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This update provides information on the implementation plan for Florida's standards, including the timeline for full implementation, assessments, and support resources.
Florida’s Standards Implementation Plan • Phase 1 (2011-2012) • Phase 2 (2012-2013) • Full Implementation Grade K • Begin Implementation of Literacy Standards in ALL Content Areas for Grades 6-12 • Begin Implementation of Rich and Complex Text and Informational Text for Grades K-12 • Phase 3 (2013-2014) • Full Implementation Grades K-1 • Full Implementation of Literacy Standards in ALL Content Areas for Grades 6-12 • Continue Implementation of Rich and Complex Text and Informational Text for Grades K-12 • Phase 4 (2014-2015) • Full Implementation Grades K-2 • Implementation of a Blended Curriculum (CCSS and Supplemental NGSSS Aligned to FCAT 2.0 and EOCs) for Grades 3-12 • Continue Implementation of Rich and Complex Text and Informational Text for Grades K-12 • Full Implementation Grades K-12 • Assessments Aligned to CCSS
Standards Update • Only the standards themselves were adopted in 2010. The appendices including text exemplars, sample performance tasks, samples of student writing, and designed high school math courses will not be state adopted. Decisions regarding these documents remain decisions of local school boards • Opportunity for public comment was provided during October 2013. Stakeholders were permitted to comment on a standard-by-standard basis via a website or by e-mail. The 19,000+ comments will be reviewed and considered when finalizing the standards. The goal is to reaffirm that all the standards are strong and adequately reflect what we deem important for students to know in Florida.
Assessment Update • Florida as withdrawn as the fiscal agent for PARCC. • A competitive solicitation will be issued to select Florida’s next state assessment. • An assessment of standards utilized in classrooms will be implemented in the 2014-2015 school year.
Just Read, Florida! Support in the Transition to new standards • Align the District K-12 Reading Plan to reflect implementation of the standards • Continue to provide support to districts: • Resources • Guidance • Professional Development
Senate Bill 1076effective July 1, 2013 Memorandum http://info.fldoe.org/docushare/dsweb/Get/Document-6786/dps-2013-116.pdf K-12 Technical Assistance for FAQs http://info.fldoe.org/docushare/dsweb/Get/Document-6787/dps-2013-116a.pdf
K-5 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS ADOPTION Adoption list posted: http://www.fldoe.org/bii/instruct_mat/pdf/1213aim.pdf Instructional materials aligned to new standards K-5 Adoption Cycle: 2013-2018
6-12 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS ADOPTION UPDATE Instructional Materials Specifications:http://www.fldoe.org/BII/instruct_mat Grades 6-12 Comprehensive Reading Intervention Grades 6-12 English Language Arts State Adoption Process: 2013-2014 Reviews done online by the committees 6-12 Adoption Cycle: 2014-2019 Timeline: October 2013 - Reviewers Identified and ready to begin work Mid-November 2013 – Reviews complete and initial list assembled January 2014 – All district and public review comments have been received Late winter-spring 2014 – Adopted list finalized and approved by the Commissioner
100 Lowest Elementary Schools • DOE will continue to support and monitor the 100 lowest-performing schools. • School districts shall submit a report to the Department of Education in a format prepared by the department that includes summary information, including funding sources, expenditures and student outcomes for each of the participating schools that shall be submitted to the Speaker of the House, President of the Senate, and Governor by September 30, 2013.
100 Lowest Elementary Schools • Legislation regarding the 100 lowest schools is in place for 2013-14 and 2014-15. • Schools were notified and implementation of the additional hour of instruction has begun. • Data pertaining to implementation and results will be collected and analyzed.
Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading – Common Core (FAIR-CC) Assessment Aligned to NEW State Standards
Timeline for FAIR-CC • Field Testing this school year – data collection for AP1 in process; data collection for AP2 will occur in January and February 2014; data collection for AP3 in April and May 2014. • Goal is for the assessment to be in place for the 2014-15school year.
K-5 Literacy Block Aligned to new Florida Standards English Language Arts 120-180 minutes (210) Range of Time: • 120-180 minutes daily English Language Arts: • Includes Reading instruction >90 minutes Reading >90 minutes • Range of identified time determined by student assessment data results • Proportion of time students engage in reading instruction versus integrated, high-skill instruction depends upon student assessment results.
College Readiness Changes Students who score at Level 2-3 on the 10th grade FCAT 2.0 Reading or English Language Arts Assessment, and at Levels 2-4 on the Algebra 1 assessment must acquire a score demonstrating college readiness. The scores adopted in State Board rule last month are as follows:
College Readiness Changes • A student who entered 9th grade in a Florida public school in the 2003-2004 school year, or any year thereafter, and earned a Florida standard high school diploma or a student who is serving as an active duty member of any branch of the United States Armed Services shall not be required to take the common placement test and shall not be required to enroll in developmental education instruction in a Florida College System institution. • However, a student who is not required to take the common placement test and is not required to enroll in developmental education under this paragraph may opt to be assessed and to enroll in developmental education instruction, and the college shall provide such assessment and instruction upon the student’s request. • Florida Statute 1008.30 • Rule 6A-10.0315
College Readiness Changes • A student who takes the common placement test and whose score on the test indicates a need for developmental education must be advised of all the developmental education options offered at the institution and, after advisement, shall be allowed to enroll in the developmental education option of his or her choice. • A student who demonstrates readiness by achieving or exceeding the test scores established by the state board and enrolls in a Florida College System institution within 2 years after achieving such scores shall not be required to retest or complete developmental education when admitted to any Florida College System institution. This applies to all students not referenced in the previous slide. Florida Statute 1008.30 Rule 6A-10.0315
Reading Endorsement – Add-on Program Renewal • Last year most districts submitted a matrix which delineated the course assignments that met the indicators in the 2011 Reading Endorsement. This was separate of the renewal process. • Add-on programs are scheduled for renewal in 2014. In early 2014 you will receive information regarding this process. It will not be cumbersome and will be completed by summer of 2014.
Reading Endorsement – New Courses • New Reading Endorsement courses aligned to the 2011 Reading Endorsement should be ready for dissemination by spring 2014. These courses will provide districts with content they can use to facilitate in-house Reading Endorsement courses.
Reading Endorsement/ESOL Endorsement • Right now if a teacher has one endorsement and wishes to acquire the other, he/she must complete the other in its entirety. • While options have been explored to create a crosswalk, we are currently on hold. • Please contact our office to express your thoughts about this.
Monitoring K-12 Reading Plans • 2012-2013 legislation requires: • The monitoring of K-12 Plan implementation • An implementation report due to the legislature in February. • A report of district expenditures toward their implementation; report will be provided by finance officer. • Districts will be asked to complete a self-reflection submitted to JRF in November-December.
District K-12 Comprehensive Reading Plan Revision • We’ll begin looking at how to revise the K-12 Plan to align with new standards in November. • Please contact our office with any thoughts regarding what changes you might like to see, what you think would particularly need to be included, or what needs to be removed from the plan.
6th Annual - 2014Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida! • January 13-17, 2014 • New theme – Reading Accelerates Success • New partner organization - NASA • The memo regarding the Public Service Announcement contest has been sent out and specifications are the same as last year. Entries must be postmarked by November 30, 2013. • More information about Celebrate Literacy Week can be found at: http://www.justreadflorida.com/literacyweek.asp