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“At Chrighton Abbey”

“At Chrighton Abbey”. Group 6: Joe, Jacob, and Brianna. Marry elizabeth braddon. Born October 4, 1835 Died February 4, 1915 Married John Maxwell in 1875 Had six children, one of which became a famous novelist, William Babington Maxwell Produced more than 80 novels

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“At Chrighton Abbey”

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  1. “At Chrighton Abbey” Group 6: Joe, Jacob, and Brianna

  2. Marry elizabethbraddon • Born October 4, 1835 • Died February 4, 1915 • Married John Maxwell in 1875 • Had six children, one of which became a famous novelist, William Babington Maxwell • Produced more than 80 novels • Her most famous story, Lady Audrey’s Secret, gave her fortune and fame.

  3. Setting

  4. Gothic elements • Aristocrats • Supernatural element • The living dead • Dark, dusty setting • The Abbey • The old room • The intense snow

  5. The Summary • This story was written by prolific Victorian Mary Elizabeth Braddon. It is combined in the book: Chrighton Abbey and Other Horror Stories. • This particular story consists of Sarah Chrighton, the narrator, as returning to the residence to honor the engagement of her loving cousin Edward and the stoic, yet beautiful, Julia Tremaine. While she enjoys her stay with the family that she loves and aims to please, she finds that her family residence is cursed with a superstitious ghost story and that it plagues the one thing that can tear this heart warming family to pieces…death.

  6. The meaning • The Audience may be mistaken to believe that the title of the story is a name of a character, but in reality it is a surname of a highly respected mansion. • Chrighton • Abbey

  7. Chrighton Abbey Symbolism Plot Sarah’s (the narrator) father dies and she is left with nothing. She studies abroad to Germany and St. Petersburg. Sarah comes home for Christmas Sarah notices that Edward and Julia argue a lot but when around others (not family) Edward shows his affection. Edward decides to go hunting because he needs a distraction from Julia.And he promises to return for the Ball on New Years. Julia’s character changes to someone kind and giving. • Giving to the Poor • Hunting • Christmas time • Death

  8. Questions??????????????????

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