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WELCOME A FOUR STEP MODEL FOR INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM DOE# 178375 Honolulu, HI. INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM. We are going to start out today with a quiz. You will have 20 seconds to answer the following question. INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM.
We are going to start out today with a quiz. You will have 20 seconds to answer the following question. INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
Okay…trick question. At least we have your juices going this morning. INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
Today we will review the four step model and also go over the Portfolio so you are clear on what is expected of you. INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
We talked about the concept of rigor in the classroom as not an easy one to define. Does it look like this… INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
We said it doesn’t mean more of any of the following. -Time in the classroom -Credits to graduate -Work…assignments, projects, etc. INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
How we will define it for this class. “Rigor is when every student in your classroom is challenged to achieve at their highest level of learning and performing.” INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
In our minds, rigor is nothing more than good instruction. Assessing each student’s knowledge and potential…. Challenging them based upon that knowledge and potential… Giving them the opportunity to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways… INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
So for this class… Rigor is not just demanding more out of your students, it’s getting more out of them. INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
To accomplish this: You must assess the potential of each of your students in relationship to the content you are teaching. Expectations!!! INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
You must first find what is the appropriate level of expectation for each student. Is the standard achievable for this student? Then you must constantly reassess that level as it is constantly changing as the student learns and the expectations become higher. INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
2. Provide a supportive and encouraging environment for them to learn and perform in. You can not demand excellence in your students without providing the tools and conditions for them attaining excellence. INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
This includes: -Academic help -Emotional help -Opportunities to demonstrate their learning. (Other than tests) INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
3. Provide them with the opportunities to demonstrate what they have learned at the highest levels possible. This means projects, performances, speeches, videos, etc. The more authentic the better. INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
Important Information: We will review the class today and go over the Portfolio. Once we have done that, you will be free to go. Dave will stay to answer any questions you might have. INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
2. Please do not leave today if you are unsure at all about what is expected in the Portfolio. INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
3. We do not use the payment tab on the PDE3 website. Because of that, it will always show on the PDE3 website that you haven’t paid for the class. We keep our own records and if there is problem with your fee, we will contact you. INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
4. After the class is completed, we don’t send you back your Portfolios. They will be available next February. Come to one of the classes that we teach in February and Dave will have your Portfolio available. INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
5. You can download all the Powerpoints used in this class at Joe’s website: JoeLoVerde.com Also the Portfolio, Practicum and Workbook are available for you to download on the website. INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
The Portfolio, Practicum and Workbook are in Microsoft Word format. If you have any problems downloading the pages, contact Joe. INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
6. You can turn in your Portfolio/Practicum in either a hard copy or electronic form. If your handwriting is an issue, please type up the Portfolio. We have had a couple of Portfolios rejected because the reviewer had a difficult time reading the responses. INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
7. Once the Portfolios are turned in, we review them and will contact you if we have any concerns about the quality of your responses or if you failed to address one of the questions. We then forward the grades to the PDE3 office and they then ask for around 10% of the Portfolios for them to review. INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
The selection of those 10% of the Portfolios is random and we have no control over whose Portfolio is selected or not selected. INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
We have the system down and if you answer all the questions and put some thought into those responses, your Portfolio will pass review. INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
8. We must require that you turn your Portfolio in on time. We have to send the grades in together, so if a Portfolio is late, it is holding up the credit for everyone else in the class. INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
9. Be sure to keep the Data Sheet which is page #1 of your Workbook. It contains our contact information and other important data about the class. It also explains our refund policy. INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
Let’s get started with a review… 1. Definitions… INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
Higher and deeper… These two words will be used interchangeably in this class. Higher order thinking skills and depth of knowledge INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
“Base knowledge”…it is also called “core knowledge” or “background knowledge.” It is knowledge that you have stored in your brain. You don’t have to look it up on the internet, look it up in a book or ask someone else. This is information you have in your head that you can access immediately. INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
Think of it as a file cabinet of information stored in your head. Some students have very organized files and can assess the information they need very quickly. Others know the information is in there, they just don’t know where. INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
This is the 4 Step Model we used in this class. INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
The Four-Step Model: Assessment Modifications Implementation Evaluation INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
This model is truly the blue print for all models related to improving instruction in your classroom. INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
Assessment: Determine the level of rigor required in the content, process and product you are teaching. INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
CONTENT -Information -Facts -Concepts -Ideas -Rules -Principles INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
The content you are teaching is determined by the district. It is the standards, both district and Common Core as well as the General Learner Outcomes. There is a knowledge base associated with each standard or benchmark. INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
In order for your students to understand a concept or idea at a higher level, they must some “knowledge base” related to that concept or idea. INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
PROCESS -Instructional strategies used -Learning activities These include the following. INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
-Lectures -Visuals -Vide0 -Audio -Graphics -Questions -Discussions -Demonstrations -Simulations INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
-Exercises -Projects -Role play -Problems -Case studies -Inventions -Analysis -Discovery -Exploration INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
PRODUCT -Essays/Papers -Tests -Videos -Audios -Projects -Demonstrations -Speeches INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
PRODUCT -Visuals (Charts, graphs, pictures, etc.) -Exhibits -Websites -Portfolios -Songs -Stories -Models INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM
What is the tangible product that was created by the students that demonstrated their understanding of the information, ideas or concepts presented? INCREASING RIGOR IN THE CLASSROOM