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GI Grand Rounds

Clinical Case. CC: shortness-of-breath with hemoptysis x 1 weekHPI: J.O. is a 48 yo HM with PMH sig. for pancreatitis 2 to EtOH, presenting to LAC USC on 6/22/02 with the above complaint. Pt also noted: ( )pleuritic chest pain, ( )weight loss (40 lbs/5 months), ( )back pain near right scapula. (-)

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GI Grand Rounds

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Presentation Transcript

    1. GI Grand Rounds Yoshi Makino July 25, 2003

    2. Clinical Case CC: shortness-of-breath with hemoptysis x 1 week HPI: J.O. is a 48 yo HM with PMH sig. for pancreatitis 2 to EtOH, presenting to LAC+USC on 6/22/02 with the above complaint. Pt also noted: (+)pleuritic chest pain, (+)weight loss (40 lbs/5 months), (+)back pain near right scapula. (-)abd pain (-)fever/chills, (-)N/V, (-)melena/ BRBPR

    3. History PMH: “pancreas problems” (2000, dx’ed in Mexico) pancreatic pseudocysts (2002, by CT at Kaiser, Baldwin Park) PSH: none SH Born in Mexico, in US for 3 years EtOH: h/o heavy EtOH abuse (unquantifiable amounts of hard liquor/d), quit 3 years ago when told of pancreatic disease Denies tobacco/illicit drug use FH: non-contributory

    4. Physical Exam Vitals: T 99.0 P 125 R 40 BP 125/67 General: A+O x 4 in severe respiratory distress HEENT: PERRLA, EOMi, MMM Cardiac: sinus tachy, without murmurs/rubs Chest: diminished BS bilaterally, R>L Abd: soft, NT, ND, (+)BS, (-)ascites, without papable liver/speen Ext: without clubbing/cyanosis/edema

    5. Labs

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