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TURKISH ECONOMY. May 2012. Annual Economic Growth Rates (2002-2011). Real GDP Growth (%). Source: TURKSTAT. GDP (Billion US $). Source: TURKSTAT. GDP Per Capita (US $). Source: TURKSTAT. Real GDP Growth (2011 ). Source: TURKSTAT, EuroStat , Related Natianol Institutions
Annual Economic Growth Rates (2002-2011) Real GDP Growth (%) Source: TURKSTAT May 2012 Ministry of Economy
GDP (Billion US $) Source: TURKSTAT May 2012 Ministry of Economy
GDP Per Capita (US $) Source: TURKSTAT May 2012 Ministry of Economy
Real GDP Growth (2011) Source: TURKSTAT, EuroStat , Related Natianol Institutions *Estimation May 2012 Ministry of Economy
CDS Premiums May 2012 Ministry of Economy
Budget Deficit/GDP (%) Source: Ministry of Finance May 2012 Ministry of Economy
Budget Deficit/GDP - 2011 (%) May 2012 Ministry of Economy
EU Defined Government Debt / GDP (%) Source: TURKSTAT May 2012 Ministry of Economy
EU Defined Government Debt / GDP (%) Turkey’sGovernmentDebtto GDP ratio is lowerthanthat of 21 EU members Source: TURKSTAT, Eurostat May 2012 Ministry of Economy
Unemployment (%) Source: TURKSTAT May 2012 Ministry of Economy
Unemployment(%) Unemployment in Turkey is lowerthan EU and Euro Areaaverage Source: TURKSTAT, EUROSTAT May 2012 Ministry of Economy
ForeignTrade of Goods (Bl. $) Source: TURKSTAT May 2012 Ministry of Economy
ForeignTrade Volume of Goods /GDP (%) Source: TURKSTAT May 2012 Ministry of Economy
Evolution of TurkishExports May 2012 Ministry of Economy
Records in goodsexports • Total Exports • (135 billion $) • Provinces • (52 provinces) • Destinations • (105 countries) 6 RECORDS IN 2011 GOODS EXPORTS • Chapters • (65 of 98) • Exporters • (54,565 firms) • Regions • S. America, Sub-SaharanAfrica, East Asia May 2012 Ministry of Economy
Export andImports Source: TURKSTAT April 2012 Ministry of Economy
Turkey’s Services Trade Source:CBRT May 2012 Ministry of Economy
Services • Tourism • Regardingnumber of visitors; • 7 th in the World and 5 th in Europe (2010) • 6 th in the World and 4 th in Europe (2011 Expectations) • Growth in 2000-2011 period; • World: %3,5 • Turkey: %11,4 • Construction • 2nd in terms of thenumber of top constructingcompanies • Logistics • Europe’sbiggesttruckfleet (45000 trucks /1400 companies) • 25. Biggestflightfleet in theworld (1 millionflight in 2011 / 460.000 international) • High-speedrailwayprojects are carriedoutrapidly May 2012 Ministry of Economy
Turkey's Share in Global Services Exports (%) Source:CBRT, WTO May 2012 Ministry of Economy
Records in services Exports • Total Exports • (39 billion $) • Tourism • (23 billion $) • Logistics • (11,1 billion $) 6 RECORDS IN 2011 SERVICE EXPORTS • Public Services • (505 million $) • Insurance • (868 million $) • Services Account Surplus • (18,3 billion $) May 2012 Ministry of Economy
CurrentAccountDeficit(Bil. USD) May 2012 Ministry of Economy
Turkey’sFreeTradeAgreements Agreements In Force Ongoing FTA Negotiations 1. Malaysia 8. GulfCooperation 2. ColombiaCountries 3. Ecuador 9. Seychelles 4. Ukraine 10. MERCOSUR 5. Cameroon 11. Faroe Islands 6. D.R. Congo 12. Moldova 7. Libya 13. Ghana • EFTA • Israel • Macedonia • Croatia • Bosnia and Herzegovina • Palestine Authority • Tunisia • Morocco • Syria • Egypt • Albania • Georgia • Montenegro • Serbia • Chile • Jordan • Lebanon (*) • Mauritius (*) • Korea (**) • (*) Under ratificationprocess • (**) Under signatureprocess Planned FTA Negotiations 1. Canada 6. Mexico 2. Algeria 7. South Africa 3. India 8. African Caribbean Pacific Countries 4. ASEAN 9. Central America 5. Peru 10. Indonesia 11. Vietnam May 2012 Ministry of Economy
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Source: TURKSTAT • From 2000 to 2011 , total 115 billion dollar Foreign Direct Investment • In 2011, European Countries accounted for 60% of total Foreign Direct Investment May 2012 Ministry of Economy
New Incentive Scheme for Turkey The fundamentals of the New Incentive Scheme for Turkey was declared on 05.04.2012. The new incentive aims; -reducing current account deficit, -contributing to the structural reformation of Turkey -rebalancing economic disparities between the regions The new scheme has four main pillars: -General investment incentive regime- Regional investment incentive regime- Incentives for large-scale investments- Incentives for strategic investments The incentives in the new scheme can be summarized as follow; Value Added Tax (VAT) exceptions, exemptions from customs duties, social security premium contribution for employers, land provisions, support for interest payments on loans,, VAT refunds etc. For further information please send an e-mail: tesvik@ekonomi.gov.trorcall+90 444 43 63 May 2012 Ministry of Economy
TradeRepresentativesAbroad 195 traderepresentativesfrom the Ministry are servingin 89 countries and 137 Center May 2012 Ministry of Economy
Locations of TradeRepresentatives AMERİKA Buenos Aires Karakas Mexico City Ottava Santiago Vaşington Houston Los Angeles New York Sao Paulo Şikago Toronto Miami San Francisco Seattle AFRİKA Kahire Nairobi Pretoria Rabat Trablus Tunus Kazablanka Abuja Addis Ababa Akra Cezayir Dakar Darüsselam Hartum İskenderiye ASYA Taşkent Tokyo Ulan Bator Yeni Delhi Almatı Guangzhou Hong Kong Karaçi Mumbai Şangay Georgetown GEORGETOWN Astana Aşkabat Bangkok Bişkek Cakarta Duşanbe Hanoi İslamabad Kabil Kuala Lumpur Manila Pekin Seul Singapur AVRUPA/KAFKASYA AB DTÖ OECD Atina Bakü Belgrad Berlin Bern Bratislava Brüksel Budapeşte Bükreş Dublin Helsinki Kiev Kişinev Kopenhag Lahey Lizbon Lefkoşa Londra Lubliyana Madrid Minsk Moskova Oslo Paris Podgorica Prag Priştine Roma Saraybosna Sofya Stokholm Tiflis Tiran Üsküp Varşova Viyana Zagreb Barselona Batum Düsseldorf Hamburg Hannover Kazan Marsilya Milano Münih Novorossisk Odessa Rotterdam Selanik St. Petersburg Stutgart Birmingham Krasnodar Novosibirsk Yekaterinburg ORTA DOĞU Daimi Temsilci Yardımcılığı Abu Dhabi Amman Bağdat Beyrut Doha Kuveyt Manama Muskat Riyad Sana Şam Tahran Tel Aviv Basra Cidde Dubai Erbil Halep Kudüs Musul Tebriz Ticaret Müşavirliği AVUSTRALYA Ticaret Ataşeliği Sidney Melbourne İrtibat Büroları
THANK YOU May 2012