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Scramble for Africa

Scramble for Africa. Sudan Colony of Britain. British Ruled as two s eparate colonies! Created inequality!. Khartoum, Northern Sudan Developed under British Rule!. Northern most of the urban centers . 22 million Sudanese- Arabic & Muslims . .

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Scramble for Africa

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  1. Scramble for Africa

  2. Sudan Colony of Britain

  3. British Ruled as two separate colonies! Created inequality!

  4. Khartoum, Northern SudanDeveloped under British Rule! • Northern most of the urban centers. • 22 million Sudanese-Arabic & Muslims.

  5. Southern Sudan was neglected & not developed during British Rule!

  6. Juba, Sudan The southern region has a population of around 6 million and a predominantly rural, agricultural economy A majority are non- Arab & Christian.

  7. After Independence…. The Arab Government in the North continued to neglect the South. The People of the South want to secede (break away) which starts a series of Civil Wars. Estimates of 2 Million killed in Civil Wars & 4 million displaced!!

  8. Further complicating the situation…New Leader & Oil in South Sudan General Omar al- Bashir President Bashir

  9. Crisis in Darfur? • Darfur is economically one of the poorest regions in the world! • Khartoum prospers, Darfur does not! The government neglected Darfur just as they had in South Sudan. • 2003- Non- Arab (African farmers) rebels from Darfur, attacked government buildings in Khartoum. (Arab dominated) Darfur is in the western part of Sudan

  10. During ongoing Civil War in Sudan, crisis in Darfur! The same government that responded with great violence to stop the Southern part of the country from succession….. Responded with violence with the people of Darfur attacked North Sudan!

  11. Al- Bashir Government began to attack Darfur as they had in the South. • In response to the, government of Sudan sent a militia to brutally attack the African rebels in Darfur. • Janjaweed (Devils on Horseback) nomadic "Arab" tribes.

  12. World response? Early Stages: The U.S. has declared it to be a genocide United Nations has threatened oil sanctions, but China has been reluctant to approve resolutions.

  13. U.N. Resolutions • Russia has also held up potential resolutions, fearing their own actions against Chechens could come under scrutiny. • 21 U.N. resolutions “calling for action” in Darfur- either vetoed or ignored if passed! • The U.S. has been one of the few governments that have pushed for meaningful action against Sudan.

  14. The referendum on independence for Southern Sudan • The referendum was part of a 2005 peace deal to end two decades of conflict between the north and oil-rich south. • The vote is due in January, 2011 and the outcome is "inevitable" – Southern Sudanese will vote for secession. • Referendum vote is a ticking • time bomb!

  15. Stop Here • Come back to these notes once students have completed Frontline: On Our Watch.

  16. Some hope in Sudan • Some activist groups have helped to put pressure on China, and some economic sanctions have been passed in the U.N. • 2007- resolution to refer case to the International Court of Justice- ICJ • 2005 Sudanese Comprehensive Peace Agreement- between North & South- halt to civil war. United Nations helped to broker this agreement!

  17. ICJ warrant for arrest

  18. Warrant for arrest • 2008- Omar el- Bashir charged with “Crimes against Humanity” warrant for his arrest- his military protects him. • World leaders stay clear of al-Bashir, he is not invited to world conferences, & if leaves country could be arrested.

  19. Tentative peace talks in Darfur • 2009- Peace talks between groups in Darfur and Sudanese government. Qatar coordinated. • Hybrid African Union- United Nations peacekeeping forces in Darfur today. • Most expensive peacekeeping mission- 1.6 billion a year • 2010- 1st multiparty election & al-Bashir won! (rigged election)

  20. U.N. Peacekeeper in Southern Sudan & Darfur

  21. Peace process to Civil War is helping Darfur as well! • The civil war in Sudan has killed 10 times as many people as the genocide in Darfur. (2.2 million) • Comprehensive Peace agreement- in process between North & South- Hope to bring peace! • Much of the violence on both sides have stopped in Darfur. • If permanent peace between North & South, hope that permanent peace in Darfur can be reached.

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