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BA(Hons) Educational Management & Administration. Frances Marsden Course Leader. Who is it for?. People already working in educational management and administration People who want to understand the field of educational administration better People who like to challenge themselves at work
BA(Hons) Educational Management & Administration Frances Marsden Course Leader
Who is it for? • People already working in educational management and administration • People who want to understand the field of educational administration better • People who like to challenge themselves at work • People prepared to spend time studying outside work
Structure of the Degree • Taught in 30 credit modules • 360 credits needed for the degree • Maximum no. of credits in one year = 90 credits • Minimum no. of credits in one year = 60 credits • 120 credits at Foundation Level • 120 credits at Intermediate Level • 120 Credits at Honours Level
How will I learn? • Through day schools. There will be six of these over the academic year. • (10am – 4pm) • You will work with other students and your tutors on group activities and discussions. • The first day school will be an induction, introducing you to each other, the modules and to UniLearn, the University’s Managed Learning Environment
How will I learn? • Through UniLearn - the on-line learning environment • This provides reading, instructions and activities for each module • This provides a chat room and discussion forum for talking with other students • It provides e-mail contact with your tutors
How will I learn? • Through work-based projects • You will agree a project that relates to the taught modules you have been doing • It should be a real, worthwhile piece of work • You will be supervised by a module tutor
The Professional Practice modules • You will be allocated a Professional Practice tutor who specialises in your topic area • The tutor will help you plan your project and will oversee your progress • This is an opportunity to take the lead in a project at work • Obtain your degree by completing work projects
How will I be assessed? • There will be a range of assessments including projects, reports, case-studies, on-line tests and seminar papers • All modules include some formative assessment, where you get the chance to get feedback on your progress before submitting work that counts towards your degree
What do I need to get on the course? • You need to be working in Educational Management and /or Administration. The course is based on the assumption that you can refer to your work experience and that you can use this to support your assignments • You need the agreement of your employer
What do I need? • You need reliable access to a computer that has internet access that can support Unilearn • You need to have standard HE entry qualifications OR if you are over 20: • NVQ level III or equivalent experience in Educational Administration
How do I apply? • Complete the online application form – http://halo.hud.ac.uk/applicationform/ • Get a reference from your employer • You are welcome to discuss your experience & qualifications with the team • Further details about the course can be found on the University’s website – www.hud.ac.uk or http://www.hud.ac.uk/courses/2012-13/part-time/educational-management-and-administration-ba-hons/
Benefits could include: • More knowledge, understanding and skills • Higher profile at work • Career enhancement • Meeting new people with common interests • Learning how things are done elsewhere • An Honours degree in Educational Management and Administration
Costs • £1,245 per 30 Credit Module • Time • PT students now eligible for student loans • No repayments if yearly income is below £21,000 • Repay £360 during the year if income is £25,000
For further information, contact Course Leader - Frances Marsden 01484 478283 f.marsden@hud.ac.uk Administrator - Mark Hoggan 01484 478125 m.hoggan@hud.ac.uk