “23” sector both in neutrino and antineutrino mode. . Measurements of “23” oscillation parameters for three possible choices of inputs Energy rise at end of proton track Resolution of the MINOS neutrino/antineutrino discrepancy. Fermilab Institutional Review, June 6-9, 2011
MINOS+ 4-10GeV range only covered by MINOS After 3 years of MINOS+ Running MINOS collaboration has proposed continued running in the NuMI-NOvA beam. 3000 CC events/year in 4-10GeV range in MINOS. (Have ~1500 events in this range after 5 years of LE running). Extended running would quickly improve existing MINOS 𝜃23, 𝛥m2 measurements, and also improve world measurement when combined with NOvA. Fermilab Institutional Review, June 6-9, 2011
MINOS+ • MINOS+ can also search for non-standard interactions (NSI). • NSI = Differences between neutrinos and anti-neutrinos due to non-standard matter effects. • Comparison of low and high energy behavior could disentangle NSI story without anti-neutrino running. J. Kopp, P.A.N. Machado and S.Parke, Phys.Rev.D82:113002 (2010). Fermilab Institutional Review, June 6-9, 2011
MINERnA: LOI to study n-D scattering • Wealth of charged lepton ratios of A/D structure functions • Global fits for these ratios in neutrinos puzzling • Measuring n-D scattering (and A/D ratios) will allow new wealth of n-A data to be used in extracting PDF’s MINERvA can see broad range in x,y, Q2 in NuMI Medium Energy beam Fermilab Institutional Review, June 6-9, 2011
MINERnA Capabilities with D2 target • Usingcurrent knowledge of detector • Acceptance • performance • Includes Empty target run • Can get to first direct measurements of Fe/D2 Structure Functions in n’s and anti-n’s • Investigating ability to identify Quasi-Elastic events also! • Figures assume 3 years n, 3 years anti-n, 6E20/year Fermilab Institutional Review, June 6-9, 2011
Current Vessel is rated for D2 as well as Helium Submitted LOI to Directorate to request advice on pursuing solutions to: Safety concerns for running D2 underground Acquiring 0.37tons of D2 Modest detector upgrades might extend physics reach even further Getting Deuterium to MINERnA Fermilab Institutional Review, June 6-9, 2011
Future MiniBooNE Running • MiniBooNE will run until the March 2012 shutdown, at which point they will have collected >1E21 POT in anti-n mode. • After analysis of this data, MiniBooNE will decide on submitting a proposal for future running. 6.46E20 POT in Nu Mode 5.66E20 POT in Anti-Nu Mode Fermilab Institutional Review, June 6-9, 2011
MicroBooNE • MicroBooNE is a 170 ton Liquid Argon neutrino detector that will begin operations in 2013. • MicroBooNE has several goals: • Determine the nature of the MiniBooNE low-energy excess. • Make numerous cross-section measurements (many for the 1st time on LAr). • Measure background rates relevant for nucleon-decay searches at LBNE. • MicroBooNE serves as a technology test for future massive Liquid Argon detectors. Schematic of MicroBooNE Experiment Expected MicroBooNE Neutrino Sample Fermilab Institutional Review, June 6-9, 2011
MicroBooNE • MicroBooNE will have superior background rejection, relative to MiniBooNE, thanks to capabilities of Liquid Argon detectors. • Neutral Current background is almost completely eliminated using MicroBooNE’s excellent electron/photon separation. • Simulation/Reconstruction tools developed/tested on ArgoNeuT will be used on MicroBooNE and LBNE. Neutrino Interaction in ArgoNeuT Detector Fermilab Institutional Review, June 6-9, 2011
LBNE • LBNE = Long Baseline Neutrino Experiment • 306 members, 58 institutions, 5 countries • LBNE, located at the Homestake Mine (L~1300km), would receive an intense neutrino beam from Fermilab. • LBNE would run in the era after NOvA (~2020). • Far-detector options include: • One 200kTon (fiducial) Water Cerenkov detector • Two 17kTon (fiducial) LArTPCs Water Cerenkov detector at 4800’ Depth Two LAr detectors at 800’ Depth Fermilab Institutional Review, June 6-9, 2011
LBNE • LBNEwill have excellent sensitivity to measurements of 𝜃13, 𝛿CP, and mass hierarchy. • LBNE far detectors will improve the limits of nucleon decay. • Supernova neutrino burst would produces thousands of interactions in far detectors. 34 kTons LAr Fermilab Institutional Review, June 6-9, 2011 200 kTons WC
Neutrino Physics in the Project X Era • 3 GeV, 8GeV, and 120GeV proton sources available in Project X era. • 2 MW beam to LBNE greatly increases the exposure rate and extends the physics reach. • Intense beams for short-baseline experiments would be extremely sought after if LSND/MiniBooNE signals persist. Diagram of Project X Facilities LAr+WC Sensitivities for 700kW/2MW Fermilab Institutional Review, June 6-9, 2011
Conclusions Fermilab will have unique facilities for neutrino physics in the coming decade (on/off axis beams, short-baseline experiments, precision measurements). Experimental neutrino physics will be thriving at Fermilab in the coming decade. Results from future long-baseline experiments will further our understanding of neutrino oscillations. Continued exploration of short-baseline experiments will produce precision cross-section measurements while potentially leading to the discovery of sterile neutrinos or other new physics. Fermilab Institutional Review, June 6-9, 2011