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The 6th Annual EALTA Conference, Turku 2009 – F. Kaftandjieva: “ Flaw & Order: World 1 and World 2 of Item Difficu

The 6th Annual EALTA Conference, Turku 2009 – F. Kaftandjieva: “ Flaw & Order: World 1 and World 2 of Item Difficulty – Synergies and Tensions”. B1. World 1 Observed Item Difficulty. World 3 Misplacement Index (MPI). World 2 Perceived Item Difficulty. C2 . C1 . B2 . B1 . A2 . A1 .

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The 6th Annual EALTA Conference, Turku 2009 – F. Kaftandjieva: “ Flaw & Order: World 1 and World 2 of Item Difficu

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  1. Turku 2009 – F. Kaftandjieva

  2. The 6th Annual EALTA Conference, Turku 2009 – F. Kaftandjieva: “Flaw & Order: World 1 and World 2 of Item Difficulty – Synergies and Tensions” Turku 2009 – F. Kaftandjieva

  3. B1 World 1 Observed Item Difficulty World 3 Misplacement Index (MPI) World 2 Perceived Item Difficulty Turku 2009 – F. Kaftandjieva

  4. Turku 2009 – F. Kaftandjieva

  5. C2 C1 B2 B1 A2 A1 Magic Clouds: Intra-judge Consistency ‘At what CEFR level can a test taker already answer the following item correctly?’ A2 B1 Turku 2009 – F. Kaftandjieva

  6. Snork Maiden’s Art Work: Judgment Task 8 1 4 6 9 A2 B1 A1 A2 A1 3 2 7 5 B1 A1 A2 A2 Turku 2009 – F. Kaftandjieva

  7. C C+D 8 3 1 5 7 9 4 2 6 A2 A1 A1 A1 A2 A2 B1 B1 A2 Snork’s wish: Misplacement Index (MPI) MPI 0.40 0.83 0.83 0.83 1.00 1.00 0.86 0.86 0.60 3/5 6/7 6/7 5/5 5/5 5/6 5/6 5/6 2/5 A machine for finding things out: a machine that calculates whether things are right or wrong, good or bad. 0.81 Easy< Observed Item Difficulty >Difficult Turku 2009 – F. Kaftandjieva

  8. MPI = The Probability of a Correct Estimation of Order The Muskrat’s Philosophical Question:How Good Is Good Enough? MPI = 0.50 MPI > 0.65 P-R-E > 50% MPI > 0.75 Turku 2009 – F. Kaftandjieva

  9. Mean = 0.71 SD = 0.10 n = 381 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 MPIjudge The Hemulen Who Loved MPI Indices:The Collection 39% 76% 0.65 0.75 Judges = 187 Sub-tests = 30 Items = 2089 Languages: En – 232 Ge – 22 Sw – 92 Fi – 35 Skills: R – 187 L – 77 W – 7 V – 29 G – 28 GV – 53 Turku 2009 – F. Kaftandjieva

  10. n = 77 G&V R R L n = 53 The Hemulen Who Loved MPI Indices:Skill Comparison Turku 2009 – F. Kaftandjieva

  11. The Hemulen Who Loved MPI Indices:Group Comparison (Reading) n = 187 6 < ngr< 34 Turku 2009 – F. Kaftandjieva

  12. Examinee Centered 6J – 151E Examinee Centered 9J – 331E 0.88 0.87 Test Centered 83J – 41I Test Centered 15J – 234I 0.79 0.71 The Hemulen Who Loved MPI Indices:Method Comparison MPI Case 1 Case 2 Turku 2009 – F. Kaftandjieva

  13. 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 MPIitem The Island of the Hattifatteners:Item Specific MPI Indices Items = 2089 Tests = 30 Judges = 187 n = 25431 Mean = 0.72 SD = 0.21 71% Turku 2009 – F. Kaftandjieva

  14. Item difficulty and Item format tend to affect MPI. More synergies than tensions! A program for calculating MPI is available on request. MPI is Group, Skill & Method dependent. More research is needed. Moominpappa’s Notes Turku 2009 – F. Kaftandjieva

  15. Thanks! Turku 2009 – F. Kaftandjieva

  16. Turku 2009 – F. Kaftandjieva

  17. .97 .97 .98 1.0 The Hemulen Who Loved MPI Indices:A Closer Look Turku 2009 – F. Kaftandjieva

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