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eman ta zabal zazu. UPV/EHU. Molecular Dynamics Simulations of confined PEO Interlayed in GO. F. Alvarez Iñigo García- Yoldi Juan Colmenero. Outline. Background: Bulk PEO homopolymer behaviour . Confined PEO within a blend with PMMA. Confined PEO interlayed with GO.
eman ta zabal zazu UPV/EHU Molecular DynamicsSimulationsofconfined PEO Interlayed in GO F. Alvarez Iñigo García-Yoldi Juan Colmenero
Outline • Background: • Bulk PEO homopolymerbehaviour. • Confined PEO within a blendwith PMMA. • Confined PEO interlayedwith GO. • Conclusions
Bulk PEO homopolymer 5 chainsof 43 monomers (1515 atoms) Forcefield: COMPASS Simulation time: 400 ns Temperatures: 350, 375, 400 and 500K Mn PEO: 2Kg/mol < Me
Bulk PEO homopolymerValidationof SELF motionobtainedfromsimulations by NeutronScattering [FOCUS(PSI)] measuremments
Bulk PEO homopolymerValidationof COLLECTIVE motionobtainedfromsimulations by NeutronScattering (TOFTOF) measuremments
Confined PEO within a blendwith PMMA 5 chainsof 43 monomersof PEO and 15 chainsof 100 monomersof PMMA (7200 atoms) 20% PEO and80% PMMA AsymmetricPolymerblend Forcefield: COMPASS Simulation time: 200 ns Temperatures: 300, 350, 400 and 500K
Confined PEO within a blendwith PMMA Validationof Single ChainDynamicStructure Factor obtainedfrom 10% protonated PEO,10% deuterated PEO and 80% deuterated PMMA
Molecular dynamicssimulations by meansofthe COMPASS forcefieldforBulkHomopolymer PEO andforanasymmetricblendwith PMMA display a verygoodagreementwithneutronscatteringexperiments. • However… will COMPASS be abletocopewithconfined PEO behaviourinterlayed in GO?
Confined PEO interlayedwith GO 5 chainsof 43 monomersof PEO wereinterlayedwith GO in a 20 % weightproportion in PEO. The 2048 carbonatomslayerisfurnishedwith 256 hydroxyland 512 epoxyfunctionalgroups placed randomly. Molecular dynamicssimulationsof up to 50 nswhererun at T= 300, 350 and 400K.
Thestrongerconfinementof PEO in PEO/GO leadsto more reducedmobilitybutalsodevelopesanhetereogeneity (as manifested in thedoublepeakfeature) in the radial distributionfunction
Thisheterogeneity can be, more explicitly, observedwhenoneanalyzesseparatelythefastest 100 H in PEO andtheslowest 100 ones (out of a total of 870) Although in both sets there are traces ofboth, fasterandslowerhydrogenes, therelative ratios are clearlydifferentandget more distinctwith time.
Although, in principle, it looks as ifwemeet a newtypeofconfinement in GO withrespecttotheonefoundfortheassymetricblendwiththe, more rigidpolymer, PMMA, in thefollowingwewill show thecloseagreementforthedynamicsofthefaster H of PEO in PEO/GO andthedynamicsof H in PEO at a higher T in a blendwithfixedrigid PMMA.
H for PEO in PEO/fixedPMMAblend at T=350K Fast H for PEO in PEO/GO at T=400K TheIntermediateScatteringFunctionsforthefast H of PEO in PEO/GO at T=400K andforthe H in theblendwithfixedlyrigid PMMA matrix at T=350K are almostcoincident.
Thecloseresemblance can be betterappreciated in thedirectspatialdomainwherethelikelinessamongthe radial distributionfunctionsisquantitative at times at leastuntil 500 psandstillqualitativeabovethisvalue.
Moreover, above 500 psthequantitativeagreement can still be met by shiftingthe times: The radial distributionsfunctionsoflonger times for PEO in thefixed PMMA matrix at 350K coincide withthoseofthefast H in GO at faster times.
Moreover, above 500 psthequantitativeagreement can still be met by shiftingthe times: The radial distributionsfunctionsoflonger times for PEO in thefixed PMMA matrix at 350K coincide withthoseofthefast H in GO at faster times.
Moreover, above 500 psthequantitativeagreement can still be met by shiftingthe times: The radial distributionsfunctionsoflonger times for PEO in thefixed PMMA matrix at 350K coincide withthoseofthefast H in GO at faster times.
Moreover, above 500 psthequantitativeagreement can still be met by shiftingthe times: The radial distributionsfunctionsoflonger times for PEO in thefixed PMMA matrix at 350K coincide withthoseofthefast H in GO at faster times.
Moreover, above 500 psthequantitativeagreement can still be met by shiftingthe times: The radial distributionsfunctionsoflonger times for PEO in thefixed PMMA matrix at 350K coincide withthoseofthefast H in GO at faster times.
Moreover, above 500 psthequantitativeagreement can still be met by shiftingthe times: The radial distributionsfunctionsoflonger times for PEO in thefixed PMMA matrix at 350K coincide withthoseofthefast H in GO at faster times.
Conclusions • Thesameforcefield (COMPASS) thatwasvalidated by NS measuremnts in MD simulationsofbulk PEO andanasymmetricblendof PEO/PMMA has beenshowntoyieldresults compatible withthoseobtained by abinitio DFT calculations in thedescriptionoftheinteractionsbetween PEO and GO.
Conclusions • PEO in PEO/GO isunder a strongerconfinementthan in anasymmetricblendwith PMMA. • A heterogeneousscenarioismetwheresome H ofthepolymer are more hinderedwhereasothers are more mobilethanthe average. • Thefaster H subset observed in PEO interlayedwithin GO seemsto display a selfdynamicsveryclosetothatofthe H in PEO within a blendwith a fullyfrozen PMMA matrix at a lowertemperature (around 50 K lower). Only at longer times (andlower Q values) seems PEO in PEO/GO tobecome more mobile.
Conclusions • A tentativeproposablescenariocould be thefollowingone: Thepresenceofhydroxylandepoxygroupshighlyconstrain by meansofhydrogenbondingthedynamicsoftheinterlayed PEO. Nevertheless, somepartsof PEO are stillfastenoughto display thesameselfdynamicsthattheoneobtained in a rigid PMMA matrix at a lowertemperature. Thefactthat a smalldrift can be observed at longer times (same RDF at lower times for PEO in GO) andlow Q values (faster ISF for PEO in GO) might be dueto a creepofthe PEO chainsthatcould be possible in theinterlayed PEO in GO buthindered in thefixedrigidmatrix.