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D.Heynderickx, BIRA. Ingestion of SREM data on Rosetta into SEDAT
D.Heynderickx, BIRA • Ingestion of SREM data on Rosetta into SEDAT • Construction of a user interface for a SEDATimplementation to processSREM and other data with respect to distance from the Sun and solaractivity. GOES data will provide solar proton spectra at 1AU. The toolwill also be capable to produce environment specification spectra basedon user selected data, and should be able to provide inputs for theGeant4 tools under development or proposed for the study. An integrated, web based data resource tool will benefit the radiation modelling. Newdata can easily be ingested and processed. The resulting radiationspecification should be checked with the original data as validation. • Use of the Barcelona propagation tool for further validation