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Croeso n ô l Welcome back

Croeso n ô l Welcome back. Inset Day 1 1 Medi 2014. INSET Day 2 nd Sept. INSET Day 1 st Sept. 2014 L2 R esults Headlines. 62% students achieved the L2 threshold (  17 % points) 22% students achieved L2 Inc. E&M (  4 % points )

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Croeso n ô l Welcome back

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  1. Croeso nôl Welcome back

  2. Inset Day 1 1 Medi 2014

  3. INSET Day 2nd Sept INSET Day 1st Sept

  4. 2014 L2 Results Headlines • 62% students achieved the L2 threshold(17% points) • 22% students achieved L2 Inc. E&M (4% points) • 86% students achieved the L1 threshold (2% points) • 19% students achieved the CSI (3% points) • The average capped point score was 296 (10 points) • 33% students achieved GCSE English • 31% students achieved GCSE Maths • 65% students achieved GCSE equivalent in Science

  5. 2014 L2 Results Headlines No learners left school without a qualification Over 40 Year 11 learners with 10 or more GCSE’s Art, PE, ICT and History all produced some excellent results and Science results climbed by a massive 24%.

  6. High Achievers Year 11 Chloe Meredith – 2A’s, 3 Distinctions and 5 B’s Nicole Cleaton – 4A’s, 1 Distinction and 3 B’s Alys Shore – 1A*, 3A’s, 1 Distinction and 4B’s Lauren Morgan 1A*, 1A, and 7B’s Jessica Poore – 1A*, 1A, 1Distinction and 5B’s Josh Molina – 2 Distinctions, 6B’s Calum Morgan - 1A, 7B’s Shauna Love - 9B’s Year 10 Myles Davies – 1A*, 1A, 1 Distinction, 1B, 3C’s Anna Phillips – 1A, 2 Distinctions, 2 B’s, 3C’s Jordan Harford – 1A, 2 Distinctions, 5c’s Megan Broad – 1Distinction, 3B’s, 2C’s Jack Molina – 2 Distinctions, 2B’s, 5C’s A wheel of opportunities for a world of individuals

  7. Over 30% of year 10 have already achieved the L2 threshold with 5 GCSEs 26% already achieved C grades in Maths

  8. General Reminders • Child Protection • Designated Person – Maria Woodward • Deputy Designate – Deb Cairns • Notification of Absence • Calls made to Tracey before 7.45am • Leave of absence requests at least one week before required. See Karen • Reprographics • Please plan ahead and avoid dropping things on Doreen at the last minute.

  9. General Reminders • Corridors • Please be vigilant at all times in corridors and challenge any poor behavior or inappropriate uniform. • Cover supervisors will be working the corridors so please call for assistance if you need it. • Please don’t stand students in the corridors. Use partner classrooms or call for support from HODs. • Toilet Breaks • These should be restricted to break and lunch times unless learners are in possession of a medical note. A wheel of opportunities for a world of individuals

  10. General Reminders • Going Off site • No learners are to be allowed off site unless they have a note from home. • The sliding doors will be open at lunch and break times to allow access to the tennis courts. • No access to the leisure Centre unless for PE lessons. • Site Maintenance • If you notice and damage or need things repaired etc. please see Jodie who will ensure the caretakers are aware of it.

  11. Website/ICT • The School Website has been updated. • The Staff handbook is currently being updated and will be accessed through the website ASAP • Everyone is now on abertileryschool.net email • Send any stories to me as soon as you have them. • ICT across the school will be updated and improved as the year progresses. Please take care of it and report any issues to Gary ASAP.

  12. Lesson Observations Only 65% of Observations were Good or Excellent. This year we are targeting 80%. All staff will be observed at least twice during the year. Once by a member of SLG Once by their Performance manager Other observations may occur during reviews or if circumstances require it. New Lesson Planning forms will be circulated for your use, as will the lesson observation form. You will always receive a copy of the form along with detailed feedback following your observation. A wheel of opportunities for a world of individuals

  13. Peer Observations ESTYN are putting high value on the use of Peer Observations as a way of sharing Best Practice. I would encourage everyone to participate in a peer observation however this is not compulsory. If you would like to take part, please try to observe a colleague outside of your normal subject area. Cover will be provided if available. Notification of completed Observation should be sent to DC. No formal responses are required only the date and period that the observation took place.

  14. Strategic Leadership Group (SLG) – Group to meet Twice Weekly. One meeting to be operational one to be strategic. Extended Leadership Team (ELT) – Group to meet every two weeks along with SLG. Agenda items to be Update, Students, Staff & Events. All members will also regularly present on their areas of responsibility and national developments linked to these areas. SLG & ELT Roles and Responsibilities 2014-15

  15. Business Team – Team to meet once every two weeks to discuss finance, personnel, facilities. Middle Leadership Team (MLT) – Group to meet half termly chaired by Headteacher. Focus for the group to be decided based on current priorities. Work of the group will be research based and will inform whole school development of teaching and Learning. Business & Extended Leadership Teams 2014-15

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