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Leadership Training. Jill Gostin R3 Chair, Leadership Development and Regional Support. April 1, 2016. Leadership Training. Getting to know you…. How many of you are: In a brand new position as of 2016? Have other officers in your Chapter that are in a brand new position?
Leadership Training Jill Gostin R3 Chair, Leadership Development and Regional Support April 1, 2016
Getting to know you… • How many of you are: • In a brand new position as of 2016? • Have other officers in your Chapter that are in a brand new position? • Have a good understanding of what you will need to do throughout the year? • Will get guidance/info from your predecessor? • Are you in a Large Section (1501+), Medium Section (501-1500), Small Section (1-500)? • Are all of your Officer and Volunteer positions filled?
Agenda • Volunteer Integration Process (VIP) Project • Paul Goodson, VIP Project Lead and R3 Regional Support Chair • Where Does My Section Fit In? • Where Do I Fit In? • What Do I Do Now? • Panel Discussion • Mark Torres, Eric Grigorian, Paul Goodson, Jill Gostin
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IEEE Membership By Region31 December, 2014 R7 –17,896 R10 – 112,536 R1 to 6 –198,950 R8 –78,206 R9 – 18,900 TOTAL MEMBERSHIP – 426,488
Area 1 - Virginia Area 2 – North Carolina (Council) Area 3 – Georgia Area 4 – Florida (Council) Area 5 – Tennessee (Council) Area 6 – Alabama, Mississippi Area 7 – South Carolina (Council) Area 8 – Kentucky, Indiana (portion) Area 9 – Jamaica
Sections – The Basic Operating Organizational Units of IEEE (1 of 2) Subject to the IEEE Constitution, Bylaws, & Policy Manual, MGA Operations Manual & Region Bylaws. Provide a point for individual member contact and engagement Provide a community of colleagues Where engagement opportunities exist locally
Sections – The Basic Operating Organizational Units of IEEE (2 of 2) • Members build a network through local Section, Chapter, Affinity Group, & Student Branch activities • Volunteer leaders develop new skills • Gain management, teamwork and leadership experience. • Provide local professional and technical activities. • Recognize achievements of members and others.
What do we need to do? Organize the Leadership Team Engage members Plan Compelling Programs Communicate! Plan Professional Activities Take on Special Projects Recognitions Meet IEEE requirements
What do I need to do? CHAIR (1 of 2) Organize the Leadership Team (Chair, V Chair, Sect, Treasurer, MD Chair, PACE Chair, Awards Chair, N&A Chair, etc.) Define the focus area(s) for the year? Make sure everyone understands their job Make and keep a calendar (start from VIP) Form a program planning task force with both long-time and new members (Chapters may plan most of the technical meetings) Prepare for and run meetings
What do I need to do? CHAIR (2 of 2) Empower your team – do they need help? Use the Dashboard, SAMIEEE, vtools, netSuite, etc. Represent the Section at Region Committee meetings. Review Section finances; serve as a signer on the CB account Oversee any Chapters / Affinity Groups in your Section Interact with and support Student Branches
What do I need to do? Vice Chair Serve as “second in command”, filling in for the Chair as needed Take on a second task – either a support role or a leading role Think strategically if you plan to run for Chair, and begin working towards those strategic goals Support the Chair in whatever tasks are needed
What do I need to do? Treasurer (1 of 2) Work with previous treasurer to learn how the Section finances operate Get access to the Concentration Banking Account Keep NetSuite current; attend netSuite/treasurer training Assist in preparing the annual budget Communicate with and assist chapter treasurers, if needed Meet IEEE deadlines
What do I need to do? Treasurer (2 of 2) Report on financial status at Section meetings; review checkbook with Chair at least twice a year Present guidelines for reimbursement submissions and requests for funding; review/pay reimbursements Work with Awards Chair to get MGA approval of all scholarships, grants, and awards Review the investment statement monthly, if applicable Act as a mentor to your successor
What do I need to do? Secretary (1 of 2) Review Robert’s Rules of Order Take role and minutes at meetings; post or share via email after approved Request and maintain Proxies Supervise the records keeping for the Section Create and submit annual report to IEEE Learn vtools for meeting announcements, enotices, officer updates
What do I need to do? Secretary (2 of 2) Announce and report all meetings using vtools Assist chapters with using vtools Plan meeting location/food or work with arrangements chair to do so Send out (monthly) enotice about upcoming meeting(s) Work with webmaster to ensure website is current Use Social Media
What do I need to do? MD Chair • Attend monthly IEEE MD telecon • Identify key focus area(s) for MD • Sr Membership • First Year members • Retention • Etc. • Create an MD team, if needed • Report MD projects/plans to the ExCom • Acknowledge membership milestones (new member, Sr Member, Life member)
What do I need to do? Awards Chair (1 of 2) Review R3 Awards Manual and other IEEE awards Plan Section awards to align with R3 and other IEEE awards (service, leadership, technical achievement, education, etc.) Send out Call for Nominations Ensure nominees meet awards criteria Work with Awards Committee to review and select winners
What do I need to do? Awards Chair (2 of 2) Plan awards program; purchase awards certificates/plaques Make recognitions special and ensure consistency Push nominations forward for other awards Maintain records of award nominees and winners
What do I need to do? N&A Chair Build a committee Create the election calendar, meeting MGA and Section requirements Learn how to use vtools voting (or other voting tool) Send out call for nominations, with election schedule Actively request people to run! Set up voting website; send out notice to all voting members Send results email to all candidates; announce winners
What do I need to do? Professional Activities Chair • Build a committee • Plan meetings addressing non-technical career needs • Communications, Leadership, Management Skills • Career Management, & Employment Transitions • Consulting • Professional Licensing • Intellectual Property • Public Policy • Advertise and run the meetings • Identify alternative funding options – work with R3
What do I need to do? Program Planning Task Force (1 of 2) • Brainstorm list of 15-20 very specific topics/speakers for meeting programs • Presentation of Local Engineering Project. • Presentation on Emerging Trends in Technology or Policy (e.g. smart grid, cloud computing, wearable technology, driverless vehicles, professional licensing and certification, immigration). • Presentation of Current Research & Development Activity. • Guided Technical Tour of Local Plant or Facility. • Student project presentations. • Presentation on Non-Technical Skills Needed by Engineering and Technical Professionals (e.g. interviewing, LinkedIn, project management, presentations)
What do I need to do? Program Planning Task Force (2 of 2) Prioritize list of specific topics/speakers Identify who can/will secure the top six topics/speakers, working well in advance of proposed meeting dates Publish calendar of upcoming meetings as they are known – on website, and via monthly newsletter Work with Secretary to get meeting announcement into vtools Consider sharing speakers with other nearby Sections!
What do I need to do? Area Chair (1 of 2) • Serve as a member of the R3 Committee, the R3 ExCom, and the R3 Awards and Recognitions Committee • Represent the Area at IEEE gatherings and R3 meetings; vote on Region issues on the basis of the best interest of IEEE and your Area • Actively participate in the Region 3 Awards and Recognitions Committee by reviewing Awards guidelines and participating in selecting award winners each year
What do I need to do? Area Chair (2 of 2) • Assist Sections by • Ensuring that Section Officers understand their role within the Region • Verifying that each Section and its subunits are conducting activities on a regular basis and reporting all meetings via vtools • Verifying that a Section Nominating Committee is established in accordance with MGA Guidelines • Informing Region leadership if a Section seems to be floundering; assist as needed • Coordinating Area meetings or telecons to share best practices among Section leadership; if funding is available, travel to Section meetings
Brief Demos • Go to sites.ieee.org/vtools/ • IEEE Section Vitality Dashboard • vToolseNotice, vTools Meetings, vTools Meetings Reporting (L31), vTools Officer Reporting, vTools Surveys, vTools Voting • Doodle • Google for Ous • IEEE Collabratec • IEEE Web Hosting • Web Conferencing
Resources (1 of 2) • IEEE MGA Operations Manual (especially section 9.4) http://www.ieee.org/societies_communities/geo_activities/operations_manual/ • IEEE Volunteer Position Training Online https://ieee-elearning.org/CLE/ • IEEE USA Web Site http://ieeeusa.org/ • IEEE Region 3 Web Site http://ewh.ieee.org/reg/3/
Resources (2 of 2) R3 Leadership Training and Regional Support Chair: Jill Gostin, jgostin@ieee.org VIP Project: Paul Goodson, paul@thegoodsongroup.net Your Predecessor!
Panel Questions What is your name and what positions have you served at the Section level? What was the biggest challenge you faced in one of your positions? What is one piece of advice you wish you had heard before you started one of your positions? (“lesson learned”) Of the tools that are available today to Section leadership, which do you think is the most useful and why? Did you have a mentor for Section leadership, and have you served as a mentor? How important is a mentor? Open Questions from audience