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The East Sussex Community Resilience Programme empowers communities to enhance their well-being by utilizing local resources and strengths, fostering resilience through collaboration and asset-based strategies. Join us in improving community health and building stronger connections.
East Sussex Community Resilience Programme Tina Cook, Health Improvement Principal, Public Health, ESCC
What creates Community Resilience ? ‘Community resilience is generated by community members coming together to identify and use community resources and strengths e.g. voluntary groups, local businesses, parks, or buildings ….to help influence change in their community e.g. to gain more control over their wellbeing or manage their health and care support needs’
East Sussex Community Resilience Programme • Aims to improve the health of local people through growing stronger and more resilient communities, using an asset based approach • Transforming how we all work with communities system-wide • Bringing together and building on existing local asset based approaches • Learning from research and experience elsewhere
Principles of an asset approach • Recognise assets: any resource, skill or knowledge which enhances the ability of individuals, families and neighbourhoods to create and sustain health and wellbeing. • Instead of starting with the problems, start with what is working, and what people care about. • Networks, friendships, self esteem and feelings of personal and collective effectiveness are good for our well-being.
The story so far….. • ESBT and Connecting4You led, but Voluntary and Community Sector and wider partnerships key • Identifying priorities at a community level - Building Stronger Communitiescomprehensive engagement • Locality Link Workers – embedding prevention and community resilience in health and care teams • Applying asset approach within communities eg. Chances4Change and Good neighbour schemes
Building Stronger CommunitiesThe Question How can we all work with people, groups, businesses and organisations in East Sussex to build stronger, more resilient, communities where they are most needed?
The Question How can we all work with people, groups, businesses and organisations in East Sussex to build stronger, more resilient, communities where they are most needed?
Community Values and Themes • Context • Timescales • Collaborating • Communicating • Involved Communities and Volunteers • Resourcing
Delivery Multi –disciplinary multi-sector Deliver Groups established, focussing on: • Communicating and Collaborating • Involved Communities and Volunteering • Resourcing Deliver Groups report to Personal and Community Resilience Steering Group (initially ESCC departments, CCGs, Speak –Up)
Delivery Plans • Strengthen networks, including linking Integrated Locality Teams and the Voluntary and Community Sector • Shared learning programme for all on asset based approaches • Programme of good news stories
Delivery Plans (contd.) • Support and create opportunities for residents to be more involved in their community, including a campaign • Include asset approach in public sector agreements • Improving access to small scale funding and other resources at community level
Locality Link Workers will: Help Integrated Locality Teams shape the way they connect with the voluntary sector. Know what is available in the voluntary sector. Help communities shape what is available in the voluntary sector.
Locality Networks Building Stronger Communities- Communicating and Collaborating Theme: • ‘A whole system in place that supports the commissioning and delivery of joint working and collaboration between organisations and between organisations and communities’ • ‘Communicating methods and practice are two-way, consistent and coordinated, and based on co-production.’ Participants wanted more opportunities to network
Co-production ‘Co-production of services and outcomes by professionals and citizens. The coming together of equals, each with assets and strengths, around a common goal or a joint venture’ cited in Heads Hands Heart: The Health Foundation 2015
Co-Design of Locality Networks • Co-Design events with ESBT Advisory Group and in four areas across county • Led CVS’s and LNs, working with CR programme leads • Well attended and received
Results Purpose • To share information and resources, build relationships and collaboration, influence service provision and provide opportunities for mutual support and learning
Results (contd.) • Intermediate Outcomes of LNs (results) • Wide range of local information gathered and shared • Local resources of all kinds identified, shared and use maximised • New relationships and connections made • New collaborations established on principles of co-production (equal partnerships) • Gaps identified, service developments influenced and/or opportunities to do so through other channels highlighted • Organisational development and learning
Results (contd.) Outputs (activities to achieve results) • Quarterly themed meeting in each locality • Information sharing mechanisms in place (including digital systems) • Resource sharing mechanisms in place (including digital systems) • Opportunities for new relationships and connections created and promoted • Opportunities for collaboration created and promoted • Opportunities for identifying gaps and influencing services promoted and/or created within LN meetings or through other channels • Learning and development opportunities provided and promoted
Results (contd.) How LNs are to be delivered • Wide participation across all types of organisation and sector, • Involvement of all relevant local networks in some form • Appropriate links made to relevant county wide groups/forums (existing and emerging) • Participants experience LNs as: informal, interactive, creative, enjoyable, focussed, supportive, inclusive, purposeful, jointly owned across sectors and accessible physically and digitally
Results (contd.) How LNs are to be delivered contd • Representation across all local communities of interest and place, including ‘protected groups’. • Local variation • Network members drive themes and content • VCS , LNs and Community Resilience Programme leads facilitate • Strong links to relevant organisations including and in particular Health and Social Care Teams