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A Mathematical Theory of Communication

Paper Review. A Mathematical Theory of Communication. By C.E. Shannon. Jin Woo Shin Sang Joon Kim. Contents. Introduction Summary of Paper Discussion. Introduction. This paper opened the information theory.

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A Mathematical Theory of Communication

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  1. Paper Review A Mathematical Theory of Communication By C.E. Shannon Jin Woo Shin Sang Joon Kim

  2. Contents • Introduction • Summary of Paper • Discussion

  3. Introduction • This paper opened the information theory. • Before this paper, people believed the only way to make the err. Prob. smaller is to reduce the data rate. • This paper revealed that there is an achievable positive data rate with negligible errors. C.E. Shannon

  4. Summary of Paper • Preliminary • Discrete Source & Discrete Channel • Discrete Source & Cont. Channel • Cont. Source & Cont. Channel

  5. [Summary of Paper]Preliminary • Entropy • Ergodic source Irreducible, aperiodic property • Capacity

  6. [Summary of Paper]Disc. Source & Disc. Channel • Capacity Theory (Theorem 11 at page 22) -The most important result of this paper If the discrete source entropy H is less than or equal to the channel capacity C then there exists a code that can be transmitted over the channel with arbitrarily small amount of errors. If H>C then there is no method of encoding which gives equivocation less than H-C.

  7. [Summary of Paper]Disc. Source & Cont. Channel • Domain size of input and output channel becomes infinity. • The capacity of a continuous channel is: • Tx rate does not exceed the channel capacity.

  8. [Summary of Paper]Cont. Source & Cont. Channel • Continuous source needs an infinite number of binary digits for exact specification. • Fidelity: the measurement of how much distortion we allow • Rate with fidelity constraint D of Cont. source P(X) is : with • For given fidelity constraint D,

  9. Discussion • Ergodic source • Practical approach • Rate distortion

  10. [Discussion]Ergodic source • Ergodic Source assumption is the essential one in the paper. • Source is ergodic -> AEP holds -> capacity theorem • Finding a source that is not ergodic and holds AEP is a meaningful work. • One example:

  11. [Discussion]Practical approach -1 • This paper provides the upper bound of achievable data rate. • Finding a good encoding scheme is another problem. • Turbo code, LDPC code are most efficient codes. • Block size, rate, BER, decoding complexity are important factors when choosing a code for a specific system.

  12. SNR vs. BER for rate 1/2 codes 0 10 -1 10 Uncoded -2 10 Turbo BER Code -3 10 Conv. Code ML decoding LDPC Bound -4 10 4 dB 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 SNR [Discussion]Practical approach -2 C. Berrou and A. Glavieux, "Near Optimum Error Correcting Coding And Decoding: Turbo-Codes," IEEE Trans. Comms., Vol.44, No.10, Oct 1996. ** This graph and chart are modified from the presentation data of Engling Yeo at Jan 15 2003

  13. [Discussion]Rate distortion • The ‘Fidelity’ concept motives ‘Rate Distortion’ theory. • Rate with D distortion(fidelity) of Discrete source P(x) is defined as:subject to • H(Entropy) is the rate with 0 distortion. • (The Rate Distortion Theory) We can compress a Disc. source P(x) up to ratio when allowing D distortion.

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