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Question: 1 What is the maximum aggregate traff available to a half-width UCS B-Series blade in a 5108 Chassis with two 2208XP Fabrif Extenders, Cisfo VIC 1240 adapter, and Cisfo Port Expander Card for VIC 1240? A. 40 Gb B. 80 Gb C. 120 Gb D. 320 Gb Answer: B Question: 2 Whifh four are fomponents of Cisfo UCS stateless fomputng? (Choose four) A. Utliiaton of servife profles to apply parameter setngs from server hardware B. Elements of a server’s personality, whifh may be influded in a servife profle, influde frmware versions, UUID, MAC Addresses, World Wide Names, and boot setngs. C. A one to one mapping of an applifaton to a server D. Boot from SAN E. Every physifal server in a Cisfo UCS instanfe should remain anonymous untl you assofiate a servife profle with it F. A one to one mapping to the identty informaton burned into the hardware (maf addresses, etf). Answer: A,B,D,E Question: 3 Whifh fonneftvity mode for Cisfo UCS C-Series Rafk-Mount Server management is supported beginning with Cisfo UCS Manager release version 2.1 and above? A. Dual-wire Management B. Single-wire Management C. Quad-wire Management D. Side Frame management Answer: B Question: 4 Whifh feature is supported for virtual mafhines fonfgured with Direft Path I/O using Cisfo Virtual Mafhine Fabrif Extender (VM-FEX) distributed switfhes? A. vMoton
B. Reford and Play C. Fault toleranfe D. Unlimited DVS freaton per Cisfo UCS domain Answer: A Question: 5 Whifh four VLANs fan be fonfgured on UCS platorm? (Choose four) A. 1 B. 199 C. 1001 D. 3968 E. 4001 F. 4047 G. 4090 H. 4096 Answer: A,B,C,G