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UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PAVIA Facoltà di Economia, Giurisprudenza, Ingegneria, Lettere e Filosofia, Scienze Politiche Corso di Laurea Specialistica Interfacoltà in Editoria e Comunicazione Multimediale.
UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PAVIA Facoltà di Economia, Giurisprudenza, Ingegneria, Lettere e Filosofia, Scienze Politiche Corso di Laurea Specialistica Interfacoltà in Editoria e Comunicazione Multimediale I LIMITI DEL DIRITTO DI CRONACA. IL CASO SARAH SCAZZI The limitsoffreedomof press. The Sarah Scazzi case Tesi di laurea di Stefania Scalercio Relatore: Chiar.mo Prof. Stefano Colloca Correlatore: Chiar.mo Prof. Giampaolo Azzoni
Introduction The issue I first addressed the issueof the limitsoffreedomof press and itsbalancewithotherrightsthatoughttobeprotected. The effectiveexercise Secondly, I analyzed the effectiveexerciseoffreedomof press and itslimits in the recent and notyetconcluded case of Sarah Scazzi. A deontologicalanalysis Formethodologicalrequirements I haveanalized in depth the journalistic treatment of the case only in Italy and the periodbetweenSeptember 1 and November 30, 2010, period in which the turningpointsof the surveytookplace. I haveanalized 623 news rerports.
The Freedomof Press The freedomof press is the freedomofanindividual in telling the factsastheyoccur and byanysuitablemeans. Itisconsidered the basisof the information and contemporydemocracies The journalisthas the duty tobring a versionof the factsthatfits the reality entirety EnhancedProtection: the right of the individualmaysuccumbsto the information need DecalogueSentence n. 5259/1984 of the Court ofCassation
The Limitsof the Freedomof Press • Truth: substantialcorrespondencebetween the factsastheyhappened and howthey are narrated. Strict or putative, providedthatthey are the resultof a diligent and seriousresearch on the sources; • Relevance: existenceof a clear public interest of the knowledgeof the facts in relation totheirrelevanceto the community and the formationof public opinion; • Continence: civilformof the narrationoffacts, whichshouldnotexceedto the information objective.
Freedomof the Press and Respectfor the Person • Right to personal identity: everybody can berepresentedwithhistrueidentity; • Right to privacy: a factmustbeconsidered private whenits spread has no social utility; • Protectionofhonor: feeling and opinion that the subjecthasofhis/hervalue; • Protectionofreputation: the esteemwhich the individualhaswithin a given social environment; • Right tooblivion: a person's interest notto stay indefinitelyexposedto the damagecausedbyrepeatedpublicationof a story in the pastlawfullydisclosed.
The public interestmarks the limitbeyondwhich the protectionof personal privacy isweakened isabsolute in relation to the factsofcrime exceptionalevent seriousnessof the event narrative offreedomguaranteedbyArticle 6, paragraph 1 of the Codice deontologico relativo al trattamento dei dati personali nell’esercizio dell’attività giornalistica Materialityof the information
Historyof the Sarah Scazzi Case • August 26, 2010: disappearanceof the fifteenyearsoldAvetrana girl • (Taranto); • September 29, 2010: discoveryof the girl’s cellularphoneby the uncle; • October 7, 2010: Afterconfession, Michele Misseri, letinvestigators • find Sarah's body; • October 15, 2010: Sabrina Misseriisdetainedforcooperation in the • murder ofhercousin; • February 23, 2011: Carmine Misseri and Cosimo Cosma are arrested • becausetheywereaccusedofconspiringtocorpse • suppression; • March 9, 2011: Misseri’s brother and hisnephewreturntofreedom.
An Investigationinto the ViolatedRights • horrifying background, • disastrousrevelations • Lackofrespectagainst • personsinvolved in the story • DescriptionofAvetrana • as a silence and retrograde • town appeal from the JournalistsOrder
An Investigationinto the ViolatedRights Publicationof audio recordings ofinterrogationsregarding the murder Committeefor the implementationof the codice di autoregolamentazione in materia di rappresentazioni delle vicende giudiziarie nelle trasmissioni televisive Addressby the Garante della privacy Amendmentof a seizureorder, with the valueofassurance information and papercopiesof audio and video filesstored on magnetictapes in Italy
The Chronicleof the ViolatedRightsofChildren Sarah Scazzi (15 yearsold) 2a phase 1a phase Missingchild Dead child The Codice deontologico doesnotcontainspecificreferences. The onlystudy in the Carta di Treviso is in relation to the case of suicide Art. 7, paragraph 3, Codice deontologico and Carta di Treviso "The child's right toconfidentialitymustalwaysbeconsideredasprimaryto the right ofcriticism and commentary"
The Chronicleof the ViolatedRightsofChildren Childrenwitnessesof morbid taste and cynicalrepresentationofpain The freedomof press mustnotexceed the limitofgoodsense and delicate emotionalfragilityofchildren Codice in materia di Media e Minori
The Public Opinion Attention Ascertain the truth or satisfactionofcuriosity? • Crime notcompletedwithin criminal organizations • but in anapparentlynormalcontext; • change in mentality and lifestyleofour society, • whichislocatedalso in the success of noir fiction; • useby media of the criteriatypicalof story and • narrative, in comparisontothose in journalism; • existenceofmorbidvoyeurism in eachofus; THE CAUSES
The Public Opinion Attention • perverse cravingforknowledge and a strong needtoknow; • feelingsofapathy in frontofmurders and violentevents; • inabilitytodistinguishfactfrom fiction. THE CONSEQUENCES
The Mechanismof Audience Becauseof the exceptional nature of the news, the mostatrociouscrimesarouse public impressiveattention The Sarah Scazzi case couldnotbeaddressed in a lessdeep way COMMON informatiON MODELS Thismechanism, however, has no right toinvoke the more macabre and morbiddetailsof the story CRITERIA FOR ECONOMIC COMPETITION High audience isnotanindicatorof high quality or high appreciationfrom the public AUDIENCE > ADVERTISING REVENUE >
DeontologicalAnalysis THE PRESS
DeontologicalAnalysis RELEVANCE CONTINENCE On 85 articlesanalyzed, 31 didn’t observe the criteriaofrelevance and 54 didn’t observe the criteriaofcontinence.
DeontologicalAnalysis On 332 articlesanalyzed, 76 didn’t observe the criteriaofrelevance and 50 didn’t observe the criteriaofcontinence.
DeontologicalAnalysis THE WEB
DeontologicalAnalysis On 46 articlesanalyzed, 3 didn’t observe the criteriaofrelevance and 2 didn’t observe the criteriaofcontinence.
DeontologicalAnalysis TV NEWS
DeontologicalAnalysis On 35 news repotrsanalyzed, 14 didn’t observe the criteriaofrelevance and 15 didn’t observe the criteriaofcontinence.
DeontologicalAnalysis 7 On 35 news reportsanalyzed, 15 didn’t observe the criteriaofrelevance and 15 didn’t observe the criteriaofcontinence.
DeontologicalAnalysis On 35 news reportsanalyzed, 3 didn’t observe the criteriaofrelevance and 3 didn’t observe the criteriaofcontinence.
DeontologicalAnalysis On 35 news reportsanalyzed, 21 didn’t observe the criteriaofrelevance and 13 didn’t observe the criteriaofcontinence.
Dossier EuropeanObservatory on Sicurity • amplespaceeverydaydedicatedto criminal acts; • crimestreatedas fiction and drama; • shiftofpubblicattentionfrom social issuesto crime
DeontologicalAnalysis MAGAZINE PROGRAMS
DeontologicalAnalysis “Porta a Porta”, “Matrix” and “Quarto Grado” havesearched in the Sarah and charactersof the story’s life violating the right to privacy and the right topresumptionofinnocence revealing information notbelongingtojournalism
Conclusion Motivationof the media success of Sarah Scazzi case: Emotionalenvolvement; High plays; Low cost; Narrative techniqueofseriality, Self-body information; Ethicaldutiesnotrespected: Materialityof information; Respectfor the dignityof the person; Presumptionofinnocence; Rightsofchildren.