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Explore best practices for public transport, cycling and walking, car-related services, and mobility information in residential areas. Analyze examples of housing-related ticketing and on-demand services, as well as parking facilities for bikes and bicycle paths. Discover additional activities for promoting cycling and walking.
IV. BEST PRACTISE ANALYSIS CONTENTS • Public transport in residential areas • Cycling and walking in residential areas • Car-related services and measures in residential areas • Mobility information, organisation and co-ordination • Car free, car reduced and ecological housing
IV. BEST PRACTISE ANALYSIS • Public transport in residential areas – focal points: 1.1 Housing related ticketing A housing company as ‘major customer’ gets an allowance by taking a certain fixed and high amount of tickets from the transport company and is in this way able to offer cheap public transport tickets to its tenants 1.2 On-demand services, quarter busses In cooperation with local public transport companies, coverage of residential areas by public transport, frequency of public transport and quality of public transport stops and their surrounding could be improved for single settlements. Especially in residential areas with a low density of population, services like on-demand transport or quarter busses could help to improve accessibility by public transport.
IV. BEST PRACTISE ANALYSIS 1.1 Housing related ticketing – examples ADD HOME database(example no. in Code of Practise) • Ticket for tenants for residents of the housing companies BGW and FreieScholleeG, Bielefeld, Germany (028 PDF - tenant tickets in Bielefeld) • Housing related mobility services for the housing company VBW in Bochum, Germany (029 PDF - Housing realted mobility services) • “Living in Weiherfeld” at Langenhagen (Hannover area), Germany (041 PDF - Living in Weiherfeld at Langenhagen, Hannover) • Mobility services for car-free housing in Kassel-Unterneustadt, Germany (042 PDF - Mobility services for car-free-housing in Kassel)
IV. BEST PRACTISE ANALYSIS 1.2 On-demand services, quarter busses - examples ADD HOME database(example no. in Code of Practise) • MOBIMAX – demand responsive service, Achterhoek, The Netherlands (001 PDF - MOBIMAX, Achterhoek) • Aurelio, a new demand responsive bus service for the residential area “BoscodelleNinfe” in Savona, Italy(051 PDF - demand responsive bus service in Savona) • “Prontobus” a new flexible bus service for the suburban residential quarters in the city of Sarzana, Italy (052 PDF - prontobus- a new flexible bus service)
IV. BEST PRACTISE ANALYSIS • Cyclingandwalking in residentialareas – focalpoints: 2.1 Parking facilities for bikes 2.2 Bicycle paths 2.3 Additional activities e. g. repair services or repair equipment 2.4 Walking infrastructure and other services
IV. BEST PRACTISE ANALYSIS 2.1 Parking facilities for bikes • comfortable placement and accommodation also over night means parking facilities/garagesclose to the entrance, theft-proof and protected against bad weather • bicycle holders for short-term parking in front of the house entrances simplify the everyday life use • in new buildings bicycle cellars can be opened also over bicycle ramps and electronic door openers. • in old building areas: parking garages on public space are thinkable under certain conditions
IV. BEST PRACTISE ANALYSIS 2.1 Parking facilities for bikes – examples ADD HOME database (example no. in Code of Practise) • Secured bicycle parking spaces in the Bike City Vienna, Austria (017 PDF - Vienna Bike City, Austria) • Modern bike-parking facilities in the car-free model housing project in Florisdorf, Vienna, Austria (018 PDF - car-free housing Vienna Florisdorf) • Lockable bicycle garage in the car-reduced area Mill Matt, Baar, Switzerland (025 PDF - car reduced mobility in Baar, CH)
IV. BEST PRACTISE ANALYSIS 2.2 Bicycle paths • the local bicycle path network has to be connected to residential areas • it has to provide safe, convenient and direct connections to important points in the city in combination with • safe, maybe guarded parking facilities at the place of destination. • providing cycle infrastructure belongs to the origin tasks of the municipality
IV. BEST PRACTISE ANALYSIS 2.2 Bicycle paths and network – examples ADD HOME database(example no. in Code of Practise) • Cycle-friendly neighbourhoods through access management in Bremen, Germany (003 PDF - bicycle friendly neighbourhoods in Bremen) • Improvement of the bicycle network and extension of guarded bicycle parking facilities in the context of permanent measures for sustainable transport - Groningen, The Netherlands (023 PDF - Permanent measuresforsustainabletransport - Groningen, Netherlands) • The hierarchical structure of the new cycling plan, Delft, The Netherlands (024 The hierarchical structure of the new cycling plan, Delft - Netherlands)
IV. BEST PRACTISE ANALYSIS 2.3 Additional activities, e. g. repair services or repair equipment • do support the use of bikes for short and medium distances • has to be placed in availability for the residents • cooperation of housing companies and welfare organisations could help to come to advantageous solutions with respect to the financing of the measure
IV. BEST PRACTISE ANALYSIS 2.3 Additional activities, e. g. repair services or repair equipment – examples ADD HOME database • Bicycle services for tenants of the GSW mbh in Gießen, Germany (037 PDF -Mobility services for tenants of the GSW mbHGießen, Germany) • Rentable bike transport aids for residents of the car-free quarter “Stellwerk60” in Cologne, Germany (035 PDF - Mobility Services for the residential area Stellwerk 60, Koeln) • Rental facilities in the Bike City, Vienna, Austria (017 PDF - Vienna Bike City, Austria)
IV. BEST PRACTISE ANALYSIS 2.4 Walking: walking infrastructure and other services • Improvements for pedestrians should mainly consider infrastructural changes like the creation of safe and convenient pedestrian areas as well as independent walking paths connecting the settlement with important destinations. In terms of financing, walking infrastructure has the same status as cycling infrastructure transport assistance like e.g. Handcart systems (can also be used as advertising media) supports convenient transport of daily goods by feet
IV. BEST PRACTISE ANALYSIS 2.4 Walking infrastructure and other services – examples ADD HOME database (example no. in Code of Practise) • Safe access for pedestrians to peripherical neighbourhoods in Burgos, Spain (012 PDF - Safe access for pedestrians, Burgos, Spain) • Large pedestrian routes for residents of “Saint Jean des Jardins” quarter, ChalonsurSaône, France (055 PDF - Saint Jean des Jardin quarter) • Reorganising walking infrastructure in the context of the “Urban Recovery Integrated Program” for “Tor Sapienza Quarter”, Rome (059 PDF - Sapienza quartercontract, Rome)
IV. BEST PRACTISE ANALYSIS • Car-related services 3.1 Housing related car-sharing services 3.2 Traffic calming
IV. BEST PRACTISE ANALYSIS 3.1 Housing related car-sharing service • Provision of car-sharing services can help to avoid the need for car purchase • Using a car without owning it instead and hence just paying the costs for the period of use expands the scope for an environmentally friendly design of individual mobility and enables free choice. • Cooperation between housing and car-sharing companies can help to get in close touch with potential customers and to make the service attractive for special residential areas, especially in case of special conditions for tenants as open or exclusive offers
IV. BEST PRACTISE ANALYSIS 3.1 Housing related car-sharing services – examples ADD HOME database(example no. in Code of Practise) • Tenant related car-sharing service in Berlin, Germany (026) • Tenant related car-sharing service in Hamburg - City Wichernhof, Germany (040 PDF - tenant related car-sharing service in Hamburg) • Car-sharing for tenants of the GAG Immobilien GmbH in Cologne, Germany (034 PDF - CarSharing for tenants in Cologne) • Car-sharing service for residents of the Lincoln Quarter, Munster, Germany (046 PDF - Car-sharing service for residents of the Lincoln Quarter Munster) • Car-sharing service for tenants of the housing company BGW. Bielefeld, Germany (new)
IV. BEST PRACTISE ANALYSIS 3.2 Traffic calming • Appropriate measure to increase life quality and safety in existing residential areas with transit traffic, ensuring that equal priority is given to pedestrians, cyclists and motor vehicles • In new residential areas appropriate measure to reduce speed and transit traffic right from the beginning • Participation of residents are more promising regarding the acceptance of limitation for motorised traffic
IV. BEST PRACTISE ANALYSIS 3.2 Traffic calming in residential areas – examples ADD HOME database (example no. in Code of Practise) • Residential Traffic Management (Home Zone) in Bristol, United Kingdom (004 PDF - Home Zones in Bristol) • Creating reduced traffic areas in Freiburg, Germany (006 PDF - Reduced traffic areas in Freiburg) • Magrè Bio - ecological village, Schio – Vicenza, Italy (061 PDF - MagrèBio - ecologicalvillage, Schio - Vicenza)
IV. BEST PRACTISE ANALYSIS • Mobility information, organisation and co-ordination 4.1 Common information, individualised marketing, start information/packages 4.2 Organisation and co-ordination of new services
IV. BEST PRACTISE ANALYSIS 4.1 Common information, individualised marketing, start information/packages • Profound information and knowledge are an important precondition for every choice of transportation means. Capable mediums for common customer information are e. g. journals for customers and tenants, web presences, posters at central points • The providing of individualised information (known as individualised marketing) helps to consider mobility of residents in line with individual needs • special information for new tenants/residents could be provided via starting information or starter packages – reaching people at an early stage at the new site.
IV. BEST PRACTISE ANALYSIS 4.1 Common information, individualised marketing, start information/packages – examples ADD HOME database(example no. in Code of Practise) • Public Transport Information for Tenants of CVAG in Chemnitz, Germany (033 PDF - PT informationfortenants in Chemnitz, DE) • Personal Travel Planning, Preston, United Kingdom (009 PDF - personal travelplanning Preston) • Personal Transport Choice Marketing in Odense, Denmark (007 PDF - transport choice marketing Odense) • Property professionals, KEOLIS Besançon, Besançon, France (002 PDF - property professionals and mobility) • Housing related mobility services for the VBW in Bochum, Germany (029 PDF - Housing realted mobility services) • “Living in Weiherfeld” at Langenhagen (Hannover area), Germany (041 PDF - Living in Weiherfeld at Langenhagen, Hannover)
IV. BEST PRACTISE ANALYSIS 4.2 Organisation and co-ordination of new services • Comprehensive supply of new services (like rental bikes, car-sharing, car-pooling, individual information etc.) - including organisation and co-ordination - is an important pre-condition for free choice • Ideally: services should be provided by a single source and be placed close to the customers in so-called ‘Mobility Agencies’. • To guarantee sufficient demand, those agencies should be placed in areas of high population density. The known examples are elements of big housing developments, targeting comprehensive improvements in sustainable housing / living.
IV. BEST PRACTISE ANALYSIS 4.2 Organisation and co-ordination of new services – examples ADD HOME database(example no. in Code of Practise) • MobiliteitswinkelYpenburg, Den Haag, The Netherlands (011 PDF - Mobility CentreYpenburg) • Mobility agency for “Ballastière sustainable quarter” in Limeil-Brévannes, France (053 PDF - Ballastieèresustainablequarter)
IV. BEST PRACTISE ANALYSIS • Mobility issues in the context of car-free or car-reduced and ecological housing 5.1 Infrastructural interventions and services in car-free, car-reduced and optical car-free residential areas (new developments) 5.2 Mobility issues in the context of ecological housing (urban regeneration and new developments)
IV. BEST PRACTISE ANALYSIS 5.1 Infrastructural interventions and services in car-free, car-reduced and optical car-free residential areas (new developments) idea of car-free living is the most perfect match of housing and mobility in terms of sustainability it usually means a reduction of costs for the investor and in the following for the residents by reducing the number of necessary parking spaces to a minimum (car-free in Germany e. g. = max. 0.2 parking place per accommodation unit) most important attributes: integrated and well accessible site of high density and a low number of parking spaces. Status of car-free can be legally supported by additional judicial arrangements between residents and housing companies in many cases additional services like car-sharing, special tickets for residents or delivery services are implemented besides a convenient infrastructure.
IV. BEST PRACTISE ANALYSIS 5.1 Infrastructural interventions and services in new car-free, car-reduced and optical car-free residential areas - examples ADD HOME database(example no. in Code of Practise) • Car-free urban planning for more than 960 accommodation units - the Kabelwerk project, Vienna, Austria (019 PDF - Kabelwerk car free urban planning in Vienna) • Car-free housing project Sargfabrik, Vienna, Austria (020 PDF - Housing project Sargfabrik in Vienna) • Car-free living in Bremen - Grünenstraße, Germany (032 PDF - Car free living in Bremen, Gruenestrasse) • Mobility services for residents of the car-free quarter “Stellwerk60” in Cologne, Germany (035 PDF - Mobility Services for the residential area Stellwerk 60, Koeln) • Car-free housing in Edinburgh - Slateford Green, United Kingdom (036 PDF - Car-free housing in Edinburgh - Slateford Green, United Kingdom) • Car-free living in Hamburg – Saarlandstraße, Germany (039 ) • Car-free living in Garden City Weißenburg, Münster, Germany (045 PDF - Car-free living in Garden City Weißenburg, Münster, Germany)
IV. BEST PRACTISE ANALYSIS 5.2 Mobility issues in the context of ecological housing (urban regeneration and new developments) Mobility is just one aspect in a comprehensive approach fostering a sustainable way of living and a high quality of life for future residents (besides bio-climatic aspects, energy saving, rainwater management and green systems) Usually the reduction of private car use is one of the main goals, but activities are limited to traffic calming and a well organised infrastructure for slow traffic (separation of motorised and non-motorised traffic; priority for slow traffic, high accessibility by slow traffic etc.) Car-ownership is not limited. Areas are just optically car-free and cars are parked at the edge of the quarter. Nevertheless, negative effects of motorised traffic in the neighbourhood can clearly be reduced.
IV. BEST PRACTISE ANALYSIS 5.2 Mobility issues in the context of ecological housing (urban regeneration and new developments) - examples ADD HOME databaseI(example no. in Code of Practise) • Cognento project: a sustainable residential quarter in Modena, Italy (049 PDF - sustainableresidential quartier in Modena) • San Rocco sustainable residential quarter, Faenza, Italy (050 PDF - San Rocco sustainableresidentialquarter) • Parco Ottavi project, Reggio Emilia, Italy (054 PDF - Parco Ottavi project, Reggio Emilia, Italy) • Public building quarter requalification in Pietrasana, Vigevano-Pavia, Italy (056 PDF - requalificationofPietrasanaquarter) • Andromède quarter in Blagnac and Beauzelle, France (057 PDF - Andromède quarter in Blagnac) • BIOPEP Detailed Plan of Public and Private Initiative “Nonantola”, Modena – Italy (058 PDF - bio-sustainable criteria for the neighbourhood BIOPEP) • Sanpolino sustainable residential quarter, Brescia, Italy (060 PDF - Sanpolinosustainableresidentialquarter, Brescia)
5.2 Mobility issues in the context of ecological housing (urban regeneration and new developments) - examples ADD HOME database II (example no. in Code of Practise) • Malizia Ecologic residential quarter, Siena, Italy (062 PDF - Malizia Ecologicresidentialquarter, Siena) • Villa Fastiggi sustainable quarter, Pesaro, Italy (063 PDF - Villa Fastiggisustainablequarter, Pesaro)