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Project CI-FLOW ( C oastal I nland Fl ood O bservation and W arning)

Project CI-FLOW ( C oastal I nland Fl ood O bservation and W arning). The Power of Partnerships…Linking Scientists to Citizens. CI-FLOW Project Goal

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Project CI-FLOW ( C oastal I nland Fl ood O bservation and W arning)

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  1. Project CI-FLOW (Coastal Inland Flood Observation and Warning) The Power of Partnerships…Linking Scientists to Citizens

  2. CI-FLOW Project Goal Sustain a unique inter-disciplinary multi-agency consortium focused on the mitigation of coastal hydrologic hazards in the Tar River Basin of North Carolina by engaging eastern North Carolina citizens intostate, federal, and academic research and outreach programs National Watershed(s) Regional Sub-Basins Neighborhood Streams and Creeks Readiness Response Recovery

  3. Coastal Inland Flooding Observation and Warning (CI-FLOW) Project A Unique Partnership Demonstrating The Value of Research and Outreach Partnerships to Mitigate Coastal Watershed Hydrologic Hazards Info Need Info Need Info Need Sustainable Discussions To Support Assessment Activities Info Need CI-FLOW Demo Products and Information NC Water Quality and Quantity Information Based on User Needs

  4. High-Resolution Multi-Sensor Rainfall Estimation Hydraulic and Hydrologic Ensemble Domain (Water Quality and Quantity) Coupled Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Ensemble Domain Tidal and Storm Surge Ensemble Domain Compare Remotely-Sensed Rainfall Estimates to In-Situ Gauge Measurements Water Quality & Quantity Models Distributed Hydrologic Models Compare Numerical Streamflow Predictions to In-Situ River Gauge Measurements Inland CoastalEstuary Ocean

  5. Outreach, Education, and Customer-Driven Product Improvement Info Need Info Need Info Need Info Need Info Need Info Need

  6. Multi-Sensor QPE Research Collaboration Ingredient-Based Research Approach To Create State-of- the-Science Quantitative Precipitation Estimates Collaborative Research To Identify Algorithms and Sensor Suites Which Produce the Most Accurate QPE Existing NOAA QPE Systems QPE Assessments Operational Feedback NWS RFC Stage IV NWS FY07 H-OSIP NC Cool-Season Case NWS WFO / RFC Gauge Only NWS FY08 AHPS One-NOAA Operational QPE NC Tropical Systems NSSL Q2 NSSL QVS NESDIS SCaMPR NWS Operational Verification OHD MPE/EMPE Citizen Feedback

  7. CI-FLOW Multi-Sensor QPE Research Collaboration Partners NSSL Hydrometeorological Research Group NWS Office of Hydrologic Development NESDIS Center for Satellite Applications and Research NESDIS National Climatic Data Center OU CIMMS/ NOAA Sea Grant NOAA EEO Office (Student Support) NOAA Education Office NOAA Hollings Scholar Program (Student Support) NOAA Education Partnership Program (Student Support)

  8. FY07 QPE Collaboration Cool Season Case Findings Presented at 2007 AMS Annual Meeting http://ams.confex.com/ams/88Annual/techprogram/paper_134451.htm A Comparison of Evolving Multisensor Precipitation Estimation Methods Based On Impacts On Flow Prediction Using A Distributed Hydrologic Model David H. Kitzmiller, F. Ding D. Riley and Y. Zhang, NOAA/NWS/OHD S. Van Cooten, K. Howard, C. Langston, J. Zhang, H. Moser, NOAA NSSL R. J. Kuligowski, NESDIS D. Kim, NESDIS/NCDC SERFC 27 Dec 2004 NMQ Radar 27 Dec 2004 MPE/HPE Radar 27 Dec 2004 QPE products were generated for four cases from December 2004 through January 2005 to evaluate the performance of NSSL Q2 and OHD MPE at 1 km grid resolution. Stage IV mosaic composites used in this study are those created by the National Centers for Environmental Prediction for use by the National Precipitation Verification Unit

  9. FY07 NOAA Hollings Scholar Vertical Profile of Reflectivity (VPR) Research Findings Presented at 2007 AMS Annual Meeting Assessing Vertical Profiles of Reflectivity (VPR's) To Detect Extreme Rainfall: Implications for Flash Flood Monitoring and Prediction Amos Dodson, North Carolina State University S. Van Cooten, K. Howard, J. Zhang, and X. Xu, NOAA NSSL http://ams.confex.com/ams/88Annual/techprogram/paper_135143.htm Non-Tropical Z-REstimating 0.80” (Actual: 1.2”) Tropical Z-REstimating 1.25” (Actual: 1.2”)

  10. Ensemble Approach For Inland Water Quality and Quantity Assembly of Hydrologic and Hydraulic Models To Simulate Streamflows At High Temporal and Spatial Scales Collaborative Research To Identify and Implement Models Capable of Producing Simulations at Multiple Points From the Headwaters to the Coastal Plain of the Tar River CI-FLOW Ensemble Members Assessments Operational Feedback CASC-2D/ T-REX (NSSL / CSU) NWS FY07 H-OSIP NC Cool-Season Case NWS HL-RDHM (OHD / NSSL / OU) NWS FY08 AHPS Demo of Operational Ensemble NC Tropical Systems NCSU Coastal Model NC/SC Sea Grant FY08 Support NWS RFC SAC-SMA RENCI RHYSS Citizen Feedback NWS Operational Verification HEC-RAS (State of NC)

  11. Ensemble Approach For Storm Surge Information Assembly of Ocean Hydrodynamic Models To Simulate Storm Surge At High Temporal and Spatial Scale Collaborative Research To Identify and Implement Models Capable of Producing Storm Surge and Sea Level Heights at Multiple Coastal Points Within the Coastal Plain of the Tar and Neuse Rivers and the Pamlico Sound CI-FLOW Ensemble Members Assessments ADCIRC (NSSL / OU) Operational Feedback IOOS FY08-10 Support NC State Coastal & Ocean Model System (NCSU/NSSL) Demo of Operational Ensemble NOAA Coastal Survey Development Lab NOAA NC/SC SeaGrant FY08 Support NWS SLOSH Citizen Feedback Other Academic (POM, HYCOM)

  12. Demonstrating Capabilities For Flood Forecast Improvements In Coastal Watersheds…The Value of CI-FLOW Partnerships When? How Will It Affect Me? How High? Coupling Ocean Hydrodynamic Model (Storm Surge) and Numerical Weather Prediction Output With Inland Streamflow Simulations At High Temporal and Spatial Scale Data/Information Delivery and Comprehension

  13. CI-FLOW Partners Demonstrate the Value of Sustainable Stakeholder Discussion In Designing Coastal Watershed Monitoring and Mitigation Planning….Link Scientists to Citizens Regional Organizations CI-FLOW Local Partners NationalOrganizations Interactive Development of High Spatial and Temporal Hydrologic Monitoring and Prediction Demonstration Products For the Tar River NC Coastal Watershed… National Research Focused On NC Neighborhoods NOAA in the Carolinas Organization NSSL NOAA Marine Sanctuaries NOAA Regional Team (SECART) National Sea Grant NWS WFOs (5) NESDIS NWS Eastern and Southern Region HQ NC Sea Grant NOAA NWS HQ SC Sea Grant NWS SERFC NC Universities NOAA OAR HQ NOAA Fisheries COSEE RENCI and State of NC NOAA Coastal Services Center Regional Ocean Associations River and Coastal Advocacy Groups Citizen Feedback Operational Feedback

  14. The Coastal Inland Flooding Observation and Warning (CI-FLOW) Project Demonstrating the value of extensible high-resolution monitoring and prediction of water quality and quantity for hydrologic hazard readiness, response, and recovery from the sky…to the summit…to the sea I Understand My NC Hydrologic Hazards

  15. Questions? The CI-FLOW program is establishing a sound science foundation for the development and implementation of a Coastal Estuary River Information System (CERIS): A NOAA South Atlantic Region Team/ Integrated Water Resource Services Priority Area Task Team Collaboration Contact Information: Suzanne Van Cooten, Ph.D., Regional Sea Grant Climate Extension Specialist OU CIMMS, 120 David L. Boren Blvd., Norman, OK 73072 (W 405-325-6320; C 405-659-9621) Suzanne.Van.Cooten@noaa.gov

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