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Definitions of Rhetorical Concepts in the Late Latin Poetry

Definitions of Rhetorical Concepts in the Late Latin Poetry. Ilze Rūmniece Department of Classical Philology and Anthropological Studies Faculty of Humanities, University of Latvia. Colloquium Balticum Lund 2012. POETAE LATINI MINORES recensuit et emendavit Aemilius Baerens

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Definitions of Rhetorical Concepts in the Late Latin Poetry

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  1. Definitions of Rhetorical Concepts in the Late Latin Poetry Ilze Rūmniece Department of Classical Philology and Anthropological Studies Faculty of Humanities, University of Latvia Colloquium Balticum Lund 2012

  2. POETAE LATINI MINORES recensuit et emendavit Aemilius Baerens Lispiae MDCCCLXXX Incerti carmen de figuris vel schematibus

  3. ΑΙΤΙΟΛΟΓΙΑ Redditiocausaeporroest, cum, curita, dico. „Audi, etsidurumest; namuerumquodgraueprimo Consiliumacciderit, fitiocundumutilitate” 25-27

  4. ΠΑΡΕΝΘΕΣΙΣ Interiectio, cumquaedammedioordinefamur. „Hucutuenimus, interea – nam tempus eratuer – InsacrumFloraeetCererinemusimusad aras” 118-120

  5. ΕΠΑΝΑΛΗΨΙΣ Illaresumptiofit, quaedamcumdictaresumo. „Cognitusestnobis, iamcognitusestbenenobis.” „Tu ueresapiens, uere tuimmoipsaMinerva” 67-69

  6. ΖΕΥΓΜΑ Nexumest, siuariasresunonectimusuerbo. „Oebalonense, Lyconferithasta, Pedasonarcu” Nammedium „ferit”etfini pote principioque. 166-168

  7. Multiiugum dico, articulis quod pluribus iungo (52) • Abiunctum contra est, si singlis singula necto. (55)

  8. ΑΝΤΙΘΕΤΟΝ Oppositumdico, contracumopponimusquaedam. „Doctortute, egodiscipulus; tu scriba, egocensor; Histrio tu, spectatorego; adqueegosibilo, tu exis.” 22-24

  9. Collibitum est nobis, in lexi schemata quae sunt, Trino ad te, Messi, perscribere singula versu Et prosam metro pariter religare priorum. 1-3


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