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DO NOW. What problems were Americans facing during the presidency of Jimmy Carter?. Learning Goals. EQ What was the “Reagan Revolution?” LT Examine the presidency of Ronald Reagan. Identify successes and failures of the Reagan presidency. POU

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Presentation Transcript

  1. DO NOW What problems were Americans facing during the presidency of Jimmy Carter?

  2. Learning Goals • EQ • What was the “Reagan Revolution?” • LT • Examine the presidency of Ronald Reagan. • Identify successes and failures of the Reagan presidency. • POU • I can describe the major events and policies of the “Reagan Revolution.”

  3. The Reagan Revolution May 22, 2014

  4. 1980 Election • Jimmy Carter (D) vs. Ronald Reagan (R) • Pollsters predicted a close election, but it was a blowout • Reagan wins by an overwhelmingly majority in the electoral vote (489-49) • In 1984, he wins by an even bigger majority! (525-13)

  5. Attempted Assassination • In 1981, there was an assassination attempt on President Reagan, but it failed. • The would-be-assassin said he was trying to impress a Hollywood actress

  6. Supply-side Economics • Also called “Trickle Down Economics” • Cuts in spending, lower taxes • Idea was that the money would “trickle down” from the rich to all areas of the economy

  7. Foreign Policy • Congress increased military spending and expanded the nation’s nuclear arsenal. • Reagan also pushed a new space-based defense system which was officially named the Strategic Defense Initiative, but was commonly referred to as Star Wars

  8. Soviet Union • Reagan took a hard line against the Soviet Union, calling it an “evil empire” • Tensions eased after Mikhail Gorbachev took over as Soviet leader in 1985.

  9. Middle East • 1983: US Marines were sent to Lebanon, but over 200 killed in a suicide bombing • 1986: US bombed Libya in retaliation for alleged Libyan sponsorship of terrorist attacks.

  10. Central America • US tried to prevent the expansion of Communism into Central America. • Sent support to El Salvador • Invaded Grenada to kick out communists • Provided illegal arms to “Contra” rebels in Nicaragua

  11. Iran-Contra Affair • Congress would not allow Reagan to give support to Contras in Nicaragua • Reagan’s employees sells arms to Iran, then funnel the money to the Contras • Congress finds out, Reagan says he didn’t know about it • After hearings, two men found guilty • These revelations hurt President Reagan’s credibility.

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