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Fee management software for education to track various types of student fees with powerful reports on the collection, dues, concessions, etc. Fee Management is the most important module that will help an institution to maintain a financial record of an institution. College management software which is used by many of educational institutions for all administration and management related activities.<br><br>Visit here: http://hammer.macwill.in/features/
Table of CONTENTS 01 About Us Demo Video 04 Detail about product Look on the demo of the hammer software Features Social Media 02 05 Features of college management software Find us on the social websites Why Hammer Contact Us 03 06 Why should you go with hammer Keep in touch!
ABOUT Us It is an integrated solution specifically designed for College to manage every aspect of the College administration. It will help you with your daily college routines and will save your precious time.
Features of Hammer Hammer can transform and render you work load. Counter some of the equable features you get with this software. ADMISSION FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING TRANSPORTATION In this feature you can keep record of the transportation which you are providing in college. It will help you to be updated with the information about documents of your vehicle This feature will help you to keep record of sale of prospectus, applications received and registrations done in college, admissions, and re-admissions. In financial accounting you can manage every account work. You can keep record of every fee received, transportation charges received late fees, extra charges, any sales, purchases, etc STOCK KEEPING FEE COLLECTION BULK MESSAGES In stock keeping you can keep a record of everything which you purchased for college and issued to some department. You can generate purchase order as well. Inter department transfer is also a plus point in this. Inventory full-fledged accounts up to balance sheet, customization fee plan for students, concession for particular period. In fee collection feature you can collect fee systematically. You can apply new fee if needed and can receive instantly. You can also set reminder for fee submission date like fees of which student is pending or who is giving fees in installments and it will remind you of next installment. Hammer is fully compatible with bulk SMS services that you can easily get from us or from any third party. With this you can send SMS in bulk to students about any recent activities, holiday, attendance, fee receiving. LIBRARY MANAGEMENT ID/RFID-CARD ONLINE ASSIGNMENTS Teacher can post assignments topics online and students can check what topics has been given for assignments. By using this feature you can issue id as well as RFID cards which are fully compatible with bio metric machine provided by the company only. This is a library automation system. It keeps every record relating to books, magazines, newspapers, etc. It also keeps the record of any book issues and returns, late fine and generates all reports that a computerized library needs.
Why Go For Hammer Well Hammer has a lot to offer. Let us help you to know that what are the main points that makes our software user friendly. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 User Friendly In Depth Reporting Flexible Pricing Amazing Support Effective Training Affordable Customization Secure and reliable It’s easy to access features has made it user friendly software. Any layman can understand the flow of software after a basic training of software. Its quick access features can save your time. As in Bell we have given many important and frequent shortcuts on the main screen so that access may be easy for the users. You can buy Hammer which suits your specific requirements with basic plans or pro plans and are upgradable as per requirements. Except all the points mentioned above Hammer is a customizable software i.e. if a User need any report, function which is not present in Hammer then he can get it done by paying some nominal charges. We have professional trainers who provide an effective training at college’s premises as well as online. Except all the points mentioned above Hammer is a customizable software i.e. if a User need any report, function which is not present in Hammer then he can get it done by paying some nominal charges. We have equipped Hammer with dual secure access so that any unauthorized person may not access it without permission. Also it maintains logs of every activity of users using it so that any suspicious activity may get traced.
Have a Look on the Demo Hammer Demo Video Now watch the demo video of Hammer at http://goo.gl/I59EPh In this video you will com to know about the all functionality about Best College Software in detail.
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Contact Us Support +91-81468 - 00145 +91-81468 - 00147 support@macwill.in Website hammer.macwill.in Sales query +91-172 - 4652452 +91 - 81466 - 52452 sales@macwill.in Address SCF 29, 2nd Floor, Ph-XI, Sector 65 Mohali, Punjab, India 160065