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Explore how using Movie Maker in science education can develop IT skills, support language use, and engage students. Create documentaries, research plants online, and foster independent learning through this versatile tool.

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  1. Using MOVIE MAKER TO SUPPORT SCIENCE Olivia Humphries

  2. AIMS AND PURPOSES • Develop IT capability, knowledge and understanding • Develop skills in using hardware and software to manipulate information • Develop ability to apply their IT capability and ICT to support their use of language and communication • Explore attitudes towards ICT, its value and awareness of advantages and limitations. DCSF (2010a) ICT at Key Stages 1 and 2

  3. HOW DOES ICT SUPPORT THE CURRICULUM? • Prepares pupils to participate in a rapidly changing world. • Rapid access to ideas and experiences. • Promotes initiative and independent learning allowing pupils to make informed judgements. • ICT motivates and stimulates children’s interest in learning (British Educational Communications and Technology Agencies, 2003). • ICT can successfully integrate speaking, listening, reading and writing (QCA, 1999) • ICT aids bilingual and EAL children (DCSF, 2008) • Supports ECM Agenda (Milki, undated) “ICT expands horizons by shrinking worlds” – David Brown, Chairman, Motorola Ltd “This modern world requires new skills. Understanding ICT and being able to apply it to the problems we face is one of the most important” – Lord Dennis Stevenson, Prime Minister’s Adviser on ICT and Education. “ICT will change the way we learn as well as the way we work” – Chris Yapp, ICL Fellow for Lifelong Learning

  4. UNIT OF WORK Science ICT DFEE (1999) The National Curriculum

  5. LESSON SEQUENCE DCSF (2010b) Unit 2B: Plants and animals in the local environment

  6. USE OF ICT • During this unit of work: • Children use the Interactive Whiteboard to drag and drop labels and definitions to the plant picture. • Research plants on internet. Give children specific web addresses. • Create documentary using movie maker. • Prior Learning: • Build on prior experiences • Safe use of the internet • How to create and format text. • How to add pictures to a document.

  7. What is movie maker? • Teachers who already have images or video on their computer for a subject can create a high -quality movie in a matter of minutes. • Allows children to paste and add images found on the internet. • They can add animations, sound or music to the movie. • Movie Maker is a free, user-friendly, versatile tool. • Children can upload videos so they can viewed anytime. • It’s easy to use, thus keeping the focus on learning the content, not on the tool itself. • (Bird, B. 2006) • “It offers enough basic features to get the job done but stops short of the abundant options and effects found in other programs.” (pcmag.com ,2003)

  8. Learning objective: • To create and present a documentary about the growth of a plant. • Success Criteria: • Create a title age • Add pictures • Add text • Add an ending • Work well in a pair • Assessment: • Final outcome • Peer and self assessment • Observations of children working

  9. Bibliography Bird, B. (2006) “Movie Maker” http://hubble.cusd200.org/Bird/MovieMaker/teachingguide.htm#aim (accessed 25.05.2010) British Educational Communications and Technology Agencies (2003) What the Research says about ICT and Motivation, Coventry: BECTA DCSF (2008) ‘ICT for EAL’ http://nationalstrategies.standards.dcsf.gov.uk/node/88367 (accessed 25.05.2010) DCSF (2010a) “ICT at Key Stages 1 and 2” http://www.standards.dfes.gov.uk/schemes2/it/teaching?view=get (accessed 25.05.2010) DCSF (2010b) Unit 2B: Plants and animals in the local environment http://www.standards.dfes.gov.uk/schemes2/science/sci2b/?view=get (accessed 25.05.2010) DFEE, (1999) National curriculum, HMSO: London Harlan, W. and Qualter, A. (2006) The Teaching of Science in Primary Schools, David Fulton: London Milki, S (undated) “ICT policies – ECM” http://msmilki.com/Documents/ECM%20Policy.pdf (accessed 28.05.2010) pcmag.com(2003) “Windows Movie Maker 2” http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,1264680,00.asp (accessed 25.05.2010) QCA (1999) “National Curriculum” http://curriculum.qca.org.uk (accessed 25.05.2010)

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