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Chapter 34 Quintus Delphos visit: pgs6-11. By: Sylvia Zohrabian. Verb. Dubito, dubitare, dubitavi, dubitatus = to doubt, to hesitate (doubt, doubtable, doubtful) http://www.brazilbrazil.com/bg/bg_doubt.jpg. Verb. Occido, occidere, occidi, occasum = to fall, to die, to set (of sun)
Chapter 34 Quintus Delphos visit: pgs6-11 By: Sylvia Zohrabian
Verb Dubito, dubitare, dubitavi, dubitatus = to doubt, to hesitate (doubt, doubtable, doubtful) http://www.brazilbrazil.com/bg/bg_doubt.jpg
Verb Occido, occidere, occidi, occasum = to fall, to die, to set (of sun) (accident, occident, occide) whatdigitalcamera.com
Verb Despicio, despicere, despexi, despectum = to look down on (despise, despite, despicable) http://www.sandscripts.com/catalog/social/gif/pap_rock_climbing_large.jpg
Verb Prospicio, prospicere, prospexi, prospectum = to look out at (prospect, prospective, prospectus) www.ussconstitution.navy.mil
Verb Scio, scire, scivi, scitum = to know (science, scientist, scientism, scientifically) http://www.physics.uiowa.edu/adventure/spring_2005/einstein/einstein.jpg
Verb Age, agite = come on! (agitate, agitation, agite, agitant) http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/sciencenow/dispatches/images/050804-chop.jpg
Noun Oraculum, -I, n. = oracle (oracle, oracular, oral, oration) http://www.pennswoods.net/~rnorton/crystal%20ball.JPG
Noun Latus, lateris, n. = side (lateral, equilateral, collateral, bilaterally) http://www.intuitivedesigns.net/images/world-globe.jpg
Noun Sacerdos, sacerdotis, m. = priest (sacred, sacrifice, sacrilege, sacerdotal) http://www.halloweencostumesonline.com/Merchant2/images/Priest--XL-17316-R.jpg
Noun Necesse est (+inf.) = it is necessary to (necessary, necessarily, necessitate, necessity) http://www.greif.com/images/secondary-products/water-bottles/H2O_Bottle_fivegal_nohandle.jpg
Adjective Quot? (indecl.) = how many (none) http://sweetthings3.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/.pond/dcp_0245.jpg.w300h400.jpg
Adjective Situs, -a, -um = placed, sited (site, sited, citation) http://www.cyclingnews.com/photos/2004/dec04/bianchiCX/bianchi_cross_women_podium.jpg
Adverb Antea = before (antecedent, antecede, antecibal, antechamber) weight-loss--pills.blogspot.com
Conjunction Antequam = before (antecedent, antecede, antecibal, antechamber) http://www.easternhealingcenter.com/En/images/Weightloss%2001%209.jpg
Conjunction Ne +subjunctive = lest, in order not to (none) http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/67/Stop.svg/500px-Stop.svg.png
Conjunction Ut + subjunctive = in order to, to (none) http://www.vgdotnet.com/external_links/green_arrow.png