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Urban Agenda Partnership on Circular Economy

Learn about the Urban Agenda Partnership on Circular Economy, its themes, criteria, and actions to promote the circular economy in cities. Explore the concrete outputs and strategies developed by the partnership.

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Urban Agenda Partnership on Circular Economy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Urban Agenda Partnership onCircular Economy Håkon Jentoft, City of Oslo 8th of October, Brussels

  2. PartnershiponCircularEconomy

  3. Timeframe

  4. Partners CircularEconomy • Commission representatives ofthe relevant DGs • EC - DG REGIO • EC - DG ENV • EC – DG RTD • Urban Authorities European associations • EUROCITIES • CEMR (Confederation of European Municipalities and Regions) • EIB (European Investment Bank) • ACR+ (Association of Cities and Regions) • URBACT (European exchange and learning programme promoting sustainable urban development) • Experts (e.g., Universities etc.)

  5. Scope: Four themes to investigate Governance Circular business enablers and drivers Circular consumption Urban resource management

  6. Set ofsixcriteria To choose among several potential actions, a set of six criteria function as guidelines: 1. Cities’ needs 2. Fit the concept of the Circular Economy 3. Potential for improvement 4. Reality check 5. Expertise 6. Added value

  7. WorkingmethodofthePartnership Dividedeachthemeinto different sub-topics 11 Scopingficheswasdeveloped, proposing severalactions to be taken forward by thePartnership Reduced 40 somethingactionsinto 12 by asking: Does the scoping fiche reflect the discussions that took place within the working group? Do the proposed actions reflect the scoping fiche and the identified barriers? How do the proposed actions reflect the criteria set by the Partnership Partners votedfor which action to take forward, and nominatedthemselves for the different workinggroups.

  8. The Partnership Action plan 12 Actions to promote circular economy in cities • 3 Better Regulation • 2 Better Funding • 7 Better Knowledge

  9. Better Regulation

  10. Better Funding

  11. Better Knowledge

  12. Concrete outputs so far URBACT Action Planning Network established to engage even more cities on how to effectively work with waste prevention, re-use and recycling at local level ESPON Targeted Analysis provides a knowledge pack for city administrations on how to promote collaborative economy intiatives that stimulate the circular economy Two position papers have been developed to feed into on-going processes in the European Parliament and EU Commission. Both positions have been adopted More guidelines and tools will be launched throughout the fall of 2019. The partners in the Partnership have also launched their own circular ambitions!

  13. Several strategies developed • For many of the partners, the involvement in the Urban Agenda Partnership have developed into concrete local ambitions. • 5 partners have developed their own circular economy strategies • Address several strategic areas: • Public Procurement • Building and Construction • Waste prevention and waste management • Support for circular entrepreneurship • Industrial symbiosis • Local governance

  14. Thank you for your attention! Håkon Jentoft Coordinator City of Oslo Hakon.jentoft@ren.oslo.kommune.no www.urbanagendaforthe.eu @EUUrbanAgenda

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