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<br><br>pizzeria Tampere hampinpizzeria joka on tunnettu pizzat, kebabit tampere, falafilit, jossa ottaa kotiinkuljetus laitokseen.<br>pizzeria tampere is hampinpizzeria which is famous for pizzat ,kebabit tampere,falafilit,with having home delivery facility.<br>
Pizzeria tampere finland: Hampin pizzeria is the best pizzeria tampere and pizza restuarant w hic h is loc ated in the heart of tampere c ity and it is c omplete family restaurant. w ith having c omfortable and friendly environment for enjoying the fooding and having multi item like pizzat,venepizzat,hotw ing,kebabit,falafelit,rullat etc . Hampin pizzeria also ac c ept online ordering and telephone ordering and take aw ay fac ility. hampinpizzeria is the one of the famous pizzeria tampere w hic h is famous for kebabit tampere and pizzat tampere. One importance announcement is that hampin provide 15 % discounts on registeration. there is a short menus of hampin pizzeria: PIZZAT: V ENEPIZZAT K EBABIT:
RULLAT K ANAFILEET FALAFELIT HOT WINGS LISUK K EET J UOMAT: T ypes of pizzat : 1.Bolognese 2.Tropic ana 3.Margherita 4.Capric c iosa 5.Frutti di mare
6.Americ ano 7.Romeo 8.J ulia 9.Mohic ana 10.Chic ken hawai 11.Opera spec ial 12.Pepperonipizza 13.Quattro stagioni 14.J uustopizza 15.Paradiso 16.Dillinger T ypes of kebabit: 1.PITAK EBAB 2. K EBAB RANSK ALAISILLA 3. K ABAB LOHK OPERUNOILLA 4. K EBAB RIISILLA 5. K EBAB SALAATTI 6. K ABAB ISK ENDER 7. K EBAB RISTIK K OPERRUNOILLA 8.K ABAB SPECIAL 9. BURGER K EBAB 10.SARV IS-SPECIAL
Address: Hämeenkatu 14, 33100, Tampere,Finland Phone.no: 045- 8779652- 0504637712 Website: http://hampinpizzeria.fi/