Open Data Application Contest • MIC has been conducting demonstration experiments in order to establish technology and data usage rules of open data and the visualization of the benefits of open data. In order to promote the active use of public data in the private sector, MIC will make a public appeal for the development of applications utilizing public data to be released as open data in seven demonstration experiments being conducted in the current fiscal year. ⇒ 92applications were received. • Committee on promotion of the Open Data Promotion Consortium will review candidate applications submitted and grant awards to excellent candidate applications in the Committee’s fourth meeting scheduled for March 13, 2014. MIC and Open Data Promotion Consortium Organizer NTT DATA Corporation, FUJITSU LIMITED, IBM Japan, Ltd., NTT DATA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT CONSULTING, Inc., PASCO CORPORATION, Yokosuka Telecom Research Park, Inc.. Co-organizer IT Strategic Headquarters, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure,Transport and Tourism, Japan Meteorological Agency, Japan Economic Federation, TheOpenStreetMap Foundation Japan,Open Knowledge Foundation Japan, creative commons JAPAN, Code For Japan, Hack For Japan, Conference for utilization of big data open data, Linked Open Data Initiative, Linked Open Data Challenge Japan, Institute of National Colleges of Technology, Study Group on Public Transport Open Data, Yokohama Open Data Solution Development Committee Sponsor Award of Excellence: One winner Award certificate and gift certificate worth 200,000 yen Commendation Highest Award: One winner Award certificate and gift certificate worth 300,000 yen Award of Technology: Two winners Award certificate and gift certificate worth 50,000 yen Demonstration Experiment Award: Seven winners Award certificate and gift certificate worth 50,000 yen each Fine Work Award: One winner Award certificate and gift certificate worth 100,000 yen Open Data Application Contest Application Development facilitated by an Open Contest Demonstration experiment: Public data to be released as open data Early to late January, 2014 Monday, February 3, 2014 Noon of Monday, February 17, 2014 Open Data Promotion Consortium, MIC Publication of developer site and start of data provision Start of entry period Entry deadline Sponsored by Development of applications received as a result of the public appeal Common API Municipal government information Pollen information Schedule Social capital information Statistical information Public transport information Tourist information Disaster prevention information * For details, refer to the contest-dedicated website of the Open Data Promotion Consortium (http://www.opendata.gr.jp/2013contest/).