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Putting Your Learning Into Practice. Friday, September 20, 2013. Overview of session. Learning outcomes Scenarios Apply concepts from today’s sessions in groups; group discussion Wrap-up/questions. Learning outcomes.
Putting Your Learning Into Practice Friday, September 20, 2013
Overview of session • Learning outcomes • Scenarios • Apply concepts from today’s sessions in groups; group discussion • Wrap-up/questions
Learning outcomes As a result of participating in this session, you will have the skills and knowledge to: • Reflect on and synthesize previous lessons in specific classroom situations. • Introduce the various dynamics of GTA relationships and responsibilities. • Identify additional questions about being a GTA.
Example Scenario: Student Interactions A student approaches you during class, upset, claiming that a recent quiz was unfair and covered material not discussed in class. You reply that all the material on the quiz came from class or the readings, as stated in the syllabus. The student remains frustrated and wants you to adjust the grade and provide a more detailed study guide in the future. • How would you respond to this student/situation? • What are the pros and cons of your response? • How might you turn this situation into a positive student experience?
Group Activity Instructions Divide into 8 groups. Each group will receive a scenario. Read your scenario carefully and decide as a group how you might most effectively respond to it. Choose people for role-play to demonstrate your response. A brief group discussion will follow each scenario.
Scenario #1: Instructor/GTA Relationships • You’ve noticed the workload for the class you TA is more than the specified maximum weekly hours outlined in the Graduate School contract. The instructor does not seem to notice the large workload, and there are no signs of it decreasing throughout the term. What do you do? What are your rights and responsibilities?
Discussion: Instructor and GTA Interactions GTAs are both employees and students—time management and role identification are key. Collaboration: • GTAs and instructors should work together. • Use your GTA peers for support! Develop relationships with faculty for additional mentorship.
Scenario #2: Sexual Harassment A student continually makes what you feel are sexist comments in one of the classes for which you are a GTA. You get the feeling that this makes other students in the class uncomfortable, though no one has directly spoken to you about it. What are some possible responses? What policies or regulations would be helpful to know in this situation?
Discussion: Sexual Harassment • According to the OSU Policy on Sexual Harassment, “The effect of the behavior is what is important, whether or not there was an intent to offend.” • Consider the effect that this behavior is having on your classroom environment. • As a GTA, it is your responsibility to help foster and maintain a safe and accepting environment for all students.
Scenario #3: Disruptive Behavior • A student in your class regularly speaks out of turn, sometimes in an aggressive manner, and distracts other students. You have already taken the student aside once to discuss their behavior, without any results. What is the next appropriate move? What is the extent of your disciplinary control of this situation?
Discussion: Disruptive Behavior • Set clear boundaries at the beginning of the term—be consistent! • Get to the root of the problem—try to figure out why the student is behaving in this way. • You reserve the right to remove a student from your class at any time if needed. • Bottom line: If it’s disrupting your ability to teach or your students’ ability to learn, it needs to stop.
Scenario #4: GTA/Student Relationships Over the course of the term, you have made a connection with a student in one of the courses in which you are a GTA. This student was previously struggling in the class and seems like he could use a bit of extra attention and support. Since you reached out to him, he has been doing much better in the class. One dayafter class, he asks you if you would like to go to a campus event with him and a few of his friends. What, if anything, is problematic about this situation? What are some possible ways you might respond?
Discussion: GTA/Student Relationships • It’s great to be friendly with the students in your classes; however, at the end of the day, you are the GTA, and they are the students. • Establishing boundaries is important: make sure that any behavior or relationship you engage in does not compromise your role as a GTA and the responsibilities that that entails.
Scenario#5: GTA/GTA Interactions • You and a fellow TA are both lab instructors for the same class. You discover that the other TA has been grading in a manner inconsistent with the agreed-upon rubric when a student in your section complains about losing points on an assignment that a fellow student in another section did not. What are one or more appropriate ways to address this situation? What are the student’s rights?
Discussion: GTA/GTA Interactions • Each GTA is solely responsible for their class sections; however, consistency is essential. • Regular communication with other TAs can help to calibrate grading across the sections. • Ultimately, you determine grades in your section.
Scenario #6: Academic Dishonesty A student who has previously struggled with writing in your class turns in a flawless essay. This piece of work is much more advanced and polished than anything he has submitted before. You don’t want to be overly suspicious, but you also feel it’s unlikely that he could have progressed so much in such a short time. What do you need to know about the OSU Academic Dishonesty Policy in order to respond effectively? How might you respond to this situation?
Discussion: Academic Dishonesty • It can often be helpful to have a discussion with the student about how they completed the assignment. • If you are teaching in a class with a primary professor, discuss the situation with them. • If you suspect plagiarism, be sure to collect evidence to support your position. This includes discussions with the student, assignments, etc. • If you assign a grade that is affected by suspicion of plagiarism, you must file a report.
Scenario #7: Diverse Student Populations An ELL student in your class does not speak English very well. You suspect she does not understand quite a bit of what you say in class, and her assignments reinforce this suspicion. When you talk to her, she claims she understands everything you say in class. You know she comes from a culture in which speaking up is frowned upon. What are some potential ways of addressing this situation?What are some possible resources that may help this student?
Discussion: Diverse Student Populations • Create teaching materials that are clear and accessible—it can be helpful to post them on Blackboard. • Remember to speak slowly enough for all students to process what you are saying. • Point students toward helpful campus resources, such as the Academic Success Center and the Writing Center.
Scenario #8: CAPS Three weeks into your class, one of your students submits a topic proposal requesting to write about Internet depression for her essay. She writes that she thinks she has it and wants to learn more about it. This student has consistently seemed withdrawn, sullen, and unhappy in your class thus far. What are some possible responses to this situation? What campus resources might be helpful in this scenario?
Discussion: CAPS • Students often feel more comfortable talking to GTAs or going to them for help. • If you feel that a student is trying to get your attention or say something important, don’t ignore that awareness. • If you think a student might benefit from CAPS, you can refer them or get advice yourself by calling CAPS.
Veteran GTAs as Resources • Get to know other graduate students in your department. • Find GTAs with experience in teaching your course. • Don’t be afraid to reach out to other students, faculty, or staff within your department if you have questions.
Take-Home Message • Being a GTA can be a very rewarding experience. • Although it is a job, it is also an opportunity to improve teaching skills and develop new knowledge and skills. • Use university resources and other graduate students for support, including the Center for Teaching and Learning, to ensure your success as a GTA. • Be the educator that you would have wanted: knowledgeable, engaged, and fair. • Relax and have fun!
What are YOUR take-home messages? • How has your impression of being a GTA at OSU changed given the information you’ve learned during this conference? • What do you feel are the most important attributes of a successful GTA? Why? • What goals do you have for yourself as a GTA? What do you hope to accomplish? • Other questions or pieces of advice?