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Guidance for registering in GoArmyEd (GAE) – SLIDE #2 IDP step by step guidance – SLIDES #3-14

This guidance document provides step-by-step instructions for registering in GoArmyEd, creating goals in IDP, and submitting SF-182 for training applications. It covers essential processes and requirements using ACTEDS funding.

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Guidance for registering in GoArmyEd (GAE) – SLIDE #2 IDP step by step guidance – SLIDES #3-14

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  1. GUIDANCE DOCUMENT FOR USING ACTEDS FUNDING IN GOARMYED • Guidance for registering in GoArmyEd (GAE) – SLIDE #2 • IDP step by step guidance – SLIDES #3-14 • GAE step by step guidance for completing a training application and SF 182 – SLIDES #15-33 • Notes on GAE and DTS – SLIDE #34 • Local National and USACE notes – SLIDE #35 • DTS step by step guidance for travel using CP-12 funding – SLIDES #36-42

  2. Registering in GoArmyEd (Skip this slide if registered in GAE)

  3. Individual Development Plan (IDP) Guidance for Using ACTEDS Funding (IDP) Guidance for Using ACTEDS Funding

  4. IDP Goals are created in the “Plan” tab, and under “Goals Management” (IDP) Guidance for Using ACTEDS Funding

  5. Select Create New Professional Goal (IDP) Guidance for Using ACTEDS Funding

  6. Start and End Dates are required; Mark the “IDP Goal” box; Goal Range and ACTEDS Priority are required (IDP) Guidance for Using ACTEDS Funding

  7. Goal name is required – a specific course can be selected or a manual entry can be made - Once complete, select “Save” (IDP) Guidance for Using ACTEDS Funding

  8. (IDP) Guidance for Using ACTEDS Funding After saving, goal appears in current goals. Continue to add goals until you are ready to add them to your IDP

  9. When you are ready to add goals being “held” in current goals, move to the Individual Development Plan tab. Select “Create New IDP” (IDP) Guidance for Using ACTEDS Funding

  10. Enter a start and end date – the dates selected will dictate what appears on the IDP – select dates that cover the time period for which your goals are listed – For example, if you have a developmental assignment as a goal that is scheduled for 14 months from the date of IDP creation, and the IDP dates are for one year, the goal will not show up on IDP – there is also an option to choose “Select all (short term or long term) goals (IDP) Guidance for Using ACTEDS Funding

  11. Select “Save” IDP) Guidance for Using ACTEDS Funding

  12. IDP is saved in “Draft” status – THERE IS MORE, DON’T STOP HERE! (IDP) Guidance for Using ACTEDS Funding

  13. Goal shows on Draft IDP – scroll to bottom and select “Submit” (IDP) Guidance for Using ACTEDS Funding

  14. IDP is in “Pending Review” status – (IDP can still be printed in this status) – Supervisor will receive notification of a pending review. Supervisor can Approve, Disapprove, or Return for action with comments and suggestions for modifications, entries Each time an individual has significant changes to IDP, a new IDP should be submitted IMPORTANT!! Be certain your supervisor listed is correct, and available – if IDP is not approved by that supervisor, it stalls a new IDP (IDP) Guidance for Using ACTEDS Funding

  15. GoArmyEd (GAE) Training Application and SF 182 Guidance GAE Training Application and SF 182 Guidance All SF-182 used for CP-12 ACTEDS funding must be submitted and approved using GoArmyEd. No manual SF-182 are accepted. If attending training, you must contact the vendor to reserve a course seat. Current information on this process is at: https://safety.army.mil/CP-12/Training-and-Development

  16. Start Here You will need a current Immediate Supervisor. The supervisor is derived from your Army Career Tracker (ACT) account. GAE Training Application and SF 182 Guidance OK to not have training manager – not required - ignore *******ALL REQUESTS FOR TRAINING MUST BE REACH CP-12 AT LEAST 30 DAYS OUT

  17. GAE Training Application and SF 182 Guidance Most training will fall into this category

  18. GAE Training Application and SF 182 Guidance

  19. First 3 fields are mandatory – complete based on the course you are taking • When complete, select “Next (Class Search)” GAE Training Application and SF 182 Guidance

  20. GAE Training Application and SF 182 Guidance

  21. Note: This is only approval of your training application. You now need to create the SF-182. Then the SF-182 will need to be approved by your supervisor, your career manager and G-3/5/7. GAE Training Application and SF 182 Guidance

  22. Select the magnifying glass to search for your school/vendor. GAE Training Application and SF 182 Guidance

  23. Selecting “Advanced Lookup” is recommended. GAE Training Application and SF 182 Guidance

  24. Using the “contains” option for any of the fields renders a more accurate and complete search. GAE Training Application and SF 182 Guidance

  25. Select your vendor from search results GAE Training Application and SF 182 Guidance • For CP-12 Courses that do not require payment (no vendor), enter “resident” and search results will return “USACRC CP-12 Resident Courses” • For UTA on-line courses, enter “division” and search results will return “UTA Division for Enterprise Development” which is UTA OSHA Ed Center that has partnered with CP-12. • WARNING: It is IMPERATIVE that the correct school/ vendor is entered to ensure that payment is made to the correct school/vendor • Many GAE school/vendor names are similar to each other and may not be exactly the same name that the school or vendor is known by – be accurate! • If you are not sure of the GAE school/vendor name contact the school/vendor to get their GAE name or code. • WARNING: GAE only obligates funding for the course. Selecting your school in GAE does not generate a seat for you in the course. You need to contact the school/vendor or course POC to secure a seat.

  26. Complete search criteria and select “search” for uploaded classes by the specified vendor OR Select “I cannot find my course” GAE Training Application and SF 182 Guidance (Option 2 is used most often – requestor may enter manually, title of class or developmental assignment, etc.)

  27. Fly out box appears when “I cannot find my course” is selected Click Request SF 182 GAE Training Application and SF 182 Guidance

  28. GAE Training Application and SF 182 Guidance • SF 182 will appear • Complete all fields with your specific information • Use School/Vendor search function as you did before

  29. CAUTION: All that we have accomplished so far is to complete a training application (SF-181). • We are about to start the SF-182 process. • Before we do please note that GoArmyEd has auto-generated an “Approved” Status (see below). • This does not mean that you are approved for training. • We are now able to create the SF-182. • Notice to the far right, the SF-182 button is “Create”. • Not sure why GoArmyEd has this extra step, but it confuses a lot of potential trainees.

  30. Use the contains function to locate vendor again GAE Training Application and SF 182 Guidance

  31. GAE Training Application and SF 182 Guidance • Select your school or vendor

  32. School will populate • All sections of 182 must be complete • If manually entering course ID and name, get info from school or vendor • If developmental assignment or other non-named training, enter text that describes training and enter any course ID (recommend using date and partial name – i.e. Cadet Command Developmental 03/18/15) GAE Training Application and SF 182 Guidance

  33. Enter tuition amount (if any) • Enter travel costs (good faith estimate) • When all fields are complete, select “Submit” GAE Training Application and SF 182 Guidance

  34. After a few days, check your SF-182 for approval in GAE: • It needs to be approved by all of the following. • Your supervisor • Your Career Manager (CPM) • G357 • Your CPM will automatically be notified after your supervisor approves the SF-182 • Contact your CPM only if you are within 10 business days of traveling and your SF-182 is not yet approved by either the CPM or HQDA. • Primary POC: Paul Clark at 334-255-9528 or paul.d.clark36.civ@mail.mil • Alternate POC: Tamara A. Nazario • Provide your course name, dates, and GAE TNG name Your supervisor Your supervisor Paul Clark GAE Training Application and SF 182 Guidance

  35. Notes: • Even if you have an approved SF-182, You still need ensure that you are “registered” for the training with your school or training vendor. GAE is used to request funding, but it does not necessarily register you for the training course. • If you are not traveling (or CP-12 is not funding travel), simply wait for full approval of 182 – school or vendor will invoice in GAE – you have no further action • If CP-12 is funding your travel, you MUST FOLLOW THE GUIDANCE EXACTLY, listed on the next slides • Group requests: for regional training, group requests (182s) can be processed at the CP-12 Management Office – contact the CP-12 office for a request template and guidance or go to https://safety.army.mil/CP-12/Training-and-Development

  36. LOCAL NATIONAL and USACE Individuals Notes: • Local National individuals: currently being added to GAE – if in GAE, proceed as normal, if not, contact CP-12 office for guidance on manual 182 processing. • Corps of Engineers: Submit 182 in GAE, then send an email to the CP-12 office providing your RM manager, the SF-182 number and the date/name of your training event.

  37. Defense Travel System (DTS) Guidance For Using ACTEDS Funding Your CP-12 Manager POC for travel and funding: PRIMARY Paul Clark paul.d.clark.36.civ@mail.mil DSN 558-9528 (334) 255-9528 ALTERNATE Gary Ballew gary.w.ballew.civ@mail.mil DSN 558-0258 (334) 255-0258 DTS Guidance for using ACTEDS Funding • This guide is applicable to all CP-12 careerists that are traveling on CP-12 ACTEDS funds. If you are using CP-12 funds for travel or per diem you will also need to complete and return to the CP-12 Office your LOA travel worksheet. The LOA travel worksheet and other information is available at: • https://safety.army.mil/CP-12/Training-and-Development • The following categories are the exceptions to the above: • Local National individuals: Local nationals need to have an SF-182 in GoArmyEd. For funding complete a G-37 Travel worksheet that includes your local RM. Monies will be transferred from G37 to your RM. Your local RM will have guidance on how you travel. • Corps of Engineers: Submit and SF-182 in GoArmyEd. Also send an email to the CP-12 office providing the contact information for your RM manager, the SF-182 number and the date/name of your training event. CP-18 will transfer monies to your local RM

  38. DTS Guidance for using ACTEDS Funding Log into DTS Hover over “Create New Document” and select “Routine TDY Trip”

  39. DTS Guidance for using ACTEDS Funding • While in the “Itinerary” window: • Complete all applicable fields • Leave the “Rental Car” field as “No” • Career Programs can’t fund rental cars. • If your command is funding your rental car you can go back and select “Yes” after G-3/5/7 places the LOA on this DTS • Once you’re finished select “Continue” at the bottom of the page

  40. DTS Guidance for using ACTEDS Funding • Skip the “Reservations” and “Expenses” Sections and Go to the “Review Section”. Select “Add Reference” and paste your SF-182 training number here (It is on the top of the SF-182 beginning with TNG) • You are now ready to close DTS. Do not sign the authorization. • WARNINGS • Do not make flight arrangements or add any expenses • Do not sign your authorization

  41. DTS Guidance for using ACTEDS Funding Your approved LOA will appear similar to this in the Accounting Codes section. • G 3/5/7 will manually add your LOA – they do not cross org. • If the LOA is not applied at least 10-days prior to travel contact your CP-12 Manager. paul.d.clark36.civ@mail.mil • You need to check your DTS periodically to see that the LOA has been applied. • After G-3/5/7 places the LOA on this DTS you may go back and complete your travel information, to include reservations. • After the G357 LOA appears, you may also add any non-CP-12 funded expenses and accounting codes, such as rental car.

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