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A picture is worth more than a 1000 words. It can save a life. Arjun Watane. Gaussian Derivative. I = imread ( 'brain_tumor_mri_1.jpg' ); I2 = rgb2gray(I); k = fspecial ( ' gaussian ' , [7 7] , 1); %Gaussian filter kernal kdx = conv2(k,[1 0 -1], 'valid' ); %figure; surf( kdx );
A picture is worth more than a 1000 words. It can save a life. ArjunWatane
Gaussian Derivative • I = imread('brain_tumor_mri_1.jpg'); • I2 = rgb2gray(I); • k = fspecial('gaussian', [7 7] , 1); %Gaussian filter kernal • kdx = conv2(k,[1 0 -1], 'valid'); • %figure; surf(kdx); • kdy = conv2(k, [1; 0; -1], 'valid'); • %figure; surf(kdy); • imx = conv2(I2, kdx, 'valid'); • imy = conv2(I2, kdy, 'valid'); • figure; imshow(I2); • %figure; imshow(imx); • figure; imshow(imy); • imwrite(imy, 'brainTumorMRI1_GaussianDerivative.jpg');
Edge Detector • 6 edge-finding methods • Sobel • Prewitt • Roberts • Laplacian • Zero-Cross • Canny • Tested on Groceries and a Brain MRI
Edge Detection on Groceries I5 = imread('groceries.jpg'); IBW = rgb2gray(I5); BW = edge(IBW, 'prewitt'); figure; imshow(BW); • Changed “groceries.jpg” with brain_mri_1. • Changed “prewitt” with sobel, canny, roberts, Log, and zerocross.
Edge Detection on Brain MRI (Tumor Detection) Roberts Prewitt Canny Sobel LoG ZeroCross
Adaboost • Pgm files work better. • Found online jpg to pgm converter.
Harris Corner Detector im = imread('groceries.jpg'); im = rgb2gray(im); k = fspecial('gaussian', [15 15], 1); dx =[-1 0 1; -1 0 1; -1 0 1];%Derivative Masks dy = dx'; %transpose x to make y kdx = conv2(im, dx, 'valid'); %Image Derivatives kdy = conv2(im, dy, 'valid'); kdx2 = kdx.^2; %square every number in the matrix kdy2 = kdy.^2; kdxy = (kdx.*kdy); %multiply every number in the matrix with each other kdx2 = conv2(kdx2, k, 'same'); kdy2 = conv2(kdy2, k, 'same'); kdxy = conv2(kdxy, k, 'same'); H = [kdx2 kdxy; kdxy kdy2]; M = (kdx2.*kdy2 - kdxy.^2) - .04*(kdx2 + kdy2).^2; %Harris Corner Measure Equation imshow(M); imwrite(M, 'groceriesHarrisCorner.jpg');
SIFT – Plot Descriptors pfx = fullfile(vl_root, 'data', 'obama3.jpg'); I = imread(pfx); image(I); I = single(rgb2gray(I)); [f,d] = vl_sift(I); perm = randperm(size(f,2)); sel = perm(1:4);%4 represents the # of features h1 = vl_plotframe(f(:,sel)) ; h2 = vl_plotframe(f(:,sel)) ; set(h1,'color','k','linewidth',3) ; set(h2,'color','y','linewidth',2) ; h3 = vl_plotsiftdescriptor(d(:,sel),f(:,sel)) ; set(h3,'color','g') ;
SIFT – Match Descriptor Points pfx = fullfile(vl_root, 'data', 'obama1.jpg'); %receives, reads, grayscales, and resizes the image from the vl_root directory I = imread(pfx); figure; imshow(I); Ia = single(rgb2gray(I)); Ia = imresize(Ia, [300 300]); pfx = fullfile(vl_root, 'data', 'obama3.jpg'); I = imread(pfx); figure; imshow(I); Ib = single(rgb2gray(I)); Ib = imresize(Ib, [300 300]); [fa, da] = vl_sift(Ia); %calculate sift points [fb, db] = vl_sift(Ib); [matches, scores] = vl_ubcmatch(da, db); %matches the points on the images m1 = fa(1:2, matches(1,:)); m2 = fb(1:2, matches(2,:)); m2(1, :) = m2(1,:)+size(Ia,2)*ones(1,size(m2,2)); X = [m1(1,:); m2(1,:)]; Y = [m1(2,:); m2(2,:)]; c = [IaIb]; figure; imshow(c,[]); hold on; line(X(:,1:1:15), Y(:,1:1:15)) %draw lines