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GTL فناوری چالش ها و فرصت ها. معاونت پژوهش و فناوری جهاد دانشگاهی محمد صادق حاجی تاروردی. گردهمایی معاونین پژوهشی تبریز – تیر ماه 1384.
GTL فناوری چالش ها و فرصت ها معاونت پژوهش و فناوری جهاد دانشگاهی محمد صادق حاجی تاروردی گردهمایی معاونین پژوهشی تبریز – تیر ماه 1384
فهرست مطالب:وضعیت تولید و مصرف مواد سوختی درکشور وضعیت ذخیره نفت خام و گاز طبیعی در دنیا و ایران وضعیت تولید نفت خام و گاز طبیعی در دنیا و ایران20 کشور برتر دارای ذ خایرگازطبیعی فناوری GTLتاریخچه کاربرد GTLفرایند فیشر- تروپشراکتورهای فرایند فیشر- تروپشکاتالیست هامحصولات فرایند GTLپروژه های GTL اجراشده در دنیاهزینه های تحقیقات و کارخانجات تقسیم بندی هزینه های کارخانه GTLاقدامات انجام شده در کشوررئوس اصلي برنامههاي پيشنهادي
تولید و مصرف فراورده های نفتی در سال 1382 – میلیون لیتر راه حل مشکل کمبود فراورده ها چیست ؟
The world’s proven gas reserves are estimated at an average of 156 trillion m3.
Two practical ways of transporting natural gas: Pipeline in gaseous form or Chill and transport it as liquefied natural gas (LNG). A third alternative:GTL Technology
In the first step, oxygen [O2] separated from air is blown into a reactor with methane [CH4]. The products are synthetic gases, hydrogen [H2] and carbon monoxide [CO]. These pass into a Fischer-Tropsch reactor where catalysts help reform the gases into long-chain hydrocarbon molecules. The long-chain hydrocarbons are fed into a cracking unit and fractionated into diesel or other liquid fuels, naphtha and waxes. Cracking uses heat and pressure to decompose long-chain hydrocarbons and produce lighter hydrocarbons.
F-T Reactions • There are 3 main reactions of the F-T process • The two main products are paraffins, which are saturated hydrocarbons, and olefins, which are non-saturated hydrocarbons • The water gas shift reaction is important to regulate the H2 : CO ratio so that the reaction will take place
Two Main F-T Reactors • Three-phase fluidized bed reactors, or slurry bubble reactors (most widely used) • Multitubular fixed bed reactors with internal cooling
Catalysts • Iron– Most commonly used due to relative inexpensiveness, produces reasonable results, is very stable when syngas with a high H:CO ratio is converted, active in the water gas shift process, high activity, very selective to olefins • Cobalt – Has the highest yields of product, predominantly linear alkanes, has the longest life span. Disadvantages are high cost and low water gas shift activity • Ruthenium – Very rarely used due to very high cost and low activity, produces high molecular weight waxes (up to 1,000,000 MW) when used at low temp and high pressure
Product Upgrade and Separation • Conventional refinery processes used for upgrading of F-T liquid and wax products. • Hydrocracking – breaking a large chained molecule into smaller units • Distillate hydrotreating • Catalytic reforming
Products • Fuels produced by F-T are high quality due to low aromaticity and zero sulfur content: • Fuel gas (C1-C2) • Gasoline • Kerosene • Jet Fuel • Diesel • Soft and Hard Wax
Sasol Synthetic Fuels, Secunda, South Africa. Sasol operates two such plants, applying gas-to-liquid (GTL) technology to convert coal-derived natural gas to liquid fuels.
Shell GTL plant in Bintulu, Malaysia, in operation since 1993. Bintulu plant converts natural gas piped in from Sarawak to 12,500 B/D [1990 m3/d] of clean diesel, kerosene and naphtha.
The ConocoPhillips GTL demonstration plant in Ponca City, Oklahoma, USA. The plant was completed in March 2003, and is designed to convert 4 MMcf[114,600 m3] per day of natural gas into 400 B/D [64 m3/d] of sulfur-free diesel and naphtha.
BP GTL test plant in Nikiski, near Kenai, Alaska, USA. The plant produced its first synthetic oil in July 2003. BP plans to produce about 250 barrels per day [40 m3/d] ($86 million)
Locations and estimated capacities of existing and potential commercial GTL plants in operation by 2010. Pilot plants and plants that convert coal-derived gas are not included.
Research and Plants Cost ExxonMobil Corp. has invested $400 million in GTL research since 1981 and has a commercial test plant at the ExxonMobil refinery in BatonRouge, Louisiana, USA. BP has produced its first synthetic oil from an $86 million GTL test plant in Nikiski, near Kenai,Alaska, USA Capital investment for installation of new plants comparable to that of the large operations in South Africa is prohibitively high, ranging from $27,000 to $50,000per B/D of liquid fuel produced. The 34,000-B/D Sasol plant planned for Qatar is estimated to cost between $20,000 and $25,000 per B/D.
An agreement between the Gazprom research and development affiliate, VNIIGAZ, and Syntroleum Corporation, based in Tulsa, Oklahoma, outlines a study of 12 locations throughout the Russian Federation as potential GTL sites. The GTL plants would use Syntroleum technology to produce low-viscosity arctic-grade diesel, petrochemical feedstock and specialty lubricants. Plant capacities designed by Syntroleum could handle gas input rates from 1 billion m3 [34.9 Bcf] per year to 10 billion m3 [349 Bcf] per year.
اقدامات انجام شده در کشور: انجام پروژههاي تحقيقاتي در مقياس آزمايشگاهي اجراي واحد پايلوت براي تبديل گاز طبيعي به هيدروكربنهاي مايع توسط سازمان گسترش و پژوهشگاه صنعت نفت عقدقرارداد GTLبا شركت شل براي خريد تكنولوژي عقدقرارداد GTLبا شركت ساسول افريقاي جنوبي براي خريد تكنولوژي
رئوس اصلي برنامههاي پيشنهادي : • مطالعه پيشينه فرآيند FT در مقالات و پتنتها • بررسی انواع راكتور فرآيند FT و نكات مهم طراحي آنها • مطالعه سينتيك واكنشهاي FT • بررسي كارخانجات ساخته شده توسط شركتهاي خارجي وارزیابی آنها • بررسي پروژههاي تحقیقاتی و نیمه صنعتی انجام شده و در حال انجام داخلي • تعريف پروژههاي ذيربط • انجام پروژههاي آزمايشگاهي • طراحي و ساخت پايلوت FT • طراحي و ساخت واحد نيمه صنعتي GTL به ظرفيت 30 بشكه در روز محصول • طراحي واحد صنعتي به ظرفيت 000/20 بشكه در روز محصول