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Exploring Fifth Grade Vocabulary

Expand your vocabulary with these important words frequently used in fifth grade, including pledge, allegiance, republic, and more.

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Exploring Fifth Grade Vocabulary

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  1. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • pledge (verb) – promise. We pledge to do our homework every day.

  2. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • allegiance (noun) – loyalty, devotion. Our class shows allegiance to our country by saluting the flag.

  3. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • republic (noun) – a kind of government where people vote and elect their leaders. The United States is a republic.

  4. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • indivisible (adj.) – not able to be divided, sticking together. They formed an indivisible soccer team that was undefeated.

  5. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • liberty (noun) – freedom. The colonists sought their liberty by fighting in the American Revolution.

  6. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • justice (noun) – fair treatment. She was hoping for justice in the court because she was innocent of committing the crime.

  7. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • nation (noun) – country. We live in the United States which is a nation in North America.

  8. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • biography (noun) – an account of a person’s life written by another. A student in fifth grade wrote a biography about George Washington.

  9. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • geography (noun) – the science dealing with the surface of the Earth, its division into continents and countries, and the climate, plants, animals, natural resources, people, and industries of the various divisions. It is important to learn about geography in fifth grade in order to understand our earth.

  10. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • nutrition (noun) – the science or study of a proper diet. We will learn about nutrition in fifth grade so we can keep our bodies healthy.

  11. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • revolution (noun) – overthrow of the government. That country held a revolution because they were unhappy with their government.

  12. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • continent (noun) – main large land areas of the earth. We live on the continent of North America.

  13. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • culture (noun) – ideas and lifestyles of a group of people. Learning about a culture different from your own can help give you new ideas.

  14. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • controversy (noun) – a discussion of opposite opinions. There is a controversy in our country over who should be president.

  15. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • nutrients (noun)- the parts of food that help you stay healthy, such as vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates. People need a wide variety of nutrients in their food in order to stay healthy.

  16. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • compromise (noun) – an agreement where each side gives up part of what it wants. The students decided on a compromise for who would get to use the basketball.

  17. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • ancient (adj.) – very old. They found an ancient coin buried in the ocean floor.

  18. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • technology (noun) – the use of scientific knowledge or tools to make or do something. Many advances in technology have allowed us to do new and better things.

  19. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • independent (adj.) – free from the rule of others. It is important to work towards becoming an independent adult so you can take care of yourself and make good decisions.

  20. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • recreation (noun) – any form of play or amusement. What type of recreation do you enjoy?

  21. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • trivial (adj.) – of little value or importance. The fact that she lost her pencil is trivial compared to the fact that she lost her binder along with all her homework.

  22. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • chronological (adj.) – arranged in the order in which things happened. We had to list the important historical events on our outline in chronological order.

  23. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • reputation (noun) – what people think about a person or thing. Try to always be on your best behavior so you will have a good reputation.

  24. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • citizen (noun) – a member of a country who has all of the rights of that country. In order to vote in the United States you must be a citizen.

  25. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • replenish (verb) – to supply again. Please replenish the paper box when you take the last piece.

  26. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • tedious (adj.) – tiresome, boring. Checking a paper for spelling and punctuation errors can be tedious.

  27. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • authentic (adj.) – genuine, real. Can you tell whether the diamond is fake or authentic?

  28. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • commence (verb) – to begin, start. The Halloween Parade will commence at 8:20 a.m.

  29. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • dismal (adj.) – dark, gloomy, miserable. When it rains the day feels very dismal.

  30. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • encounter (verb) – to come upon something or someone unexpectedly. She was surprised to encounter her teacher at the grocery store.

  31. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • vast (adj.) – very great in size or amount. The Pacific Ocean covers a vast area of the Earth.

  32. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • bewilder (verb) – to confuse. Please don’t bewilder me by giving me too many directions.

  33. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • conscientious (adj.) – responsible. A conscientious student is one who follows the rules, turns in work on time, stays organized, and tries his/her best.

  34. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • abolish (verb) – to do away with completely; put an end to. Do you think it would be a good idea to abolish lunch?

  35. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • confirm (verb) – to make firm; to prove if something is true. Please confirm that I have an appointment on Monday.

  36. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • seize (verb) – to capture or arrest. The police will seize you if you have committed a crime.

  37. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • feasible (adj.) – possible or capable of being done. After all the rain, is it feasible that we will have P.E. on Friday?

  38. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • diverse (adj.) – unlike or varied. I learn a lot from the diverse members of our classroom.

  39. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • mandatory (adj.) – required. It is mandatory to be a citizen of the United States in order to be president.

  40. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • devastate (verb) – to destroy. The earthquake devastated the city.

  41. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • temporary (adj.) – not permanent; lasting only for a short while. The broken water fountain is only temporary.

  42. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • influence (verb) – the power of persons or things to affect others. Teachers and parents can influence children.

  43. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • absurd (adj.) – so clearly untrue or unreasonable; as to be laughable or ridiculous. It’s absurd that a fifth grader would be able to eat five pizzas in one sitting.

  44. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • urban (adj.) – characteristics of a city or town. Los Angeles is an urban area in California.

  45. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • rural (adj.) – characteristics of a country-like setting. Some parts of the Midwestern part of the United States are still very rural.

  46. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • suburb (noun) – a town on the edge of a large city. Diamond Bar is a suburb of Los Angeles.

  47. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • poise (noun) – presenting yourself in a calm and confident manner. During your oral presentations you will be graded on poise.

  48. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • gratitude (noun) – thankfulness. It is important to show your gratitude when someone does something for you by saying “thank you.”

  49. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • obnoxious (adj.) – very unpleasant and annoying. The sounds at P.E. are obnoxious while we are trying to work.

  50. Fifth Grade Vocabulary • frantic (adj.) – wild with anger, pain, or worry. The mother was frantic as she searched for her missing wallet.

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