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Reported speech / Indirect speech. Direct speech Indirect speech. Contamos lo que alguien ha dicho sin hacer ningún cambio en sus palabras. Contamos lo que alguien ha dicho pero no repetimos exactamente sus palabras. Las comillas desaparecen. Direct speech Indirect speech.
Direct speech Indirect speech Contamos lo que alguien ha dicho sin hacer ningún cambio en sus palabras. Contamos lo que alguien ha dicho pero no repetimos exactamente sus palabras. Las comillas desaparecen.
Direct speech Indirect speech El reporting verb está en presente. El reporting verb está en pasado. El tiempo verbal no cambia. El tiempo verbal da un salto al pasado.
Direct speech Indirect speech George says: “I want to eat.” George says thathe wants to eat.
Direct speech Indirect speech “I hate horor films.” says Sergio. Sergio says thathe hates horror films.
Direct speech Indirect speechStatements Subject + reporting verb + (that) + subject + verb…
Direct speech Indirect speech Contamos lo que alguien ha dicho sin hacer ningún cambio en sus palabras. Detrás del “sujeto + said” ponemos la conjunción that. El verbo da un salto atrás hacia el pasado.
Direct speech Indirect speech Contamos lo que alguien ha dicho sin hacer ningún cambio en sus palabras. Detrás del “sujeto + tell + C. directo” ponemos la conjunción that. El verbo da un salto atrás hacia el pasado.
Direct speech Indirect speech Contamos lo que alguien ha dicho sin hacer ningún cambio en sus palabras. Los pronombres personales cambian. Los adjetivos posesivos cambian. Los pronombres posesivos cambian.
Direct speech Indirect speech Contamos lo que alguien ha dicho sin hacer ningún cambio en sus palabras. Los demostrativos cambian. Las expresiones de tiempo cambian. Las expresiones de lugar cambian.
Direct speech Indirect speech Present simple. Present continuous. Have. Will. Can. Must. May. Past simple. Past continuous. Had. Would. Could. Had to. Might.
Direct speech Indirect speech Past simple. Present perfect simple. Past perfect simple. Past perfect continuous. Past perfect simple. Past perfect simple. Past perfect simple. Past perfect continuous.
Direct speech Indirect speech Now. Today. Tomorrow. This. These. Here. I. My. Then. That day. The next / following day. That. Those. There. He / She. His / Her.
Direct speech Indirect speech Yesterday. The day before yesterday. The day after tomorrow. Next week. Last month. Ten years ago. The day before. Two days before. Two days later. The following week / the week after. The previous month / the month before. Ten years before.
Direct speech Indirect speech George said: “I want to eat.” George said thathewanted to eat.
Direct speech Indirect speech “I want to be famous,” said Alex to her friends. Alex said thatshewanted to be famous.
Direct speech Indirect speech “I want to be famous,” said Alex to her friends. Alex told her friendsthatshewanted to be famous.
Direct speech Indirect speech “I enjoy the beach,” Jenny said. Jenny said that she enjoyed the beach.
Direct speech Indirect speech “Brad is studying,”his mum said. Brad’s mum said that he was studying.
Direct speech Indirect speech “You can see Big Ben if you go to London,” the tour guide said. The tour guide said that I could see Big Ben if I went to London.
Direct speech Indirect speech “You must be 18 to drive,” the police said. The police said that I had to be 18 to drive.
Direct speech Indirect speech “I will bring you my CD tomorrow,” Jane said. Jane said that she would bring me her CD the next day.
Direct speech Indirect speech “We have been here before,” he said. He said that they had been there before.
Direct speech Indirect speech “There was an earthquake last night,” the reporter said. The reporter said that there had been an earthquake the night before.
Direct speech Indirect speech “I hate reality TV,” said Jenny. Jenny said that she hated reality TV.
Direct speech Indirect speech “I was really proud of my brother when he won a quiz show,” said Clare. Clare said that shehad been really proud of her brother when he had won a quiz show.
Direct speech Indirect speech “These people deserve better,” stated the MP. The MP stated that those people deserved better.
Direct speech Indirect speech “This café is awful;” we can’t eat here!” said Paul. Paul said that that café was awful and they couldn’t eat there.
Direct speech Indirect speech “I moved to Oxford six months ago, “ said Scarlett. Scarlett said that she had moved to Oxford six months before.
Direct speech Indirect speech “I buy the paper every day,” said Jamie. Jamie said that he bought the paper every day.
Direct speech Indirect speech “They are studying,” Kate told me. Kate told me that they were studying.
Direct speech Indirect speech “Daniel called me on Saturday,” said Mary. Mary said that Daniel had called her on Saturday.
Direct speech Indirect speech “I’ve seen all Almodóvar’s films,” announced Helen. Helen announced that she had seen all Almodóvar’s films.
Direct speech Indirect speech “I’ll help you with your homework,” said Ana. Ana said that she would help me with my homework.
Direct speech Indirect speech “I can speak Portuguese,” declared Richard. Richard declared that he could speak Portuguese.
Direct speech Indirect speech “It may snow today,” warned the weatherman. The weatherman warned that it might snow that day.
Direct speech Indirect speech “I must go,” said Betty. Betty said that she had to go.
Direct speech Indirect speechQuestions Wh-questions. Yes / No questions. Subject + reporting verb + wh-word + subject + verb… Subject + reporting verb + whether / if + subject + verb…
Direct speech Indirect speech Questions Contamos lo que alguien ha preguntado sin hacer ningún cambio en sus palabras. La interrogativa deja de serlo y se convierte en una oración enunciativa (sin inversión sujeto verbo, sin auxiliar, sin signo de interrogación).
Direct speech Indirect speech Questions Contamos lo que alguien ha preguntado sin hacer ningún cambio en sus palabras. El resto de cambios que vimos al principio se mantienen (verbos, pronombres, adjetivos, expresiones de tiempo, expresiones de lugar).
Direct speech Indirect speech Questions Las Yes / No questions son las que se contestan con un sí o un no. Al pasarlas a estilo indirecto empleamos el verbo ask + if…
Direct speech Indirect speech Questions Las Wh-questions no se pueden contestar con un sí o un no porque empiezan con una partícula interrogativa (What, who, where, when, why,how,…). Al pasarlas a estilo indirecto empleamos el verbo ask + Wh-word…
Direct speech Indirect speechQuestions “Are they eating now?” I asked. I asked if they were eating then.
Direct speech Indirect speechQuestions “Is this our new car?” asked Rachel. Rachel asked if that was their new car.
Direct speech Indirect speechQuestions “What is the name of the new film?” she asked. She asked whatthe name of the new film was.
Direct speech Indirect speechQuestions “Where does Ryan live?” Carol asked. Carol asked whereRyan lived.
Direct speech Indirect speechQuestions “Can we meet now?” Don asked. Don asked ifwe could meet then.
Direct speech Indirect speechQuestions “How often do you listen to the Spanish radio?” Tim wanted to know. Tim wanted to know how often we listened to the radio.
Direct speech Indirect speechQuestions “How is English changing?” she asked. She asked how English was changing.