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7 Most Amazing Features of Montessori Classroom All Parents Must Know

<br>In this PPT, you will discover some of these features to help you as a parent understand what to expect from the Montessori school of Tokyo.

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7 Most Amazing Features of Montessori Classroom All Parents Must Know

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  1. 7MostAmazingFeaturesofMontessori ClassroomAllParentsMustKnow Montessorimethodofeducationisanapproachtolearningwherethechildistheoneincontrol oftheirdevelopment.ItwasfoundedoveracenturyagobyanItalianDoctor,MariaMontessori, who believed that education should support the student's nature, not vice versa. Dr. Montessori also believed that learning is a natural process acquired through experiences due to the environment and notteaching. The role of a teacher, whom she referred to, as the diarectee, in this case, is to provide the environmentandthematerialstofacilitatethedevelopmentprocess.That’swhythefirstthing you will notice about Montessori school is its outstanding classroomfeatures. In this article, you will discover some of these features to help you as a parent understand what to expect from the Montessori school of Tokyo. 1. Their Classrooms areChild-Friendly First and foremost, everything about the design of a Montessori classroom is child-sized. We are talking about the activity areas, the fixture, and all the furniture. Everything is well within the reach and view of the students in that particular class. The idea is to accommodate every student and make sure that they are as comfortable as possible as they carry on with their activities.

  2. Their Classrooms Have Multiple Areas ForActivity Since the children are free to choose their own activities and do them at their own pace, the classrooms are divided into multiple sections to support that. It doesn’t matter whether they are in groups or working independently; there's always enough space foreveryone. Children Exercise Free-will toLearn AtMontessorischoolofTokyo,yourchildisthebossoftheireducation.Theyarefreetodecide whattheywanttolearnandhowtheywanttodoit.Theideaistoinstillself-discipline,creativity to help them become problem-solvers and self-respecting, responsibleadults. Classmates are of Different Ages AnotheroutstandingfeatureyouwillnoticeaboutaMontessoriclassroomistheagedifference. Theyhaveatleast3-agegroupscontainedineachclass.Themulti-agesystemhelpschildren build trust and mutually benefit from each other through their learning experiences. The older students are responsible and should act as role models to the younger ones, who should also learn from them. Trained Directees Asstatedabove,theteacher'sroleisnottoteachbuttosupplythechildrenwiththematerials and the right environment to support their learning activities. They are more like guides and are, for that reason, trained to observe instead ofteaching. The Spirit of Compassion amongChildren In a Montessori set up, children are encouraged to be collaborative, kind, and supportive with each other to instill self-discipline, self-awareness, and respect among themselves. To them, boththeemotionalandsocialwell-beingofastudentisequallyasimportantastheiracademic development. Work with aPurpose At Montessori, everything happens for a reason. Children are encouraged to only engage in meaningful tasks that will help them grow to become responsible adults. Examples of such activities include cleaning floors, washing dishes, watering plants, and manymore.

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