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Industrial Noise. Industrial Hygiene IENG 431 Dr. Carter J. Kerk Industrial Engineering Department SD Tech Spring 2009. Assignment. Plog, Chapter 9. Outline – Occupational Noise Exposure. Physics of sound Anatomy of the ear Evaluating hearing ability and hearing loss
Industrial Noise Industrial Hygiene IENG 431 Dr. Carter J. Kerk Industrial Engineering Department SD Tech Spring 2009
Assignment • Plog, Chapter 9
Outline – Occupational Noise Exposure • Physics of sound • Anatomy of the ear • Evaluating hearing ability and hearing loss • Standards for occupational noise exposure • Measuring noise in the occupational setting • Controlling noise
Introduction • High levels of noise cause hearing loss • Hearing loss is mostly irreversible and usually preventable • Noise can also • produce stress • reduce productivity • cause communication problems
Physics of Sound • Noise – unwanted sound • Energy in the form of pressure waves • Waves can be described by frequency (f), speed (c), and wavelength () • c = f • Sound moves at 344 m/sec in air, 6100 m/sec in steel • Some materials will amplify or reflect sound • Frequency (f) is related to pitch • Healthy, young person can detect 20 to 20,000 Hz (cycles/sec) • This declines with age and exposure history
Sound Pressure Level • We can measure sound pressure • Force per unit area • SI units, pascal, Pa (N/m2) • All sound pressures are related to a reference sound pressure of 20 Pa (approximate lower threshold for human hearing at 1000 Hz) • Lp = 20 log10 (P / 20 Pa) • Where Lp is the sound pressure, in decibels (dB) • P is the measured sound pressure, in Pa • The decibel is a dimensionless quantity based on the logarithm of a ratio and gives a more convenient range of values than would Pa
Weighting Scales: A, B, C • Each scale approximates the response of the human ear at different ranges of pressure • Because the human ear does not hear sound as if a machine. The human ear is more sensitive to higher frequencies • Derived from comparison experiments • Example: a noise of 1000 Hz frequency and an SPL of 20 dB sounds as loud as a noise of 25 dB at 500 Hz • A-Scale is most common and referenced by OSHA regs • B-Scale rarely used (medium sound pressure levels) • C-Scale common for evaluating explosions and impact noise
Anatomy of the Ear • Outer ear and ear canal directs and amplifies the sound by 10-15 dB • Sound pressure waves impact on the ear drum and vibrate the three tiny bones in the middle ear • Malleus (hammer) • Incus (anvil) • Stapes (stirrup) • Which vibrates against the oval window leading to the inner ear
Inner Ear • Cochlea (inner ear) • Basilar membrane (lining of the cochlea) • Supports 25,000 specialized hair cells • Which send characterizing nerve impulses to the brain • Three semicircular canals (in orthogonal planes) • Filled with fluid • Provides sense of balance and relative body position • Have you ever felt dizzy? • Eustachian tube • Connects middle ear to throat • Equalizes pressure • Have your ears ever popped?
Hearing Loss • Conductive hearing loss • Interruptions along the pathway reducing hair stimulation • Excessive earwax, otitis media (fluid in middle ear), ruptured eardrum • Sensory hearing loss • Presbycusis (loss due to age) • Noise-induced hearing loss • Sociacusis (loss from everyday life) • Nosacusis (loss from disease, heredity, drugs, sudden and severe pressure changes, traumatic head injuries) • Tinnitus (follows traumatic exposure to loud noise: perceived ringing, roaring, hissing – may be permanent)
Evaluating Hearing Ability and Hearing Loss • Audiograms • A hearing evaluation exam, called audiometry, produces a report called an audiogram • OSHA requires all workers exposed to an 8-hour TWA of at least 85 dBA (Action Level) receive a baseline audiogram and annual follow-up exam • Employee sits in soundproof booth with headphones and control button to produce HTL (Hearing Threshold Level) • Method of Limits at the following test frequencies: 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 6000 Hz, the range most detectable by the human ear • Speech range: 1000 – 4000 Hz
Reasons for Variation in Audiometric Testing • Ear wax buildup • Head cold, congestion • Confusion about response procedure • Incorrect placement of headphones • Hair under headphones • Audiometer malfunction
OSHA Occupational Noise Exposure Standard • 29 CFR 1910.95 (Plog p. 242) • Requirements for maintaining and calibrating audiometric equipment and technician training • Table G-16A of Appendix A (Plog p. 247) • Relates A-weighted sound level to allowed duration • Table A-1 of Appendix A (Plog p. 248-9) • Converts % Noise Exposure (Dose) to “8-hour TWA”
Quantifying Hearing Loss • Watch for changes in the HTL (Hearing Threshold Level) • STS (Standard Threshold Shift) – decrease of 10 db or more at 2000, 3000, or 4000 in either ear • Represents permanent hearing loss • Call for a re-test (after at least 14 hours of relative quiet) • TST (Temporary Threshold Shift) – a shift in HTL that disappears after the person has been in a quiet environment for a few hours
Standard Threshold Shift (STS) • If an STS is identified • Notify the employee in writing • Provide additional training • Provide adequate hearing protection • Workers’ Compensation • Realize that WC laws for identifying and compensating STS will vary across the states
29 CFR 1910.95 (Plog p. 242) • Enacted in 1971 • Hearing Conservation Program is required whenever employee exposures exceed 85 dBA 8-hr TWA • This is half the allowable noise exposure for an 8 hour day or 50% Daily Noise Dose (DND) • Note: 90 dBA for an 8-hr TWA is 100% DND
Hearing Conservation Program Elements • Exposure monitoring • Audiometric testing • Hearing protective devices • Training program • Access to the written standard • Recordkeeping
Hearing Conservation Program Appendices • Appendix A – Methods for computing employee noise exposure • Appendix B – Methods for determining attenuation by hearing protection devices • Appendix C – Performance of audiometric testing equipment • Appendix D – Maximum levels of noise allowable in testing rooms and booths • Appendix E – Calibration requirements for audiometric testing equipment • Appendix F – Age-correction of audiograms • Appendix G – Information on noise monitoring
Measuring Occupational Noise • Sound Level Meters (SLM) • Used for area surveys • Settings for average, peak, impulse, ABC scales • Noise Dosimeters • Used for individual monitoring • Clip microphone near the ear • Wear all day • Calibrate before and after
Adding Decibels • Often there is a need to combine two or more noise sources • Because decibels are logarithms, they cannot be added directly • 80 dB + 85 dB ≠ 165 dB • 80 dB + 85 db = 86.2 dB
Example • Given three machines in a room measured at 80, 85, and 87 dB, respectively • SPLtotal = 10 log (1080/10+1085/10+1087/10) • SPLtotal = 89.6 dB
Estimation Method (see p. 214) • Easier and reasonably accurate
Example • Add 80, 85, and 87 dB using the estimation method • Start with 85 and 87, difference is 2 dB, so select 2 dB from the table • 87 + 2 = 89 dB • Add 89 and 80, difference is 9 dB, so select 1 dB • 89 + 1 = 90 dB (compare to 89.6 dB)
Computing Daily Noise Doseand Calculating 8-hr TWAs • OSHA limits workers to 100% of the daily dose or 90 dBA for 8-hr TWA • D = 100 (C1/T1 + C2/T2 + … + Cn/Tn) • D = daily nose dose, in percent • C = total time of exposure at the measured noise level • T = reference allowed duration for that noise level from Table G-16a of Appendix A of 29 CFR 1910.95 (Plog p. 247)
Example • A worker’s exposure was monitored for 2 hrs at 80 dBA, 2 hr at 85 dBA, and 4 hr at 87 dBA. What is the DND (Daily Noise Dose)? • D = 100 (2/32 + 2/16 + 4/12.1) = 51.8% • The worker received 51.8% of their DND. (This is OK.) • Given a DND = 51.8%, find the 8-hr TWA. • Go to Table A-1 (Plog p. 248-9). Round to 55% (conservative). Yields 85.7 dB TWA. The Hearing Conservation Program is required.
Controlling Noise • Engineering Controls • Administrative Controls • PPE
Engineering Controls • You can make a career out of “engineering controls” for controlling noise • Devices: insulative curtains; coverings for noise-reflective floors, ceilings, walls; vibration isolation devices • Remember sound is a wave and cannot turn around corners – this is the concept of “directivity” • “Reflection” – sound waves can bounce back and add sound pressure at the source • “Resonance” – a material vibrates at the same frequency as the emitted sound – use an “vibration isolator” or rubber mounting
Engineering Controls • Some surfaces “absorb” the sound energy, or do not allow it to reflect effectively • Noise control curtains; fiber-filled cloth office partitions • Proper “preventative maintenance” (PM) on machines parts such as motors, bearings, drive belts, pumps, etc. • Adjustments, lubrication, replacement, vibration isolators • Think “outside the box” for new designs and work with suppliers • One of the best engineering controls is “distance” • The relationship between noise and distance follows the inverse square law • Doubling the distance reduces the noise by ¼ • Tripling the distance reduces the noise by 1/9
Administrative Controls • Used when engineering controls are exhausted or infeasible • Limiting time in exposed areas; worker rotation; limiting the number of workers in exposed areas (limited access)
Hearing Protective Devices (HPD) • After engineering and administrative controls are exhausted and infeasible • All workers exposed at ≥ 85 dBA for 8-hr TWA must be provided HPD at no cost • Employers must ensure workers actually wear the HPD • Employers must provide a variety of HPD
HPD Continued • Employers must train workers to use HPD and how to care for them • HPD attenuation must effectively reduce noise exposure to below the OSHA action level (85 dBA) • Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) • Typically 22 – 30 dB NRR • Numerical attenuation value determined in a laboratory • When using the A-Scale, you must deduct 7 dB from the NRR • When using the C-Scale, no deduction is necessary
Example • Worker is exposed to 98 dBA for 8-hr TWA. Earplugs are available with a 29 NRR and earmuffs are available with a 25 NRR. • Since A-Scale, Earplugs (NRR = 29-7 = 22) and Earmuffs (NRR = 25-7 = 18) • Earplugs: 98 – 22 = 76 dBA • Earmuffs: 98 – 18 = 80 dBA • Both are below the 85 dBA 8-hr TWA Action Limit
Extreme Exposures • For extreme exposures with 8-hr TWA in excess of 100 dBA, it may be necessary to use both earplugs and earmuffs • Their NRRs are not additive • Tests show an additional 3 – 10 dB NRR is achieved with the second device
Supplemental References • Berger EH, Royster LH, Royster JD, Driscoll DP, Layne M. The Noise Manual, 5th Edition, AIHA Press, Fairfax, VA, 2000. • Nims DK, Basics of Industrial Hygiene, John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, 1999.
Assignment • Plog, Chapter 9