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Agen Bioterorisme. Pendahuluan 4 oktober 2001,Depkes dan CDC Florida kasus pertama “inhalational anthrax”di US dalam lebih 25 th. Spora Bacillus anthrax dikirim melalui pos. Insiden 22 kasus,5 meninggal.
Agen Bioterorisme Pendahuluan 4 oktober 2001,Depkes dan CDC Florida kasus pertama “inhalational anthrax”di US dalam lebih 25 th. Spora Bacillus anthrax dikirim melalui pos. Insiden 22 kasus,5 meninggal
Walaupun jumlah kasus sedikit,ketakutan dan kegelisahan akan suatu aksi dari “bioterrorist” • Relatif sedikit patogen yg dapat dijadikan senjata biologi • Akibat kasus jarang ditemukan, terlambat dalam diagnosis dan pengobatan tidak tersedia
Oleh sebab itu sangatlah penting kemampuan untuk mengenal dan diagnosis infeksi secepat mungkin untuk kasus “out break” yg disebabkan bioterrorism. • CDC(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) telah menyusun daftar agen infeksius yg dipakai sebagai bioterrorism
CDC mengkatagorikan agen tersebut berdasarkan: - Kemudahan menjadikan senjata biologis - Dissemination - Risk posed to national security - Lethality
Klasifikasi agen Bioterorisme dan Penyakit • Katagori A High-priority agentsa risk to national security: - easily disseminated/transmitted - High mortalitymayor public health impact - Cause public panic - Spesial action for public health
Anthrax Botulism Plague Smallpox Viral hemorrhagic fever(Ebola,..
Katagori B - moderately easy to disseminate - moderate morbidity - enhanced disease surveillance Food poisoning (Staphylococcus, Food safety threats(Salmonella,E.coli 0157:H17,Shigella) Water safety threats(Vibrio chloera, Encephalitis(virus)
Katagori C emerging pathogens - Availability - ease of production and dissemination - potential high morbidity and mortality
The student will know: • How are acquires the diease of concern under normal circumstances • The key symptoms • The incubation period • What to do next when confronted with a bioterrorism-related disease • What to do in times of un certainty&questionable diagnosis
The key to dealing with a bioterrorism event • To remain knowledgeableepidemiologic and clinical aspects of threat agent • To keep a high index of suspicionwhen seeing patients who persent with unusual symptoms • Medical managementnotify the local health authorities
Local level clinicians and lab-workers play a role in this process • Knowledgeinfection control issues use barrier precautions biosafety techniques when evaluating case and handling the specimens
CDC - rapid response teams:expert - field operation - epidemiology - microbiology Laboratory Response Network (LRN) for bioterrorism
“Response to Bioterrorism:Agents of Bioterrorism.” http://www.bt.cdc.gov/training/btresponse/btagentsscript99.asp#5